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The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Edit: BLARGLE. Image refused to show up :(


I love finally having most of the weapons/stuff you have to 'find' in TF2
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Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Let me bring it all up to speed.

I love my bed. I love trance. I love whiskey.

I love dancing. I love Eveeh. I love Nerf.

I love audio. I love my headphones. I love people.

I love puns. I love deadpan humor. I love the Goons.

I love Amelie. I love Voices of A Distant Star. I love that sort of hopeful dreaming.

I love hugs as greetings and as goodbyes. I love keeping Luke up when he's sleepless and hungover.

I love all of you.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Oh god, I fucking loved that short movie. Soooo moving.

Only if you pay £75 up front and £75 after we're finished.

Actually, its £150...

Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Well I was giving you a discount. Dark has to pay me £200 up front then an additional £150 afterwards. And then it's an additional £500 for anything else than sex. Man, he's like my cash cow.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Well I was giving you a discount. Dark has to pay me £200 up front then an additional £150 afterwards. And then it's an additional £500 for anything else than sex. Man, he's like my cash cow/bitch.

hmmm... that looks a bit better.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I love White Russians. Though I can't really imagine a non-caucasian son of Rus.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Take a trip to Siberia, you should find quite a few there.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I love the musical "Hair" and cookies.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I've never seen "Hair." But I DO like cookies. *steals Chib's cookies* "OM nom nom nom nom!"
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I love my girlfriend. She's such an influence in my life. She's changed me for the better. Opened up my emotions. I love her so much. She the perfect person for me. Down to the little cute things about her. Her chubby fingers, how short she is, her crazy fetishes that match up with mine.. I could go on and on... but I don't want to cover the thread with a wall of text, unless you guys don't mind.. <3
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Cover away.

On a side note, I love filling in the leave roster at work.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

*steals her cookies back*

Yes please, cover away. That's what this thread is here for.

In other news, I love fruit. Berries, like Raspberries. *omnomnomnom*
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

One man's wall of text is another man's exercising his right to ignore a wall of text.

Also, I love the granola bars with peanut butter bottoms - and the ones with the yogurt bottoms. The ones by natural valley. My god they are addicting.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Okay, I'll cover then. <3 It hurts not being able to be with her though.. Why does she have to live in Las Vegas while I stay here in fucking Texas? I just want to hold her in my arms and kiss her. Why can't I have her for just 10 minutes? I can wait until this summer to be with her, by that time we'll have been together for over a year. I really hope I can see her this summer... I don't want to wait another year... I will, but god damnit it's going to hurt so much.... I guess I've strayed away from talking about love.... kind of.. I'll fix that, sorry. I love her so much. Just sitting there on the phone with her, both of us saying nothing makes me happier than anything else can... She's so adorable, and so radical. So shy, yet so fucked up. The fetishes we share are crazyyyy. She loves being spanked, getting slapped, we're both pedophiles, we like acting like we're each others mothers and we're taking away our innocence, she wants me to tie her up, wants me to fuck her while she's sleeping so she can wake up and I'm raping her, she wants a penis, I want her to have a penis. XD She masturbates so much, that sometimes she'll just masturbate without knowing for a while. She's amazing. So fucked up but still so shy. She's amazing. She's extremely sexual, and so am I, but we can both appreciate the warmth of cuddling. I just want to kiss her, and I'll wait forever just to be with her.. It sucks not being old enough to just move to Vegas. I can't wait until I'm 18. End of 2011 baby, I'll be there. Also she likes barking, growling, howling, whining, I sent her a collar that she always wears, I'm into cross dressing and she sent me two beautiful skirts. <3 Just hearing her voice makes me smile... Maybe I'm just being a delusional teenager and it's just a crush, but it doesn't seem like it.. <3 9 months. Most people I know my age don't barely hold a relationship this long, and they keep going through relationships like chips. It's sad. I love Kasha with all of my heart and I can't wait until were together with our children.. <3 Also we're furries. We don't want to dress up in animal suits though. I hate furries like that. Giving us a bad name. D: Anyways... I love Kasha. I'm ending this post. <3
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

that certainly seems like a complicated post with many things that may or may not be true.

i guess i have to investigate this.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Sorry for lying to you guys. Or... not lying? Either way. You have my wall of love post to remember me by. <3 Byebye. <3