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[Complete - Full] RJ165659 - Naedoko Demon's Ground v1.1

How to get through knights checkpoint? Got key to warehouse, done bunny show, disguised girl telling something about hidden entrance
How to get through knights checkpoint? Got key to warehouse, done bunny show, disguised girl telling something about hidden entrance
If it is what I think it is your talking about well try and "force your way through, and get defeated in the fight that happens for it, and the rest should come pretty naturally I think
Playing Naedoko Demon's Ground and suck on the mid layer of the tower don't know where to go or what to do Please help I want to complete the game. Can't get to the tower and don't I miss a path or something important that I don't know Anyone can help plz
If your issue is getting past the tentacles to the right when entering the middle layer, the key is in the witch who is in the hot springs building. Sadly I don't quite remember the exact details and order of events there though, and was probably the one in the whole game that took me the longest to figure out, if I remember right
hey guys, im stuck at the canning factory, i only found lever a, after rescuing hannon and cant go through the broken bridge, ive been stuck for a while and cant seem to find anything and im running out of ideas
how do i beat the slime boss in the giant drool since the captured girls aren't weak to tentacles?
Just focus ALL damage on the middle non-girl part
only problem is i have no skills that do exorcism damage and i know its weak to fire but would probably help to have another damage type. unless smite does exorcism damage, then the problem is hit chance since it seems to miss alot.
only problem is i have no skills that do exorcism damage and i know its weak to fire but would probably help to have another damage type. unless smite does exorcism damage, then the problem is hit chance since it seems to miss alot.
Don't really remember the specifics of what was good or bad against it, or what monsters I was using at the time, so I geuss if you currents ones can do enoguh against the non-girl part I geuss you ahve to get some others ones that can deal with it, even if you have to grind a bit to get their lvl's up to be able to be usefull
Don't really remember the specifics of what was good or bad against it, or what monsters I was using at the time, so I geuss if you currents ones can do enoguh against the non-girl part I geuss you ahve to get some others ones that can deal with it, even if you have to grind a bit to get their lvl's up to be able to be usefull
btw something smart i do when it comes to deep worlding monsters. i always save before doing it so if it isn't an outfit or another monster i can load my game to before doing it.
btw something smart i do when it comes to deep worlding monsters. i always save before doing it so if it isn't an outfit or another monster i can load my game to before doing it.
Yeah I did the same every time too (can be hard to keep track also of which one you done, or hadnt done, so even manged a few times I think to deep world the same costume :p

As always, tell me if it doesn't work or if it gets taken down.
Excuse me, onii-chan. Neither your links nor the link in the OP are working. Are you still able to upload the translation file?
Just focus ALL damage on the middle non-girl part
only problem is i have no skills that do exorcism damage and i know its weak to fire but would probably help to have another damage type. unless smite does exorcism damage, then the problem is hit chance since it seems to miss alot.
Don't know if you actually beat it yet by now, but now that is embarrassing, playing through the game again myself now and just beat that slime boss now, and you actually have to get rid of the girls first to stop the insane healing, Jupirirs sandrun skill is effective against the girls(not sure what attack type that skill is, so dunno if there are other skills on other monsters that can be used too) a handfull of rounds and it should get rid of the girls and after that you can kill the slime boss itself, as you said fire good for that, but really not critical anymore since there will be no healing. Also make sure not to have eliza knocked down, since it can heal for about 1k by raping her as well, it doesn't seem to be knocking her down herself though, just keep that in mind to make sure to use eliza relief, if you do want some ehmm.. rapebuffs(?).
(and yeah I geuss that means jupiri is needed for this fight, actually been playing without using jupiri and pukis so far, as tbh both of them are a bit too good compared to everything else, but had to get jupiriri onboard for this fight)
Don't know if you actually beat it yet by now, but now that is embarrassing, playing through the game again myself now and just beat that slime boss now, and you actually have to get rid of the girls first to stop the insane healing, Jupirirs sandrun skill is effective against the girls(not sure what attack type that skill is, so dunno if there are other skills on other monsters that can be used too) a handfull of rounds and it should get rid of the girls and after that you can kill the slime boss itself, as you said fire good for that, but really not critical anymore since there will be no healing. Also make sure not to have eliza knocked down, since it can heal for about 1k by raping her as well, it doesn't seem to be knocking her down herself though, just keep that in mind to make sure to use eliza relief, if you do want some ehmm.. rapebuffs(?).
(and yeah I geuss that means jupiri is needed for this fight, actually been playing without using jupiri and pukis so far, as tbh both of them are a bit too good compared to everything else, but had to get jupiriri onboard for this fight)
i have but now there are some things i still can't do,like even though i have the pink vibe from deep worlding a monster, i can't deep world mimi or get to the top of the ladder in the artificial sun, unless i have to make the vibrator. In that case i dunno where the second vibration stone is.
i have but now there are some things i still can't do,like even though i have the pink vibe from deep worlding a monster, i can't deep world mimi or get to the top of the ladder in the artificial sun
Pink vibe is only part of what you need for mimi deep Worlding, you all need 2 types of vibrating stones
One is from:
The lower part of the forest in the start of the game
The other is from:
Deep Worlding Magenta
Which you get by going into the NW house in Fairy Village, while having 0 MP on Pukis

once you have those 3 items talk to the engineer in the back of the house mentioned before to combine them into the actual items needed to Deep World Mimi
To get to the top of the ladder in the artificial sun, you need to have beaten all the extra bosses related to Sieg (Witch-looking girl). By which I mean the ones she provokes beforehand in the cutscenes. There is one is Asura's Domain, the final normal game dungeon, but the easiest one to overlook is the Eve Trooper, which is in that annoying area with the blue spirits that teleport you to other locations (the second part, after you do the miniquest in the water cavern to reduce the number of spirits, but before you enter the tower itself). You'll need to check each and every flame until you find the path to the boss.

If you've already beat that boss (Eve Trooper), then there's two possibilities. One is that there's another one you missed somewhere and you need to explore. The other is that you're referring to the other part of the artificial sun, the one that asks for a "host superuser". For that, you need to be wearing the angel clothes, which you get by showing the tailor the angel-looking monster you got from Hannon's scene. The tailor is in the HQ dungeon, where you just need to go up the first door you can.
Pink vibe is only part of what you need for mimi deep Worlding, you all need 2 types of vibrating stones
One is from:
The lower part of the forest in the start of the game
The other is from:
Deep Worlding Magenta
Which you get by going into the NW house in Fairy Village, while having 0 MP on Pukis

once you have those 3 items talk to the engineer in the back of the house mentioned before to combine them into the actual items needed to Deep World Mimi
oh ok i didn't know i had to deep world magenta or that i need another item for mimi
To get to the top of the ladder in the artificial sun, you need to have beaten all the extra bosses related to Sieg (Witch-looking girl). By which I mean the ones she provokes beforehand in the cutscenes. There is one is Asura's Domain, the final normal game dungeon, but the easiest one to overlook is the Eve Trooper, which is in that annoying area with the blue spirits that teleport you to other locations (the second part, after you do the miniquest in the water cavern to reduce the number of spirits, but before you enter the tower itself). You'll need to check each and every flame until you find the path to the boss.

If you've already beat that boss (Eve Trooper), then there's two possibilities. One is that there's another one you missed somewhere and you need to explore. The other is that you're referring to the other part of the artificial sun, the one that asks for a "host superuser". For that, you need to be wearing the angel clothes, which you get by showing the tailor the angel-looking monster you got from Hannon's scene. The tailor is in the HQ dungeon, where you just need to go up the first door you can.
yea its the first thing but also there is a door i haven't opened yet on the right. it might be the last one since its close to the top though i'll have to look since i dunno where in that area it is.