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What do you like in those ?


Hey Yosh! Maybe you and pantysniffer can form a support group?

Call it: People Butthurt because of Super_Slicer or PBS_S

Have tea and cakes and don't allow crying at all cus MANLY
*towards the common ear fetishists*

Ha ha! I am no commoner, so I shall continue unafraid fair Rena *caresses and stretches such silky silly ears in ecstasy* :3

When did this thread turn into Futas are gay and Renamon honour btw...
The Manly cakes are manliest!
*hisses and bats at Byzantine feebly* NU TOUCHIE DE HOWY EAWWIES! >3<;

Also, I don't know who started the homophobic accusations, but I think the Renamon honor thing is my fault :p
I'm not sure, but if we had adequate moderator supervision this clusterfuck would've been locked down long before it spiraled this far out of control.

Which means it's the wild fuckin west in here motherfuckers! Post anything you want! Nobody's looking!
Let Professor Taiki take a look at your issue, my son.
It's fine, just lay down, do tell what a friend of yours is interested in. So you say he is obsessed with penises, is that true?
Hey now mister! Yosh isn't obsessed with penises! Even though he said this:
it's not like whenever he sees one all he can think about is sucking it and taking it up the ass even when there's a perfectly good vagina next to it!
I see, I see. So you... I mean, that friend of yours, all he can think about is sucking a phallic object, yes, yes? Preferably a male penis and having sex intercourse with it using his anus even though he could have straight intercourse.
Yes, yes, that friend of yours does sound like he is pretty homosexual.
Well you're kind of correct
Of course I am, my son.

Okay, bored of this shit, but this is pretty much what we have here. Unfortunately for our poor slicer here, working of a mind decided to let out his hidden desires with projecting it on someone else. It's fine, as it's common thing that happens and I'm glad I helped our friend here to share his inner thoughts he isn't aware of. Now, let me pound through rest of it and I don't mean in sexual way.

no vagina = gay is a pretty good argument, however futanari HAVE vaginas see:
This is not fappable. Why the fuck would you ruin a good female by adding a dick to it? What's the fucking point? Only time anyone would like to have both organs is when someone is bi.
Whate you've probably seen are "futa" which are not futanari as I explained earlier.
I don't give a fuck about terms your dick loving community comes up with to avoid what they are. You are not even getting "E" for effort.
So unless you're 'Dick Obsessed' (pointedly doesn't look in someone's direction, wouldn't want them throwing a bigger tantrum now, would we?) futanari porn probably falls a little more into a gray area of sexuality.
See? You are doing it again. We know you are having a tantrum, it's pretty obvious from a way you changed the style of your posts. Typical woman when she can't handle things, lol.
Something I carelessly said made him feel small and insecure, and it seems like the more I try to make it better, the more I hurt him!
And this is the irony, since you can't handle shit like a man, you have to project all the time.
Almost everyone else quickly understood I was baiting insecure wimps to get a reaction from them. They just waved their hand and were correct to not engage. Only our poor little slicer got offended, because it bothers the living shit out you. All you did so far in this thread, was talking about dicks that are connected to a futanari, when those still do have tits and cunts. You literally proved my initial statement all by yourself. Good fucking job, typical woman - emotions above logical thinking.

And best part of it? No one ever said anything about it being wrong in any way, that's what you did yourself, but you proved quite often that you aren't very bright person. Especially with yours "I only pretended to be retarded, ha!" xD
kek xD

@super_slicer @pantysniffer489
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Oh gee, a thinly veiled accusation, who couldn't see that coming. If you're wondering why I'm actually addressing this it happens to be against the rules to have multiple accounts so if you've got any proof I HIGHLY suggest you either share with the class or site staff.

But unfortunately for you my "dick obsessed" ( :ROFLMAO: ) stalker, there is none. So please do continue to wail and thrash about in your puddle of tears and prostate induced ejaculate. Next you'll accuse me of having an Admin account and editing your posts to make you look like a closeted twink fronting so hard it's obvious they're trying to convince themselves more than others or maybe that I used a mind control device to make you have all those homosexual impulses, perhaps some black magic rituals even!
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Oh gee, a thinly veiled accusation, who couldn't see that coming. If you're wondering why I'm actually addressing this it happens to be against the rules to have multiple accounts so if you've got any proof I HIGHLY suggest you either share with the class or site staff.

But unfortunately for you my "dick obsessed" ( :ROFLMAO: ) stalker, there is none. So please do continue to wail and thrash about in your puddle of tears and prostate induced ejaculate. Next you'll accuse me of having an Admin account and editing your posts to make you look like a closeted twink fronting so hard it's obvious they're trying to convince themselves more than others or maybe that I used a mind control device to make you have all those homosexual impulses, perhaps some black magic rituals even!
Someone explain his "multiple accounts" rambling, because I don't speak retarded. Either some post got removed, or little slicer is loosing his shit, again.
Professor Bob has entered the classroom, so everyone shut the Hell up. @Yoshiiki and @super_slicer, that includes you two!

So, men have an XX chromosome, while women have an XY chromosome. You have to assume that by association, having at least multiples of a single chromsome paired alongside each other is biologically homosexual. Therefore, two male chromosomes (XX/XX) and two female chromosomes (XY/XY) in close proximity in a sense that can be considered sexual is considered homosexual in nature. But, you must consider the following:

1) Men carry a double strand of the "X" chromosome.
2) Women carry a single strand of the "X" chromosome.

If you were to consider this: sleeping with a woman is functionally half-gay. You are still interacting in a sexual manner with what carries half an "X" chromosome, ergo you are sexing what is biologically half a man. So, what about futanari's, whom possess both features? One could argue that they are a mutated half-gender of both; so, you'll get a mutated strain of the XX/XY chromosome pairings, something along the lines of a triple XXY chromosome. Consider something for a moment.

1) Heterosexual relationships are half-gay
2) Homosexual relationships are full-gay

So, if a woman has both a penis and a vagina, it's feasible to assume that you are getting a 1/3 gayness on the "gaydar." How does one come to this conclusion? Simply, the existence of an additional "X" chromosome splits the pre-existing "XY" chromosome into two halves, and then shoves itself deep inside that chromosome for maximum effectiveness. However, rather than permit the body time to adjust during incubation, it pounds itself into place and asserts itself before objections can be stated. When this happens, the chromosomes are forcibly split, and attempt to adjust the body to the new, unexpected chromosome. Unfortunately, in their rush to tell all the other chromosomes this, they get confused and the message stops being "we're weird, ignore us" and instead becomes "look at us! Be like us~! It feels so good~!"

So, with the invasive "X" chromosome telling the "XY" chromosomes to add a dick and not to skip the vagina and tits, it's asserting that the best of both worlds can be achieved. It's removing the gay while adding some gay. You get half an "X" chromosome, half a "Y" chromosome, and a full "X" chromosome; ergo, one-third gay.

Being attracted to futanari's is actually less gay than being exclusively attracted to the opposite sex by reasoning of biology. To oppose this logic is to be in denial about one's own sexuality, and to reject the common sense of the masses. You attain the best of both worlds with futanari, whereas with regular, heterosexual content, you are still embracing half of your own gender. Either way you look at it, futanari is the least-gay choice.
blah blah blah
*smacks Bob* Damn interns.
Your whole argument falls apart by your own words.
"Being attracted to futanari's is actually less gay than being exclusively attracted to the opposite sex by reasoning of biology."
Less gay is still gay. Good you did that so I didn't had to. Life is simple, you are attracted to dicks: that's gay. Only dick you can like that doesn't make you gay is your own dick.
Also, guys, come on. We all know how it goes, a liar caught tends to make more lies instead of telling/accepting the truth. We have seen it far and wide for hundreds of years. The analogy is very correct. Futa fans tend to make more and more bullshit along the way to justify their crap. And it still doesn't work.
I said it many times, best of both worlds doesn't exists, because on futa only one part is best - female body. All male parts are the worst. Unless... someone likes dicks, then sure - for them it will be best of two worlds. (Also, why that argument works against whole thing).
Then again, you guys are acting like being gay is wrong... what are you, homophobic or something? Because it sounds exactly like you are. Seriously, no one gives two fucks if you are gay, bi, lesbian or whatever the fuck, it's the bullshit and lack of honesty that's annoying and only part of this whole thing that gets really pointed out.
Fucking homophobic, insecure teenage girls.
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Bob is right.

By democratic vote, you have lost. Accept it and move on.
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Bob is right.

By democratic vote, you have lost. Accept it and move on.
Another dumb argument. But if you want to go with it, sure:
Majority of world is straight, most people will tell your futas are gay because dick. By your own logic, world is telling you: you are not straight :D
There is literally no argument against it. I am saying that 2+2=4, you guys are saying otherwise and while there were tons of calculations to prove that equation wrong, all of them had one thing in common: There was always an error somehere.
Keep trying though. I was, I am and I will be correct on this case :D
There is nothing you can do about it and it annoys you as fuck, but only because you are not honest with yourself.
homophobic, insecure teenage girls.
The rest of the world isn't in this thread, if they want their vote tallied the must do so here.
The rest of the world isn't in this thread, if they want their vote tallied the must do so here.
I have already told you: not a sharpest blade in the drawer. Again, not even an inch of the forum said anything in this topic...
Wait... unless... Are you trying to say it's only because this is your safe space? Though, it's only that because no one cares about some dudes that can't accept reality and they don't bother. Literally no one cares and I am only laughing at you, that must feel horrible. Kek.
Oh boy, I think I have a quote of myself for that:
homophobic, insecure teenage girls.
I have already told you:

This is as far as I typically read your posts so...

Poll's are closing soon, better hope "the rest of the world" is just running a little late.
This is as far as I typically read your posts so...

Poll's are closing soon, better hope "the rest of the world" is just running a little late.
I know, I don't expect you to have attention span to read more than few words, maybe a whole sentence from time to time. That's why you get slapped around like a bitch :D
So... What polls? I don't see any polls. Is that another delusion you made up and now it doesn't make sense? Or did you took your diary, colored pencils, made a poll but everyone just patted you sadly on the head and moved along?
homophobic, insecure teenage girls.
Polls close in 5 minutes.

I don't think anybody's coming to support you.
Polls close in 5 minutes.

I don't think anybody's coming to support you.
There are no polls, only your delusions and bullshit you tell yourself before sleeping to not cry. Still doesn't change the fact that you like a dick.
Support, heh, sorry (but not really) to break this to you, but I don't need "support" to laugh at you. :D
There are no polls,

There are polls. And they just closed. How else would we decide who's right?

And... 2 votes for Bob being correct, 1 vote for yosh, there ya have it.
There are polls. And they just closed. How else would we decide who's right?

And... 2 votes for Bob being correct, 1 vote for yosh, there ya have it.
Are... Are you genuinely retarded? I thought you may just be a generic, dumb, american fag, but in that case, I may ease off a little. Would feel bad for picking on special people...
But no worries, I think I know what you are on about. So in your little, broken brain, it's: A post is a vote, so Bob and you voted for Bob (also, assumptions that Bob wasn't fucking around :p) and I voted for myself. First of all, that's fucking dumb, second of all:
homophobic, insecure teenage girls.