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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Yeah unfortunately these days console programming is a lot easier than programming for the PC. It's kind of a recession for PC games since devs take the easy route instead of using their brains to figure out the problems. They figure, Aaah, more people waste their money on consoles anyway, so why cater to the folks who know their way around a computer. Even my major is console-programming oriented, even though all I want to do is make PC games. Which is why you get glaring bugs like the black screen of death that somehow slip past the testing.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

For some reason the left button on my touch pad has stopped working. Well, I say stopped working, it takes about fifteen hard whacks to get it to click anything. Now I have to use my mouse.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I much prefer mouse over touchpad.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

As do I, but I have very little room in my bedroom and as such it is hard to use a mouse. At the moment I am using my sketchbook as a mat to use my mouse on and it's right next to me on my bed.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I myself prefer console gaming for 90% of stuff, just because I always had to worry about having the minimum requirements growing up, I lost out on a lot of games. As for Mouse, try using a flat spot on the bed itself, if you have a laser mouse it should work fine ;)
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Yeah, works for me! Unless I'm downstairs, then I use me couch.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

When it comes to the gaming part of it, I much prefer PC, it's more accurate with a mouse than a control, and I find it a lot more immersive. Thing is, for some reason PC games have NO WAY OF BEING SOSCIAL. I know ppl are all: "What? But I'm like chatting and stuff IG all the time man." Of course, but that's not really social, that's just a shell. Witha console you can actually play with your friends properly.

Meh, I like console gaming for the social part, but if I'm alone I much prefer PC.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

The only console that seems to actually work for the social part is the wii, and that's because those games actually have you in the same room as others.(And the wii has the whole motion control thing going for it anyway)

Playing halo or something over xbox live is not more social then playing it multiplayer on the computer, in fact, I've more often seen people put computers together and play over lan then I've seen people hauling consoles to each other and play there.

As for single player things, PC wins 99 out of 100 times, there's just a problem with clunky console controls and immersion, and you just know a full keyboard gives a lot more options to customise controls then a controller with a lot less buttons.

And on the topic of educations, I'm doing game design/development at school, and they feel it is more important for a game to simulate perfectly accurate gravity and acceleration rather then making it so the game actually has hit detection that works for things other then slow moving squares. They also seem a bit biased to console based FPS games, but year 1 is too early to judge that.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'M AAALLLLIIIIIIIVVVEEEEEE! I have internet at home again!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

congratz chibster!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

*Imagines an army of undead chibis marching to Clint mansell's Requiem for a dream.*

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Welcome back, Chibi, good to have you back.

In other news, I've gotten back into the saddle and am now going to test out my new RP idea!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Welcome back... aparantly undead Chibis...

Anyway, I actually don't mind console controls. I quite enjoy them for First Person Shooters. That's probably because I've gotten used to it.

For social... I've played over live about 5 times in my entire life. The rest of the times is me and some friends lugging consoles around the neighbourhood and setting up some system link carnage.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

The rest of the times is me and some friends lugging consoles around the neighbourhood and setting up some system link carnage.

This. Hell, I used to have regular parties where we'd get 12-16 people all just wailing on each other in different rooms of the house, shouting swears and curses and congratulations down hallways.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Hell, I used to have regular parties where we'd get 12-16 people all just wailing on each other in different rooms of the house, shouting swears and curses and congratulations down hallways.

Oh hell. Count me in for that next party!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Ah yes... the swearing and cursing through the house. That's the best part.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'm a fan of the controller for most games, with the most notable exception being RTS, though I've seen some good systems for that. I find that mouse-and-keyboard controls tire my hands out much quicker, and while there is that extra degree of customizability, the entire concept feels way to twitchy for me to be satisfied with it. I've played more than my fair share of Unreal back when there was LAN parties in my area, and I much prefer sitting down with a splitscreen match on the xbox and duking it out there. The mouse does quicken response times and improve accuracy, but I find that that reduces immersion, not enhances it.

Also, Lan parties kick ass, doesn't matter if it's comp or console :D
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Now, see, I'm the opposite. console controlers wear the crap out of my hands with their goddamn thumbsticks, I just can't use them right and when they get sweaty they only get harder to use. my immersion, my enjoyment and my not-exausted-ness are all better on PC games. though the tiredness thing for you may have something to do with genders shrike, you don't have as much reason to make full arm movements like moving a mouse, and more reason to make small finger movements like moving a controler-stick. ;)

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Re: Member Announcements Thread


FPS? With joysticks? yyyeeeeeccccchhhh.

You know it's too bad that there were only four other kids in my town that were into video games. That's why I've never been to a lan party.... no reason to set up a lan between four kids. And the others were only casual gamers anyway. *sigh* How sad is that?

Edit: Host that made me laugh out loud, and I was going to give you rep, but apparently I can't. sorry =\