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ADV [Nearfatal] Impreg Defence (WIP)

Level 3 is currently in development. If you want to support the artist, go to his pixiv site and throw money at him.
No way, holy cow the mad lad
here's the pixiv with almost no views
Nearfatal burned alot of bridges over the years due to his need to confirm the age of purchasers. Combined with that, his lackluster rate of production along with being somewhat niche ( alot of his work is fairly violent for porn ) and it's not surprising that he's garnered little support.
Oh shit Near Fatal. I completely forgot this guy existed
I like his stuff, bought Impreg Defense and Ghost House on DLSite to support him, but he's all over the place with his development. He was working on updates to those two games when he switched back to Mocreas Universal Axis, then onto a new game called Cracked Vessel, then back to MUA, and is now back on Impreg Defense.
Heres the thing about NearFatal -- His stuff is unique and his animations are good but hes INCREDIBLY slow, he also has a reputation for being somewhat a of a jerk. I think Impreg defense is a great concept that i can't believe nobody has copied in the 6 years its been since it came out. If the guy had any kind of consistency i'd support him.
I think Impreg defense is a great concept that i can't believe nobody has copied in the 6 years its been since it came out.

"A tentacle 'helping' a witch by making divots in a wall so she can defend herself, while he slowly waits for her to get more turned on and knock her up even" harder is a fantastic idea, and I'm sad the closest kind of tower defense h-games we get are just Plants vs Zombies clones.
But yes, I remember being excited about this game's development over half a decade ago.
Been a patron for a couple years. He was actually making a fair amount of money before his patreon got nuked. From what I understood he was hesitant on making another level due to how long it takes to animate impreg defense. He put a poll on patreon a year ago for what to work on next though and it got like 85% of the votes. He's working on the last two parts of the cum animation now and then I think he's either done or close to done.

He hasn't said what his plans are in terms of selling the next level, leaving it patreon exclusive, working on level 4, or doing his usual thing of finishing one level of a game and then moving to a different game for a bit.

TLDR: The animation is blowjob and urethra fucking.

So I won't share the video cause I'm pretty sure he lost his shit about ULMF sharing his stuff before and I'd hate to see him quit again. The tentacle tries to force a blowjob and the witch fights it off. The tentacle grabs a potion and pours it into the cauldron with itself and gives it some new tentacles (hooks, mouths/clamps, and a spiky one). It uses the new tentacles to clamp her nipples and and spread her vagina and basically forces a tentacle into her mouth and her urethra. The cum animation is still in rough lines but it looks like the tentacle pulls out but still cums in her mouth and she swallows it.

To my knowledge he hasn't talked about the game play at all. So I have no clue what the new enemy will do or if there is even gonna be one.

If you want to see it I would suggest going to his pixiv and subscribing or whatever the fuck they call it. It's legit 1.85 USD (200 Yen) to get both a close up and full animation video once a week.
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He's actually started drawing a transition to the 4th level recently. And YISS this one will finally be a vaginal-oriented level!
Not gonna post video here since I'm kind of agree with jayphi45 about AGoM can check this thread from time to time.

But if yo need details, here:
Along with already described by past poster scenery 3rd level also possess the stomach X-RAY view, he's also thinking about the urethra X-RAY and stomach-inflation but those two things is highly "maybe" so don't pay solid hopes for both of them.

the 4th level stars with pulling tentacle out of her mouth while chest-squeezing tentacle rips her dress, freeing her breasts.
After that, there is a planned scene where she either pulls out urethra tentacle either it leaves by itself and performs something NearFatal has called "Demon Frog birthing".
And finally, the level itself seems to start when small tentacle pulls itself out of her ass and big one finally penetrates Witch pussy, making a pair of trusts forward.

Also looks like he "released" the Lvl-3 play-ready files so those who pay him somewhere around 50$ (or 5000 yen)
He seems to be more consistent with updates now, which is nice to see. He wants 50$ for his uncensored past games, which is pretty steep, especially considering almost all of them are only partially finished. I hope he continues at his current pace.
That's what I was thinking too, currently there's just not enough content to justify that price.
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This game is awesome, I hope a lot of levels will be added. Is there any chance one of you could share v3? I'm not sure if I can pm you guys as I usually just lurk a lot, haha.
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Once again, i enjoy the concept very much and i like the animations, but i'd sooner put my money on him disappearing into the ether. What still shocks me is that nobody has tried to copy his concept. I'll check back in a few months and see whether we're at with this.
I didn't know he was still about, I assumed he'd blown his head off years ago
I'm just upset that nobody has copied the gameplay style and setting.
I'm just upset that nobody has copied the gameplay style and setting.

Mainly because all this passion and enthusiasm towards flash-player are quickly going down especially nowadays.
Try to mingle among the any artists who creates flash-player animations - They either makes only simple 1-2 button animations, either makes animatons with usage of well-worked mechanics(yup, I'm pointing at MnF and also Corta... slightly ).
Or they just whine about "how hard it is" and "how much time it will take from poor them."

So yeah... if you hope to see something like that in Flash - better drop that. There is more chances somebody less skilled and quality-oriented will make a bunch of low-effort clones on Unity with his famous (anti-)optimisation.
Mainly because all this passion and enthusiasm towards flash-player are quickly going down especially nowadays.

I don't know why you wrote a paragraph about people working in Flashplayer when I'm talking about a style of gameplay.
Making something like this in Unity would be trivial, arguably easier than Flash.
I'm just upset that nobody has made a "tower defense of a thing knocking a girl up" game. Usually the tower defense is like Plants vs Zombies when it comes to porn.
Well... I'm not imposing that I speak for everyone but I think there is 3 reasons at least:

1. Fetish.. unacceptance - Western artists(i mean of course those artists who makes animated stuff) doesn't really like to make stuff about pregnancy not even with a hint for that... may sound strange but I remember only... crap I can't even count the exact small quantity of people who makes any good preg-relared stuff. But I can swear there is not much of them. Zetar02 with her PX:LPD, Lusty with his/her birth animations, NearFatal(GhostHouse and specially MUA)...
Why there are not listed breeding season? Too simplified breeding and the only preg content "happens" if your character carrying some monster bb in her(of course if you are playing as a female character.)

2. Mechanics - artists are usually suck at any "techy" stuff due to their "artistic" nature and not really welcoming towards cooperation since this may ruin their "idea". So they don't really want to mess with some unknown concepts and usually picks up something that is well known and simple(possibly). That's why there is a lot of PvZ like games(linear enemy path, 1 direction of attack) or Breeding Season like games(count by yourself... you can start with Breeders of Nehelym).
Making them put their fingers into something that is hard and unpopular is almost impossible.

3. Quality - Name me at least one western 3D porn-game which has at least the same model quality like in those numerous HQ videos. This is where unity(and not only Unity) eventually never wins because there is already divide in 3D community- there is artists who makes videos. And artists who makes interactive stuff.
You can't expect VGerotica to cooperate with some guys and create an Porn Version of Nier, right? She simply turn you around saying tha gameplay models are not her profile.
But you can hire an almost any 2D artist with a lucrative offer, especially if he already have an experience in animated images(*carefully points tail at Kabier BareBackStreets), but sometimes even inexperienced can do something cool too (*this time tail is pointing at Crescentia and whole Wolfenstahl project with their Paperheads.)

Aaaand no I'm not talking about japs because only god knows what kind of mess is happening in their porn-industry.
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2. Mechanics - artists are usually suck at any "techy" stuff due to their "artistic" nature and not really welcoming towards cooperation since this may ruin their "idea". So they don't really want to mess with some unknown concepts and usually picks up something that is well known and simple(possibly). That's why there is a lot of PvZ like games(linear enemy path, 1 direction of attack) or Breeding Season like games(count by yourself... you can start with Breeders of Nehelym).
Making them put their fingers into something that is hard and unpopular is almost impossible.

I think you're pretty spot-on with this. H-games in the western market are predominantly 1-man projects and it shows. Then again, nobody can be great at everything so I understand an artist not being able to program well. I think a move to group-based H-game production would see alot higher-quality content finished, with the caveat that experienced managers and team leads are in control, not the artists.

3. Quality - Name me at least one western 3D porn-game which has at least the same model quality like in those numerous HQ videos.

I don't know what videos you're referencing, nobody does, nobody could. However, mithos56's game magical investgation something was pretty good looking, though it wasn't hyper-realistic in art style. There's wild-life which has pretty high-end graphics as well. Oh and malaise and the machine was trying very hard to get that level of graphics in but... well that project's a black hole. There's more but I can't remember because I never fell into the "more better graphics" trap that the mainstream AAA industry pushes, I'm far more interested in gameplay, content and art-style than graphics quality.