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The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"I know just enough genetics to know that this thing has twice as many base pairs than it should. Other than that, no."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Krysta blinks and stares at the screen, "Well I'll be damned. It does. That's incredibly amazing..."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Yes indeed!" Caitlin says, positively giddy now. "But it isn't evenly spread over the entire genetic structure..."

She takes it back to the view of the entire genome, where it shows chromosomes instead of genes, then starts imputting commands. A moment later it separates into dozens of smaller pieces, which separate themselves into two groups, distributed roughly 60/40. "Okay, the larger group is the base pairs we posess, A, T, C, and G. This second group is all of the ones we don't, and for ease, let's call them W, X, Y, and Z."

"Now," she says, imputting a few commands. The larger group coalesces somewhat, most into what looks like complete chromosomes. "This is what the computer can extrapolate these into, based on the Human Genome." She pulls up a specific one, making it fill the display. It forms a general X shape, but there are obviously pieces missing, and the bottom looks a fair bit shorter than the top.

"This is the X chromosome. Every Human has one, but the lucky ones are born with two. There are a couple pieces missing that seem to be replaced by parts in the WXYZ group, but it is almost entirely whole. The really odd part, and this pattern is repeated in every chromosome the computer managed to rebuild. Is that the end structure, the Telomeres, are completely absent. Hundreds upon thousands of lines of repeating genetic code, dedicated to nothing but telling the chromosome to stop building itself, missing from every piece of the entire genome." She finishes with a huff, then turns and regards the people collected, almost as if waiting for them to say something about it.
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Draven blinks, not quite sure he understood that. "Wait, are you saying this thing is still adding to it's genetic coding, or was until we killed it?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

She smiles before answering, seeming almost proud of Draven for picking up on that.

"Close. It will take me some more time, but from this I can figure at least three basic things. Number one, this poor thing was once a Human, meaning that we have encountered some kind of Symbiotic spore creature. Two, to be working on a genetic level with such precision, it either had to be incredibly intelligent itself or have an intelligent hand guiding it, or be a microscopic organism to begin with, meaning it could have be filtering through the air system as we speak. Don't panic though, that's by far the least likely option, I estimate that it was a creature about the size of a small melon to begin with. And number three, it isn't continually building on it's DNA, its continually building on our DNA. The computer has no point of reference, so I can't rebuild the WXYZ side into chromosomes like I did our side, but of this I am pretty sure, as there didn't seem to be an entire chromosome in the entire set to be made up only of WXYZ pairs."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Draven shook his head again. "More like parasitical from the sounds of it. Symbiotic in the fact it's combining the DNA, but I've seen species that have done that where the original host, as in this case, has had no control over what the body does. Never have I seen such an extensive mutation like this before. Those extra genes though, it may explain the entire shoot electricity part though. Is it possible that it could have been some kind of experiment from somewhere else that got out of hand and replicated itself to become this, as well as the other creatures we've seen and heard of?"

A moment and then he adds, "alright, so it isn't building it's own DNA, but rather adding on the human side of what it is now. It makes sense, humanoid bodies are one of the more useful classes of body to use in most any field. Adding more onto our DNA, continuously re-writing it and buffing it, this thing conceivably could have, given time, written in an adaptation to damn near anything thrown at it, which means.... we got lucky in killing it. It also means, if the others are the same and are interconnected telepathically somehow... then the rest of their kind could already be adapting a defense to what we've already tossed to kill this one. That would give them one hell of an edge."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Caitlin holds her hands up as if to slow Draven down. "Hold up now, you've got some good ideas, but you've got some bad assumptions in there too. First off, I can think of three examples on Earth alone where a Symbiotic creature takes some control of it's host, one of which completely. Both symbiotes and parasites can sometimes do that, which is why you can't base your decision on that alone. The DNA is merged, and death is not the final condition for the host, that makes it a symbiote. Second, the entire electricity thing, I believe you're right, which is why I think that it's melon-sized to begin with. There's nothing in the Human genome that would allow us to store or use electricity like that, I think the original creature might have that as either a defensive mechanism or as a means to disable a host, perhaps both."

She stops for a minute here, thinking through the conversation before continuing. "Next, the lack of telomeres. I might have been hasty to say that it is adding onto our genes, though that's certainly what it looks like. I always thought telomeres seemed a little redundant, being such massive structures for what is essentially a period on a sentence. There is some alien genes on the end of every human chromosome, so it may be that it is constantly adding to the genome, or it may be that it uses a more efficient way to end itself than what our gene structure uses. As for the telepathy, in my mind that indicates some sort of intelligence, and while this thing certainly seems capable of it, I'd like to think that if it was intelligent, it would have called for a pickup a fair time ago, but that's entirely conjecture."

"Now, what does that leave?" Sha thinks out loud, counting the points on her fingers. "Right, the possibility of someone having actually created these in a lab. I can't tell myself, at least not at just this first look, but I sincerely hope that it was, because I want to meet whoever it was that did it, they're a genius! It took me four years to hodgepodge the genetic material for my ship together from existing creatures, and I'm still improving on it. To make something like this using all-new base pairs, have it mesh so well with the genetic material already inherent in this galaxy, and possibly to have it able to improve upon itself, must have taken decades to do, and would be an amazing scientific breakthrough. Do you realize what can be done with this much more genetic diversity? Any species with these WXYZ genes has effectively cubed their gene pool!"
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Draven frowns, before shrugging. "Maybe, I don't know everything about parasites, especially from this galaxy so it's possible this one has something like that. Either way, we have a multi-adaptable organism here that as of right now, we don't know enough about. Hence the reason your here. I too hope that it was lab created, but for a different reason. If this thing is a naturally occurring entity...."

He trails off, the implications clear.
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Caitlin just nods. "I'll keep working on it then. In the meantime, the gene sequencer is now open, wasn't I going to take a couple of samples from Vance, right?" She says as she turns back to the display and starts fiddling with it, looking at the strings of genes and taking notes.
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Vance listens to the conversation, his mind racing at the thoughts "If this.......whatever it is......can modify genes..........." he trails off, thinking of all the genetic enhancements capable with that kind of organism "I think I've just found a new hobby." he says with a smirk as he stands up off of the ground "And yes. I was hoping you could take a few samples." he says, rolling back his right sleeve and holding out his right arm "Skin samples. Blood samples. Whatever you need, I'll provide. I've gotten used to taking needles from my own experiments."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Modifying it's own genetic code..." she murmured to herself, only understanding small bits of the conversation. "What does this mean for genders? And what could it do for helping medical research?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Caitlin answers without turning around. "That's still only a hypothesis, and I was probably too hasty to agree with Draven so readily. However, if it were true, then you could change almost anything superficial about yourself, though I have no idea how much control would be inherent with it, if any. Genders would most likely remain the same, as it just seems to alter chromosomes, not replace them. You know how to get a blood sample yourself, right Vance? Hair, eye, and skin colour I think would be the easiest, as its just simple pigment control, a lot of animals could do that naturally. Something like adding an extra arm or two would be... Problamatic at best. Like I said, for something like this to bond with a human so readily, its truly amazing, and I don't yet have a clear idea how it works."
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Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Vance nods and picks up a needle, as well as a blood tube, sticking the needle in his right arm and filling the blood tube to 2/3 full, then yanking the needle out and grabbing a bandage, putting it over the hole and handing the vial to Caitlin "Hope that's enough."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Caitlin reaches out and takes it without looking, holding it up for scrutiny for a second before speaking. "Should be, unless you're a chimera? Nevermind, that's highly doubtful, I'll just plug this in so the machine can get started."

She moves the data she's currently looking at over to a different machine, then sticks the blood tube into the sequencer, imputting a couple commands into it and moving off to stare at the previous data some more as it starts working. "And now we wait. How long did the last one take, five hours?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Draven answered almost immediately. "Five hours six minutes and thirty one seconds I believe. Of course it was probably a more complex creature with it's genetic coding, and it's unlikely Vance here has that much coding in him. Of course.... I could be wrong."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"The only 'Coding' I know of that was altered was my growth capabilities. Specifically, my ability to generate muscle and bone matter. My bones can heal at twice the speed of a human, my muscles contain more protein, making them three times stronger than a normal human. But for this, nutrition intake is almost doubled. My father screwed up big-time. He could have just altered me to create the protein and glucose needed, but instead he took the short route." Vance rants about, realizing he was ranting "Sorry. I tend to go into detail when speaking about myself." he says, looking over at Draven "I'm surprised you kept track."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Wow, really that long?" Caitlin asks, surprised. "And that isn't really that surprising. It's incredibly hard to make something out of nothing like that. Top two solutions I can think of would be putting a layer of Chlorophille under you skin, and that would only make glucose. Or you would suffer heavily elsewhere, intelligence, reaction time... performance..." She adds with a smirk, likely unseen as she examined the data some more. "Hehe, sorry, I'm kind of having an out of body experience, I don't mean to joke." She says, dipping her head slightly in apology.
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Krysta eyed the girl with a practiced eye, "You're tired. Take this five hours to go sleep. Doctors orders." she said with a lopsided grin.
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Caitlin chuckled a little. "That wasn't what I meant by an out of body experience. This is the first time I've been completely separated from my ships in years." She says, pulling back the labcoat some to remind them of the civvie clothes underneat, instead of the greening biosuit.
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"I know." she said softly. "But you still need some rest. Please get some?"