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ACT Shota [ExcessM] 廻るハゴコロ / Mawaru Hagokoro (RJ325142)

honestly i have no idea what i am doing in the game so yeah this feels like a game that needs translation cause even breaking out of grabs is confusing
If you are grabbed, which you will be all the time, then you can either hit the girl to get the release bar to the right up by pressing attack on her, but your ejaculation bar will go up quickly in the meantime, or click on the guard shield whenever it turns pink to block the ejaculation bar from going up too quickly and slowly increase the release bar. On normal, the second or third time getting grabbed usually ends the fight with a loss for you. In the fight, every single hit on an enemy can and often will get her titties out, and once they are out you are basically disabled from doing shit all the time from then on. Game is best played on easy, and even then its annoying as hell to fight the boss for that exact reason, that mechanic needs to either be reworked or at the very least rebalanced.
ah yes, the long awaited mechanics that need to be reworked.
Wonder if I've seen it somewhere else...*cough*the dead who woke up from a dream or some shit like that*cough*
(I'm talking about how much was promised in that game, like permanent debuffs that an enemy could afflict on you, charmed statuses for the enemies and so on)
I think that my game is bugged and I don't know why, the tutorial don't do anything for me.
I am the only one to have this bug ?
View attachment 35652
I'm stuck here, when I click on "Finish the tutorial" nothing happens.
I had the same issue, using locale emulator as an admin helped, try it
The demo is really rough and can be viewed as a alpha testing version.
Few problems it suffers from are that some enemies when the scenario first gets loaded are invisible, and not only that but seems like their hitbox is none-existent as well.
If you get grabbed and escape they appear as they should, but never the less a huge issue specially when playing on normal where getting grabbed could be fatal.
Another problem is that the white flag scenes either it be mid-battle or a lose scene, gets shrunk to unviewable size sometimes? (it grows tiny and goes to the low middle end of your screen.)
Had this mostly happen during the preperation missions, not sure if its just an issue i had on my end.

The escape mechanic is hard to understand at first but as far as i noticed, when the center of the screen shows these hexagons (This does not appear during being stepped on or by their special moves), you can attack the one doing stuff to the mc, which can increase your escape bar by a lot.
however you need to be right on time otherwise you failed, and you will just decrease your time you can last without shooting your white flag.
Speaking of clicking, you dont need to click on each guard icon, not even the ones highlighted in purple, but i noticed that if you click the one highlighted in purple on the right time you execute it quicker then waiting for it.

I do however agree that breaking the clothing needs to be re-adjusted, doesn't seem like if you deliberately aim at their chest it happens faster, it just happens either way at random chance.
Either be it in first hit (if so you are gonna struggle a lot taking that enemy down and the ones surrounding her.) or she dies first before it even happens.

[Also i recommend using the unity translator, it works well enough.] (Even tho Bibi becomes Mimi sometimes...lol.)
This is the first time I played an excessm game and have no idea what the fuck I should be doing. Can't even fap to this.
Seems you need to attack when the opponent is attacking and that huge "!" symbol flashes up.

Not sure if and how you can block in this game. The translated tutorial is very confusing.
Seems you need to attack when the opponent is attacking and that huge "!" symbol flashes up.

Not sure if and how you can block in this game. The translated tutorial is very confusing.
- Attacking during the "!" sometimes causes you to counter like in parade buster. I think it's supposed to work constantly but for me it's not reliable.
- Hovering over the little shield icon guards against normal attacks. The seductions must be interrupted by attacking the white little hearts that appears when they're preparing one.
- If their clothing breaks, which it can and will, you'll have a tough time. Do some recon or disguise yourself as an oracle and fool them into turning their lights off. Less visibility=harder to be distracted and easier time in getting escapes etc.
- I didn't see any difference in enemy attack strength when you replace their weapons with shoddy ones but I assume this will be helpful and working as intended in the final version.
- Giving false info to their sentries also reduces the ammount of enemies and scouting reveals where the boss is.

As stated earlier, this 'demo' is more like an early alpha at best so glitches and bugs are to be expected.
Despite this it's really well done though. There's so many ways of approach and options and every enemy has several h-moves. Great replayability value!
I'm hyped, and if ExcessM keeps going at this rate, Mawaru Hagokoro may just end up being one of the best h-games I've ever played.
To unlock the gallery:

In the base, click near the top-left corner (there will be a white square when you hover over)
Gallery is 2nd option in base menu:
  • First tab is event view
  • Second tab is enemy view, click H checkbox
  • Third tab is mock fights with some preset matchups
Isn't the gallery without anything? or does it have already some cg's and animations for you?
In case anyone has issues with enemies not showing up:
Start the game with Jap non-unicode. Fixed that issue for me.

Still, what does not work is the forced retreat event when fighting against the boss in the mission. It is just stuck after the second dialog.
I have mixed feelings about the battle system... Especially since I went and made the whole camp 'naked', because the option was here :geek: for an equally mixed result.
So, I'll just talk about something else.

The CustomText is a genius move; it allows us to translate the whole thing without the somewhat awkward Xunity. I hope that create a precedent for other Unity games, because many good games are stuck with a crappy MTL: the curse side of the Reipatcher blessing.
Just read ___Readme_forCustomText.txt carefully and don't mess with brackets and stuff.
If someone could do the hard work and upload a translated version of the custom texts that'd be heaven
Alright so I just finished doing a significant write up of all the bugs I found and my personal opinions on the Ci-EN.

I really hope ExcessM reads them and improves the game.

Regarding the battle system that people are being so critical of, it's not as bad as you think.

Hagokoro is just following the trend of Yumesame making the gameplay section's erotic elements be felt. In Parade Buster, did enemy sexual taunts mean anything? Not really. You'd just be flashing and avoid everything. In Hagokoro, flash was SEVERELY nerfed thank god, and for enemies, mesmirization is their best attack.

There are actual ways to deal with it. Hiding is actually used for this. If you're stuck in a mesmerize chain, hide, and you'll get out of it. In fact the Hide button shines blue whenever you're mesmerized. This means you have a limited amount of opportunities to get out of them.

If they're nude, than attacks have a chance of not going, and mesmerizing you. This means nude enemies are more dangerous than clothed enemies, so when you're doing the prepatory work with the salespeople it's best to successfully negotiate and then get them more durable clothing.

Defeating them in one hit also makes it so that you don't have to deal with being mesmerized.

Not only that but there's actually an item that creates a temporary fog which disables all mesmerization for a limited time. You can't make more and the game only gives you one, but it's another method to deal with it.

This is most likely the reason the game allows you to RE-FIGHT an infinite amount of times. You have a limited amount of opportunities to "hide." Refighting doesn't give them back. If you want to fight through you can try, but you'll be at a disadvantage during your retrys because you'll have less "hide." A negative spiral of defeat. It's great because it's the only design element in the game that gives off the feeling of reverse rape.
If someone could do the hard work and upload a translated version of the custom texts that'd be heaven
Heaven is where you build it ;) (with your sweat and blood)

That'd require someone better than me, though. The =Together= guys (@Hana, was it?) might be busy, and we might need to create a Translation thread. Ladies and gents willing and able to pitch in could do this?

Here's my share, the readme:

CustomText can be used to translate the game, including the 18+ content.
This function was designed to make our works more accessible.

* Custom text function
The creator "excessm" cannot be held liable for any defect wrong use of this module can cause.
Please read this readme thorougly before attempting any editing.

* Troubleshooting when your editing causes any issue
There isn't. Please refrain from sending us faulty text files, and edit responsibly.

* Back up the text files before editing, in case something goes wrong
It is recommended to keep a copy of the original files at all times.

* We ask for this manual to kindly be translated into English by volunteers.

[How to switch custom text]
Start the game by clicking "Start" and complete the tutorial.
In the base menu, click "Various settings".
When "Custom Text" is checked, the game will use the text files in this "Custom Text" folder.

[About editing]
Please do not add, delete and/or rewrite symbols and numbers such as ",", "@", "[[[", "#", "13"
This will cause unwanted behaviours.

These symbols are use to parse and process the text into the game.
If a symbol is not placed correctly, text will not display correctly.

[Description of each text file]

 -> The enemy lines used in ecchi events.
The text here is also used in [Text_Event.txt].

 -> A text file that stores names, including most protagonists'.

 -> Not used for now. It might be used in the final product version.

 -> Enemy lines used in battle. Used for honey traps, techniques, etc.

 -> Text for various events, including regular and ecchi events.
Each symbol's intended usage is detailed at the bottom of this file.
If you are confident in your abilities, you may be able to create your own scenarios.
(this is still under development, and currently might not work as intended)

 -> Names and descriptions of items, weapons, and armors.

 -> System-related terms.

 -> Quests, missions and ploys (strategies).

-> User Interface text, including most clickable buttons.

[Symbols used in the text files]
" # "
-> Used as a separator for data. Do NOT edit nor add this symbol in your text.

" , "
-> Data separated by "#" is further separated by commas.
Do NOT edit nor add this symbol in your text.

" / "
-> Used in Text_Item.txt, etc. Data separated by "," is further separated by slashes.
Do NOT edit nor add this symbol in your text.

"10005", "501", "51" - numbers at the beginning of a line
-> Index used in the game.
Do NOT erase, add or edit in any way.

"[ba]", "[Tosyu]" - descriptions in brackets []
-> Are replaced with a unique word defined in the game.
Do NOT erase, add or edit in any way.

[Text_Event.txt special symbols]

" @ "
-> Mostly used in Text_Event.txt.
Text chunks are separated by "@"
In the game "@" will send the previous text to be displayed in the message window.

" / "
-> It used differently in Text_Item.txt.
The number written on the left indicated the speaker in the dialogue.

For example:
「13/三つの流派を操る侵入者…      「13/The rumored master of the three shools…
 物見の報告は本当のようですね。@」    We might be facing such an intruder indeed.@」

Here, "13" is the speaker. This number checks with "Name_Table.txt"
If you refer to the table, "13" is 美々 (Mimi).

"]] 0016" - lines starting with " ]] "
-> used in the engine to display an enemy.
Do NOT edit or erase.

"[[020000" - lines starting with " [[ "
-> Refers to effects like of fadeout, ejaculation, change of pose, etc.
Please do NOT edit or erase, until you are confident you know what you are doing.
Below this is a description of each registered effect:

"]]]|W1|H1|t0|Y0.43|S0.20@" - lines starting with " ]]] "
-> This command controls the cut-in camera.
 " | " separates each distinct instruction
 W1: Width of the camera, ranging 0~1
    " W0.3 ", for example, will use 30% of the screen's horizontal size

 H1: Heigth of the camera, ranging 0~1
    " H0.8 ", for example, will use 80% of the screen's vertical size

 t0: the enemy to focus on, starting with " t0 "
     " t2 ", for example, will center the view on the third enemy

 Y0.43: the height to focus on
       " Y0.25 " would be a knee-high focus
       " Y0.55 " would be a face-high focus

 S0.20: zoom distance of the cut-in. A lower number is a closer zoom.
       " S0.20 " is a considerable zoom
       " S0.35 " is the standard

"[[[00003@" - lines starting with " [[[ "
-> Controls the background. Do NOT edit or erase.
I left out the special controls at the end, because they'd require me to test them out so I know what I'm actually reading. <confused pikachu goes here>
We should probably give priority to game mechanics for now so we can get an actual understanding of what the game is and maybe make suggestions for excessm
Seems like Excessm is handeling and trying to fix the issues that have been brought to the table, in quite a timely fashion i must say.
-The enemies not appearing for example due to japanese unicode.
The fast fix as he calls it can be downloaded here:

And before that he posted and opened up a poll, i'd say go and vote if you haven't, seems like he's really taking our opinions seriously.
Which you can do right here:
seems like he's really taking our opinions seriously.
I really hope that's the case...
So far, I'm disappointed by a few things but I have high expectations. The adult segment's really good tho. I have almost no complaints there.
I need help. I cannot run the demo. I never downloaded the original demo. I only have the updated one from November 2. I set the language to Japanese long before downloading and extracting the demo. Every time I try to run the demo, the bar only reaches this far before it crashes.


  • HAGOKORO.jpg
    13 KB · Views: 18
@Dan Druff corrupted download? A "HAGOKORO Configuration" windows should have popped out. Try running another Unity game?

By the way, I highly advice using the lowest resolution setting. Game is way less wonky when I do, and the girls even look better?
Other protip: stock up on dirty liquid to spray on the onee-sans :cool:
Corrupted download? A "HAGOKORO Configuration" windows should have popped out. Try running another Unity game. By the way, I highly advice using the lowest resolution setting. Game is way less wonky when I do, and the girls even look better?
Other protip: stock up on dirty liquid to spray on the onee-sans :cool:
I don't know what's going on. That screen appears after clicking Play on the configuration window. I downloaded the demo multiple times and ran it without success. Harem Trigger, another Unity game, still works on my computer.