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Countdown from 1,000,000

959 579
959 571

Now how are my ears involved in the counting process, exactly? :unsure:

...NO, wait, I take that question back!

*distraction video activated!*

Also finished DS2 main game yesterday for the second time. :3
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959 568

WoTC is totally worth it. (But the game gets a few more bugs and you should not play in Ironman mode)

Still ineffective, can't unsee the huge in the middle.
*pokes ears with insulated gloves*
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959 567

I already played WoTC before, and it was pretty cool. I didn't play it until the end though, I remember defeating the assassin-boss in a mission. I stopped playing after that.

Oh, need more effective videos? Filthy Frank, save me from this Villager!

*pokes Villager's armpit with fingernail*
959 564

*seizes shovel and resumes poking*
former knight :cry: WHO DID IT?????

edit: distracting video
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959 563

*violently grabs shovel*
IT IS THE LAST THING I HAVE OF HIM! Don't you dare take it away from me!!

*activates lasers in shovel*
*threatens to slap again*