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TINGO: An Experimental CYOA


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
May 10, 2014
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Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

"Trust is something that has to be earned. She has done nothing to show that she can be trusted. Quite the opposite, in fact. So being a little cautious with her is perfectly justified and reasonable."


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

"All are overthinking this, Tatui is the one than will decide what will happen to Wumpus and the spellcaster will have problems if the blood demon awake before Paris. So tie wumpus and let both girls recover themselves and their relationship is the best"


Demon Girl
Feb 6, 2016
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Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

"Oh my, to think the spirits would get too caught up with each other rather than with the problem right in front of them, all right, Tatui, is it? I would recommend taking Wumpus with you, not for sex or anything of the sort, but for security, cause, if she's with you, you know she can't really plot anything related to trailing you later, whether you tie her up is not important to me, but I feel it is safest to have her along, if only to have a peaceful mind, and maybe you can teach her to be a respectable person in public, while we're at it."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

"Bah, you're all crazy. There's no reason to tie the poor thing up, and sure she might have done little to earn trust, but remember that Paris did shove her away and reject her in front of loads of people, so we didn't give her a chance to earn any trust. Can you really blame her for acting this way, after the way she's been treated? I can't, and I'd likely have done much the same as Wumpus did. Besides, do we even have any rope to tie her up?"


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

"Reason to tie her:"

"Adventurers usually have rope and she could use her magic too if they dont have any. I dont blame Wumpus for what happened before, but for what she have in mind now, the first thing than she will try after awake it will be jump over Paris, she is a demon kind she act for impulse, we must in first place put the safety of Paris and her ally then think on Wumpus"


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
May 10, 2014
Reputation score
Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

"Yes, exactly what I have been trying to say this entire time!"
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

Paris: HP 100 SP 100 RP 100
Class: Mage Knight Lv.5 [Strength: A(5) - Speed: D(2) - Wisdom: B(3) - Sexuality: E(1) - Willpower: B(4)]
Exp: 0

Tatui: HP 80 SP 140 RP 80
Class: Noble Witch Lv.5 [Strength: E(2) - Speed: D(2) - Wisdom: A(5) - Sexuality: C(3) - Willpower: B(4)]
Exp: 6

Smite: Costs 20 SP. The spirits from the earring materialize and blast the enemy with magic, dealing damage equal to Paris' Willpower-d6.

Ignite: Costs 60 SP. The spirits set the enemy on fire. Every round during combat, the enemy takes Wisdom-d6 damage, whether or not Paris wins the roll.

Heal: Costs Half SP. The spirits grant mercy onto Paris and restore her well being. Once between events, Paris may use up half her current SP to restore her HP for that amount.

Main Status
Physical State: Healthy, but bruised
Mental State: Sane.
Sexual State: Virgin. Not interested in sex.

Secondary Status
Penetration(Pussy, Ass, Mouth): 0,0,0
Licked(Pussy): 0
Licked(Breasts): 0
Touched(Self): 0
Touched(Others): 0
Cum (Pussy, Anus, Mouth, Outside): 0,0,0,0
Mliked: 0
Pregnancies: 0
Offspring: None

BIO: Paris was raised by adventurers. When she came of age, she accidentally took one of the artifacts her parents found and wore it. It was a cursed earring that caused her to be under the effects of mind control by little spirits known as the entities of chaos. Under their command, she went to the Academy. After but one semester, Paris was overwhelmingly popular. Love notes came from all over, some more suspicious than most. In the end, the spirits controlled her into accepting two notes at the same time, much to her dismay. One note belonging to a beautiful noble mage. The other belonged to a Yaziri, whose gender was unquestionably futanari. When she met with Wumpus, the Yaziri, Wumpus used her natural race's ability to seduce Paris with pheromones. Paris overcame Wumpus and rejected her. Meanwhile, she accepted the note from the noble, becoming her partner while trying to put the shame at the academy behind her.

Soon after leaving, she came across Wumpus again, who attacked Paris out of anger after revealing that the student body didn't take kindly to her Tazari nature. Tatui saved Paris from Wumpus' anger, and captured Wumpus. The spirits seemed interested in Wumpus as well as critical. So, Paris was forced by the earring to take Wumpus under her wing. Much to the dismay of all three parties.

(Bio updated)
(Tatui got 16xp for defeating Wumpus! She gains +1 Strength)

Tatui wasn't sure what she was doing. It'd be wise to eliminate the dangerous demon, but she felt compelled to spare it, and even capture it. She wasn't sure if it was pity or something else. She tied the Yazari up so she'd cause no more trouble for now, and set up camp nearby, as she wasn't strong enough to drag Paris around all the way to town.

When Paris awoke from the slug she received, she groaned. "Ugh... Wumpus hit me like a truck. Did you save me, Tatui?" Paris inquired.

Tatui nodded, stoking the fire. "I did. She almost got me too, but I defeated her." she said with a smile.

Meanwhile, a charred Wumpus was awake too, but only sat in grumbling silence. Paris, knowing why Wumpus was here, decided to confer with her curse rather than helplessly try to attack it. 'Well, you did this, now what? What's your end goal with her?' she inquired. Though it seemed it was having an argument with itself. Inside, Paris felt relieved that they fought with each other more than not. Better than her being victim to the worst of their whims.

Wumpus has been captured, but she doesn't look happy. Paris cannot possibly just take her around everywhere like a prisoner. What shall she do? Defeated, everything will be an auto success against Wumpus
A) Tell Wumpus to leave and never bother her again.
B) Tell Wumpus to join the party, but Paris refuses to mate with her.
C) B, but Paris agrees to mate with her.
D) B, but Paris makes Tatui mate with her.
E) Everybody fucks Wumpus.

Since many votes are similar to each other, it'll hold weight towards other votes if your vote doesn't win. So, if two people want to leave wumpus, but four all want Wumpus to join the party but with different votes B, C, D, and E, then that doesn't mean Wumpus will be made to leave. It'll just mean I'll have to try and mishmash the votes into a chaotic mess.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

"Alright, first things first, kid. Apologize. And don't get all angry about it. She was heartbroken and turned into a pariah, and though she was in the wrong and came on to you a little too strong I don't think she knew any better. Take some of the blame for the suffering she's had to go through, and that should ease some of her anger. After that bring her along. She's got a hell of a punch, and I'd rather have that working for you instead of against you. After that.. Well, the others have their own thoughts on how to actually treat her, but I will say it's probably better to use the carrot then the stick."

(C - Take Wumpus and agree to mate with her, but only as a reward for good behavior)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

"Well, time to talk to her Paris. Now, be nice, it always pays to be nice, regardless what she did. What the one before me said, she's in pain, and we have the chance to help her out. She'll be a powerful ally I'm sure. And she'll be a good way to relieve stress too, for both you and Tatui."

Edit: Since someone else actually said E, I am too, though not quite in the way Diaga's saying for me. :p
Last edited:
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

(It's okay, vote for you want. Your vote will leak into similar votes when applicable.)


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
May 10, 2014
Reputation score
Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

Tell her exactly what she did wrong (using her pheromones right away, not asking for Paris' consent, blaming it all on Paris and attcking Paris) and why it was wrong, give her some advice on what to do (and what not to do) in similar situations in the future, and send her away, telling her not to bother them again until she has learned how to treat other girls.

So my vote is similar to A, but less permanent, as they might encounter Wumpus again later.


RP Moderator
Dec 22, 2008
Reputation score
Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

"Kroot kroot. All others make lots of noise and don't state what they want in blunt blunt manners. Krooot. Kroot kroot. Want blood and fun. Virginity being broken means blood but not the fun I want. Kroot. Bah kroot! Enough with pity party! Kroot kroot! Blood and fun! Fuck her brains out until her cock is bloodied and red!"

E - Gimme gimme some virginity breaking.


Demon Girl Master
Jul 11, 2011
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Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

"Well, more help is always good... Buuuut, a deal could be worked out. If Wumpus does well enough to earn it, mating can happen possibly? I dunno, might work out."

C, same idea as Termite. Mating if Wumpus does well, or just earns it in general.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

"Yes mostly that, apologize and promise future sex if she is nice, but also show in what she was wrong"



Demon Girl
Feb 6, 2016
Reputation score
Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

"I don't see why everyone can't have some kind of fun with each other, however, I would recommend that you two teach Wumpus some real manners, and public decency, would be best for you guys."

E, But also telling the two to make sure Wumpus acts at least semi-decent in public before she gets anything.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

Paris: HP 100 SP 100 RP 100
Class: Mage Knight Lv.5 [Strength: A(5) - Speed: D(2) - Wisdom: B(3) - Sexuality: E(1) - Willpower: B(4)]
Exp: 0

Tatui: HP 80 SP 140 RP 80
Class: Noble Witch Lv.5 [Strength: E(2) - Speed: D(2) - Wisdom: A(5) - Sexuality: C(3) - Willpower: B(4)]
Exp: 6

Smite: Costs 20 SP. The spirits from the earring materialize and blast the enemy with magic, dealing damage equal to Paris' Willpower-d6.

Ignite: Costs 60 SP. The spirits set the enemy on fire. Every round during combat, the enemy takes Wisdom-d6 damage, whether or not Paris wins the roll.

Heal: Costs Half SP. The spirits grant mercy onto Paris and restore her well being. Once between events, Paris may use up half her current SP to restore her HP for that amount.

Main Status
Physical State: Healthy, but bruised
Mental State: Sane.
Sexual State: Virgin. Not interested in sex.

Secondary Status
Penetration(Pussy, Ass, Mouth): 0,0,0
Licked(Pussy): 0
Licked(Breasts): 0
Touched(Self): 0
Touched(Others): 0
Cum (Pussy, Anus, Mouth, Outside): 0,0,0,0
Mliked: 0
Pregnancies: 0
Offspring: None

BIO: Paris was raised by adventurers. When she came of age, she accidentally took one of the artifacts her parents found and wore it. It was a cursed earring that caused her to be under the effects of mind control by little spirits known as the entities of chaos. Under their command, she went to the Academy. After but one semester, Paris was overwhelmingly popular. Love notes came from all over, some more suspicious than most. In the end, the spirits controlled her into accepting two notes at the same time, much to her dismay. One note belonging to a beautiful noble mage. The other belonged to a Yaziri, whose gender was unquestionably futanari. When she met with Wumpus, the Yaziri, Wumpus used her natural race's ability to seduce Paris with pheromones. Paris overcame Wumpus and rejected her. Meanwhile, she accepted the note from the noble, becoming her partner while trying to put the shame at the academy behind her.

Soon after leaving, she came across Wumpus again, who attacked Paris out of anger after revealing that the student body didn't take kindly to her Tazari nature. Tatui saved Paris from Wumpus' anger, and captured Wumpus. The spirits seemed interested in Wumpus as well as critical. So, Paris was forced by the earring to take Wumpus under her wing. Much to the dismay of all three parties. In the end, the earring spread its influence. Causing Wumpus to join Paris as a servant to the chaos spirits.

Paris felt herself hit with a sudden rush of sympathy and arousal. She was struck with the spirits decision when she felt her nethers become moistened. She was worried about this outcome, but it seems it came to fruition. Only issue was, it seemed the spirits were in conflict about involving Tatui. Soon, Tatui gave out a start, looking to her neck, while Wumpus did the same, both confused at how their necks became wrapped in odd green emerald collars. "What's happening!?" Tatui exclaimed. "Wumpus is feeling strange!" Wumpus cried out.

Wumpus was quickly taken over, as the spirits felt their link extend to Wumpus. They felt her fear at the situation quickly turn to arousal at their wishes. Meanwhile... The conflict amongst themselves allowed Tatui to resist.

Resisting Paris' earring mind control
Tatui Roll(4d6)+0:

Paris Roll(4d6)+0:

But she failed to take advantage of their squabbling as she was taken using Paris' own willpower, a collar on her as well. The spirits felt in control of all three girls, to a limited extent. Though Paris was the one they controlled best. With that, under mind control, Paris approached Wumpus, and pet her head. "Wumpus. I want you to leave behind those bad memories at the academy. You belong to them now, just as I do. I want you to come with me, and obey them. If you do, I will let you do as you like to me, and to Tatui." she promised, while Tatui was looking hazy, offering token resistance while the desires of the spirits left her only gazing at Wumpus' horse cock.

"I-I don't get it, but I'm too horny to be angry anymore!" Wumpus declared. "I'll be good! I-I surrender to the voices in my head! Please give me mercy of release!" she pleaded. Then, ashamed, with a deep blush, Paris lowered herself down and began to stroke Wumpus' massive prick in one hand, teasing it as she could barely wrap her fingers around its girth.

'I don't even know the first thing about sex and yet I'm moving like I know where all her sensitive spots are...' Paris mumbles internally, before gasping as she found herself leaning up to lick the tip, gathering the first glob of pre-cum onto her tongue. 'It's sour! What am I doing!?' Paris exclaimed, before going stiff when she swallowed the cum. Even though she continued, she was shocked at what she was doing.

Wumpus is submitting and obedient. Looks like she'll stay that way. How shall Paris reward her?
A) Oral
B) Vaginal
C) Anal
D) Tit job

Then, how shall Tatui reward her?
A) Oral
B) Vaginal
C) Anal
D) Tit job


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

"Poor Wumpus, that dick must hurt a lot. Why dont you lick and suck it happily until you enjoy the taste of her seed? And Tatui can use her breasts as Wumpus lick her pussy"

Tatui: D


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
Reputation score
Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

"Well, uh... That happened a lot faster than I thought it would. Ah, screw it, just go with the flow. Wumpus, you did good, so just relax, I guess. You two, mouths are fine for now. Just explore a bit, get used to what you've got."

(A for both)


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
May 10, 2014
Reputation score
Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

(What the- 1 vote A, 3 votes C and 3 votes E, and that somehow turns into E? Ah, whatver! Have fun, guys!)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: TINGO: An Experimental CYOA

"Shh shh, it's alright ladies. Since you're all to be traveling with each other, you should get to know each other better for now. Tatui, Wumpus, there's no need to be too frightened. And wouldn't it be better to lose your virginity's to someone that you now know, and not to someone, or something, that wouldn't take your pleasure and how you feel into consideration? Come now, drop your panties girls and play around, have some fun, cut loose."

(B for both)