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Does the forum seems a bit quiet these days to anyone else?

Well, honestly alot of people just stopped coming. Don't know where they went and there are probably a number of reasons why. One of them may be that F95zone is a thing. Maybe they went there? I dunno, we seem to focus on different game types, most of the games on there are shitty VNs with bad 3d models afwul Engrish annnnnd well I don't like the way they moderate or that they seem to be liberal SJW cucks. But you might like it, of course there are those of us that remain here and will engage in conversation if it interests us.

I like F95zone because every game there is in English. I can search for any game there and know that I will understand the dialogue and UI. This isn't to say that it's flawed to have non-English games. However, I've brought this up before but ULMF, as a primarily english speaking forum, having a complete lack of developed filter systems to search for English games is pretty backwards imo. I still love the forum and the diversity of games here compared to F95zone but ULMF is definitely missing some things.

F95zone is the opposite. Every single game has to be in English or else it's not allowed to be posted. Because of this, there is next to no translation scene at F95zone and many great games that could definitely be played by an English speaker, fly under the radar completely. ULMF has the opportunity to be a balanced in-between of English games and discussion of foreign language games and I think it's a wasted opportunity if the aforementioned filters aren't developed.
The localization prefix is more for official translation efforts of games that are non-English, so that's a little different from what he's referring to.

Saying that we don't have a developed filter system compared to F95 is kind of funny though, given that we're using the exact same software as them and update around the same time they do. The most we can really do is add some language prefixes or implement that fixed tagging system. The former I feel would just further bloat the titles, while the latter is something that we've been sitting on without action for no particular reason.
I'm guessing they probably think at least one of the following:

- No links allowed at all

I think this right here is the culprit, along with people not reading the rules. People just can't be bothered to read or pay attention b/c, God forbid, that would take effort. And so they don't return simply b/c they are misinformed.

Meanwhile, in comparison and as others have also said, F95 is a thing. And, the one thing every thread in their main h-games section has in their OPs are download links. So it's all spoon-fed to them.

If there were a way to make it painfully, blatantly clear that it's okay to post dl links, then I would assume things would at least start picking up again. As of now, I think ulmf has kinda lost its appeal or identity as a sharing community.
The localization prefix is more for official translation efforts of games that are non-English, so that's a little different from what he's referring to.

Saying that we don't have a developed filter system compared to F95 is kind of funny though, given that we're using the exact same software as them and update around the same time they do. The most we can really do is add some language prefixes or implement that fixed tagging system. The former I feel would just further bloat the titles, while the latter is something that we've been sitting on without action for no particular reason.

Yeah I'd assume implementation of a fixed tagging system from scratch would be a huge undertaking, especially given the incredible backlog of presumably untagged games.
Definitely a tough situation but hopefully one that'll be addressed in the new year. Love the forum and will always get excited for updates to its user features!
I think this right here is the culprit, along with people not reading the rules. People just can't be bothered to read or pay attention b/c, God forbid, that would take effort. And so they don't return simply b/c they are misinformed.

Meanwhile, in comparison and as others have also said, F95 is a thing. And, the one thing every thread in their main h-games section has in their OPs are download links. So it's all spoon-fed to them.

If there were a way to make it painfully, blatantly clear that it's okay to post dl links, then I would assume things would at least start picking up again. As of now, I think ulmf has kinda lost its appeal or identity as a sharing community.

Yeah F95zone definitely has appeal since every game includes multiple download links.
On the other hand, because of that requirement, discussion of many games goes unnoticed or threads are never made for some great games if an OP doesn't happen to have a download link.
Personally , I like ULMF.
I keep coming back every now and then, it is mostly the translation section that keeps me interested.
One thing that is putting me off, in regards to this section. Strikes for users who ask gameplay related questions.
I know the threads get messy pretty quick but I never would have started to visit ulmf frequently if that rule had already existed back then.

Sometimes I read discussions here in the H-Game section but most of the time I look up information about the games, when i can't find these games or any informationen about them at f95.

The one big Plus about f95 is the latest updates section. I think this feature alone made the difference for me.
If I would like to discuss I would still visit ulmf or the ulmfdiscord but most of the time i just want to point something out or make a silly comment about something funny or simply write a review.

For me, ULMF is about deep discussion with informed H-gamers(Mostly about japanese games). F95 is for silly jokes and trying/finding new english games thats worth my time and money.

I've tried to come up with a solution, but the only thing I can think of is, Fuse booth boards into one Gigantic H-Board with 2 seperate sections, Western & Eastern. I'm sure thats just ridiculous, but i can't think of anything better:rolleyes:

Just my 2 cents, coz I was thinking about the same thing the past months.

Ohh and Happy new year
I like F95zone because every game there is in English. I can search for any game there and know that I will understand the dialogue and UI. This isn't to say that it's flawed to have non-English games. However, I've brought this up before but ULMF, as a primarily english speaking forum, having a complete lack of developed filter systems to search for English games is pretty backwards imo. I still love the forum and the diversity of games here compared to F95zone but ULMF is definitely missing some things.

I think this is a big one, I've mostly stopped looking at the hentai games section outside of the 'under development' part because chances are it's a game with loads of text in a language I can't read
I'm sure many of them are good games, and I'm sure a lot of them have some form of a translation, but I'm not going to read 10+ pages of thread backwards just to find one link to the latest translation hidden in there somewhere
You may not need a translation for some games, penis in vagina is a pretty universal concept. But you can't tell from the title if it's going to be a novel in untranslated Japanese or a simple game where you click something to get lewd pictures, and I've just given up on caring to find out for myself. Someone else can go and figure it out and if it's good I'm sure I'll hear somehow
Whatever happened to the RPGMaker containment thread?
An Act game you can fumble about with, but moonspeak rpgs are a real chore

Maybe there needs to be an Adult JRPG section?
Whatever happened to the RPGMaker containment thread?
An Act game you can fumble about with, but moonspeak rpgs are a real chore

Maybe there needs to be an Adult JRPG section?

We're not going back to that again. All the years that thread was up, it was nothing but complaints about how troublesome it was that there were so many discussions going on at once and how impossible it was to find information on anything.

I'm also opposed to making sections for specific genres at this point, as it just makes for bad book-keeping. Ironically, I used to advocate for this, but now that we've gone this far in reorganization, it'd be ridiculous to do it all again.

One thing I do notice though is that it feels like a lot of people don't like the search functionality the forum software offers, and I'm wondering if people are just using the quick search bar right below the thread names, or if they're using the top-right menu option for searching. I found that the latter one was actually pretty decent (still not great) compared to the first one. The search bar tends to fizzle out pretty easily when you give it even one letter it wasn't expecting.
I don't think sorting by genre would be very hard to implement at all. Because we did 90% of the work already, all threads have a genre prefix now so it should be a simple task of clicking on that prefix, hitting the checkbox above the threadlist, then the select all in the bottom dialogue that comes up along with the move threads option. Doubt it'd take us less than a day. Could probably do it in less time if we were able to increase the number of threads viewable per page.

That being said, I don't see the need since users can just search for a prefix on their own, either by clicking on it or by setting a filter in the threadlist ( the same thing, but maybe people don't know about the filter), and I fear another reorganization would lead to users having trouble navigating.
It isn't necessarily the work involved that has me concerned. When I say the book-keeping, I mean that it's a matter of keeping things in a smartly organized manner. It'd be absurd to see a library change the way they organize all of their books every couple of months because they can't figure out a decent way to categorize them. That line of thinking applies to us as well; as you said, another reorganization would just force everybody to relearn the structure of the forum again, not to mention that the forum's filtering system works just fine. The only thing it's apparently missing, according to these posts, is that the ability to filter off Japanese versus English games.
Right, and we brought that up earlier in the thread. The tagging system currently is a free-for-all for anybody to edit. Slicer made a pretty decent prototype list of tags to use as a baseline, but the discussion we were having over how to implement it just kind of fizzled out, which is probably my fault.
2020 started off on a bang in my opinion, literally and figuratively. Milking Farm (ACT/ADV) and Princess ♛ Colosseum (RPG) are two big games right out gate. 's MVmaker minigame (ACT) game will be a strong addition in February and onto March we've already got Seed of Evil in the line up.
2020 started off on a bang in my opinion, literally and figuratively. Milking Farm (ACT/ADV) and Princess ♛ Colosseum (RPG) are two big games right out gate. 's MVmaker minigame (ACT) game will be a strong addition in February and onto March we've already got Seed of Evil in the line up.

Is Seed of Evil an upcoming game? I can recall an already-released game called Seed of Evil.
As someone who is vaguely the subject of this thread, I'd like to respond. There's not really any way to make this seem non-confrontational, but I will try my best.

The answer to the OP is "a lot of people left for places which require less effort to post there. You can find such things trivially, but most of those people seriously hate ULMF, and would rather not have their sites mentioned on ULMF." You should make an effort to find other places which discuss hentai games, and you should try to do it through channels other than ULMF.

I believe that people don't really "leave" the forum if they were only interested in the H-Section. The typical person who uses ULMF for h-content is mostly there to take and not give. The new rules have made it so that they have even less incentive to try to post. But they still benefit from the people who do take the time to produce content or information, so they don't actually leave; they just lurk.

This is true; the issue is that the typical person who uses ULMF for h-content being "mostly" there to take and not give doesn't exclude them from occasionally contributing. People who lurk aren't necessarily just leeches - they're occasionally worthwhile contributors. Discouraging them from posting creates an environment which begins to grow sterile, and encourages small contributors to contribute elsewhere. This in turn causes people to lurk elsewhere...and the cycle feeds itself (up to a point). As there are other sites where the information contained in the big contributions can be gathered ( for instance, if you can read just enough Japanese to understand the tags), ULMF becomes sort of a worthless place to go for information.

There's a secondary issue where it's forbidden to ask for download links. Although I understand the reasoning behind it (it is annoying to see a thread bumped with "link plz"), in some other places asking for a download link prompts someone with the game to identify that there's interest in the game being posted and it makes them contribute with a download link. This in turn drives discussion about the game, as more people have the game now.

In short, you've burnt the small contributors off, while large contributors are often contributing elsewhere. ULMF has no forte.
Want to find out about new games? Just go on DLSite, nobody talks about games that aren't on DLSite here.
Want to ask for a download link? Check on [catsitegoeshere], you're probably covered.
Want to discuss a game that's not being discussed? Spend 30 minutes making a thread or go on [any forum with lower posting standards]
Want to discuss a game that's being discussed? Well, [any forum with lower posting standards] already has a roaring discussion about it, and they're all having fun.

The remaining 30% is the unfortunate part. They probably read the rules, and still made the decision that it isn't worth coming to the forum anyway. And to be honest, I don't really blame them. The rules were made to keep the low effort posting to a minimum, but because of how strictly we've enforced it, it's made the lives of those who've done nothing wrong harder.

The rule changes are something that feels "sort of old" by this point. A lot of people - myself included - feel as if starting a thread for a game that they want to talk about on ULMF is "hard enough to do that I don't wanna do it if I can do it somewhere else." ULMF has developed this reputation and it would be exceedingly difficult to shake it. Compare this to, for instance, ULMF 10 years ago where you could just start a thread with an image and the name of the game, and say "I like this game, here's a link to the DLSite and a picture." Someone might have said "give more details" and if there was interest, you could edit the OP later while discussion was still able to continue. If there was no interest, then you hadn't wasted much time talking about a game nobody wanted to talk about.

I am reminded of a semi-recent case where someone wanted to start game discussion in a translation thread. The game's thread was locked due to the OP being made poorly, and the poster didn't want to create a new thread for the game, as creating a new thread for a game takes some effort. The rules were enforced, and discussion was effectively shut down. I am not sure how common this situation is, but it is common enough that a casual lurker sees it. The rules are enforced extremely strictly, and sometimes without regard to common sense. The automatic and mechanical enforcement of the rules creates an impression that the mods are acting robotically, and that they are either autistic or actually robots. This shuts down conversation, in a very direct manner.

The rules here are overly stifling. For this reason, I don't come here if I want to start a discussion about a game that isn't already being discussed here. I haven't made a thread here in years, I think, and I contribute only when I think the contribution won't be posted by someone else (a save file for a hard game I have beaten, or an answer to a question).

Well, honestly alot of people just stopped coming. Don't know where they went and there are probably a number of reasons why. One of them may be that F95zone is a thing. Maybe they went there?

People have the impression that this place is trying to become a second F95zone, and there are people who have left for that reason precisely. Given the current rules structure, ULMF is best described as "F95zone with fewer features." A chunk of lurkers stopped coming because links are hidden to people who haven't logged in - people who don't stay logged in to ULMF (for instance, those whose cookies are set to auto-wipe upon closing their browser) find this annoying. People don't bring these things up here because either they don't care or think they will get banned for bringing things up. Those who do bring things up like this usually are acting as if they don't care if they get banned - often because they do not.

I understand that it may seem silly to write such a long post on this topic when my key complaint is "it takes too much effort to post here." However, my complaints here are not really my own - they are the complaints that are repeated on other sites constantly, and it seems in poor taste to keep them to myself when this is in fact the one place that they need to be heard.
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I really wanted to avoid discussing the rule changes as there is already a thread for it, in which moderation has already given it's stance.

But I'll re-iterate this, yet again; it does not take more than 10 minutes to write an OP we will accept. Moreover it SHOULDN'T take more than 5 minutes if you have a firm grasp of English and what H-games generally entail.

Maybe people don't understand this because we accepted those overly-bloated OPs in the beginning? Users saw this and thought that was the minimum that we required then never looked further as we refined the rules and gave examples to aid understanding?
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I mean, I may have the title of Super Moderator, but that's just so I have the power to ban in the H-Section. I'm not a moderator in this section. In fact, I was typing up a pretty hefty response, but you're right; we've had at least 8 threads worth of discussion over the rules at this point and it's just the same tired arguments that barely shake up my beliefs.

I do, however, want to point out two things. First, I can't really speak to us trying to be F95, as I have literally only ever visited there once (when I first heard somebody compare us to them, funnily enough). However, F95 is the head admin and owner of this board, who integrated his own forum software on ours, so to say that we're trying to be like the guy who literally owns the place and whose system we're entirely based off of is a bit... Redundant? Obvious? I dunno.

Second, the typical user here fucking sucks. You say that people always recommend against going to ULMF, but I don't think you understand the actual reason. I've seen way more people call the users here faggots and claim that we're super unpleasant to talk to, then point to the rules as a secondary reason. Maybe the places you go to aren't fans of needing to put effort in their posts, but the places I visit just think the people here aren't worth dealing with for some hentai. Ironically, they'll still leech off of the contributions of the active users here, then complain about them and the rules that brought them about.

But maybe you're right. Maybe the mods are just autistic and robotic. Maybe we- Oh wait, this is the userbase we deal with every day:

If asking the fucking developer (you know, the guy who should be the most enthusiastic person to talk to about the game's system) to explain the gameplay beyond a "combat(tactics) system" is too much, then fuck it. I guess I am an autist and completely unreasonable.
Out of all that, I think the most important bit is that links are hidden when users aren't logged in
That's a huge pain in the ass and encourages people to look elsewhere. Nobody likes having to log in places or make a new account for their porns

I know when I go looking for stuff and need to log in somewhere to see a link, I'll first try bugmenot so I won't have to make an account, and then go elsewhere if that doesn't work. I will absolutely find somewhere else if I can, and if I can't find it anywhere else then I will strongly consider just dropping the search entirely and not bother. Nothing posted is important enough that it will make someone make an account. Accounts are made when users want to discus things. If they can't even download it, they won't discus it either
My problem with F95 is that it has a lot of western shovelware junk on it. I would say that also carries over to Ulmf sometimes. I don't care about most western games at all, and so if japanese games are slow then there's not much reason to browse the site much. These days I usually just use ULMF to keep an eye on translations.