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ACT [X・らびっと] Vivi and The Magic Island/ヴィヴィと魔法の島 (RJ01129599)

It's too early to say who will have more content. Alps is not a fighter so her part revolves around puzzle solving. Who has "more going on" will depend on which type of game-play you prefer I guess. But since this game is named after Vivi and since Alps already has her own game, Vivi will likely have more content, at least as far as non-H is concern.

That was more of a joke tbh :p
There will be a third girl. Her texture was in the december build. So was Alps. Perhaps her sister but it looks more like an enemy if you ask me.
Then I stand corrected. There will be a fourth girl. I reconstructed the model from the many tiny pieces in the texture but I'm not sure it would be ok to share it before she makes an official appearance.
PM if you REALLY want to see it and don't redistribute.
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I really want and won't

Joking aside (i wasn't actually joking) DAMN, this guy...i just love his art. Even if he were to make only art, and not games, it's style is just so appealing to me. And since he's making games, it's one helluva bonus
Managed to completely miss this one. Wasn't a huge fan of their first game's gameplay, but its animations made it more than worthwhile. Will be keeping an eye on this one.
Honestly feel like this game gonna be longer than alps and the dangerous forest
No shit? With 3 characters with completely different gameplay aspects? Damn
Use to autotranslate. Run the installer in the main folder.
Is the patcher specifically built for each game or is it generic and can be put in any unity game folder to auto translate? The github page is absolutely atrocious, no surprise there. Not a single git project has readable README.md, they expect every newbie to know all the bash/commandline prompts.
I have been trying to use it for a few other Unity games I wanted to translate.
Is the patcher specifically built for each game or is it generic and can be put in any unity game folder to auto translate?
It is universal for any Unity game. It is even universal in a way that you can translate any language to any other, though for this you need to edit some config files.
Either way, to install this program all you need is ReiPatcher(the link to which is attached to your quote).
You unpack the SetupReiPatcherAndAutoTranslator.exe from that archive to the folder where your game exe is.
Launch it and wait for it to finish. Don't be afraid the command-prompt interface. All you need to do is to wait for it to do it's thing.
You'll notice that there appeared 2 new folders and new shortcut in the game folder - run the shortcut.
It will launch the game. Enter the game and close it.
Now you can delete that shortcut, SetupReiPatcherAndAutoTranslator.exe, and folder named "ReiPatcher".
Folder called "AutoTranslator" needs to stay.
You need to allow the game access to internet. If you don't want the game to send shit to Unity (as it will if it is built by free Unity editor) block Unity's analytics host through means of firewall or hosts file, but I digress.
If you want to edit the translation, as all we know auto-translate is crap, then you need to edit _AutoGeneratedTranslations.txt file that is stored in %YOUR_GAME_FOLDER%\AutoTranslator\Translation\en\Text. It will only appear there after the game translated some text or you can place there your already made translation if you have one.
Good looking game, I have high hopes for this since his first game quite enjoyable and have good h-scenes too. Too bad the demos all in 64-bit. Rip this old laptop cucked me.

March's Alpha got delayed.He was trying his hand at a L2D scene but the soap dropped somewhere.
Also Big Man is asking for opinions via survey (It's up till the 13th) on what we would like to see in-game so there's that if any of yall are keen.
She looks so freaking cool, like those typical cold but kind anime girls.
When are we gonna break her ?

I dunno, the girls in this guy's works get rape but they don't really break. At most, they will just lose the will to resist and become a limp doll, which I suppose you could consider break, although not a very erotic kind of break, at least not for me.
I dunno, the girls in this guy's works get rape but they don't really break. At most, they will just lose the will to resist and become a limp doll, which I suppose you could consider break, although not a very erotic kind of break, at least not for me.
I like your tone, you've got my attention. What are you suggesting, my good fellow man of culture?
(i.e. examples of what you mean?)
Ahegao, mind break, and corruption comes to mind. All of which I feel doesn't line up with the author's vision of his works.
I like your tone, you've got my attention. What are you suggesting, my good fellow man of culture?
(i.e. examples of what you mean?)

What I mean is that the girl hates every moment of the rape, she doesn't "break" and come to enjoy the sex. If the girl don't enjoy it, it's a total erection killer for me. Can it still be consider a rape fetish if realistic rape completely turns you off? However, this guy's animations are so good and his girls are so cute, that it kinda makes for it.