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The Adbot's Revenge!


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Maybe I can, maybe I can't. Not reason to not to try though."

He managed to avoid the swing down, jabbing in with an uppercut to the jaw before backing up again, regardless of if it connected or not. He wasn't going to get caught by surprise if he could avoid it, though he began to suspect he couldn't pull this off alone.

Sparky wasn't far away now, he could see the plume of smoke, and moved fast towards it, hoping he wouldn't be too late to help.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito manages to find an escape path out of the hive, only to be cut across his backside as he climbed out, sparks and oil spewing from the cut. "Dammit." Burrito says, his left leg ceasing to function as he trips and falls when trying to stand up and run "How very disappointing, Burrito. From all the stories I had heard, I thought you'd be a challenge." the man says, walking up to him and grasping him by his hair, beginning to drag him across the ground "Let's go check up on my friend, shall we?" he says, chuckling as he drags Burrito with him towards where John and the beast were fighting, Burrito growling as he reaches his right hand up and vice-locks his grip on the man's left wrist, the man sighing as he cuts Burrito across the back once again, this time his strike drawing actual blood as he continues onward, Burrito slowly fading out of consciousness from the gash on his back which is now slowly oozing blood.

When John had uppercutted the beast, it had most likely felt like punching a steel wall: hard and unmoving. The beast merely begins to laugh loudly as he looks at John "Do you really think you have the power to kill a god? Foolish." the beast says, then throws a punch directly at John with his right arm.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

John back peddled fast, barely getting away from the swing. He couldn't hurt the thing, just fucking great.

A sudden barrage of Wraith weapons fire came from behind the beast as Sparky blasted it, then peppered the thing with Devastator Rounds.

((May as well do both at once since my original plan to remove Sparky just went to hell.))


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Umm, where has Shrike been during this? She jumped at the thing a while ago... Hmm, let's try this.))

Shrike used the distraction provided by Sparky's barrage to come up behind the creature, trying to sever it's spine with one of her blades and ready to jump back if it turned on her.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The beast simply ignored the barrage of weapons fire, seemingly unphased by it, but it roared as the blade entered his skin anmd stopped no more than an inch deep "You call that a blade!?" he roared, then blade popping out as the wound slowly began to heal "Your pitiful forum couldn't kill me permanently the first time! What makes you think you can defeat me this time?" the beast roars, turning his attention to Shrike with a wide grin "A woman? BWAHAHA! It has been long since I last saw a woman who could defend herself! Can you? Probably not!" he says, this time raising his fist for a downward blow, bringing it slamming down towards Shrike.

Meanwhile, Burrito and the man dragging him had arrived near the battlefield, and the monster's loud voice could be heard clearly "Oh dear. My friend seems to have gotten out of hand. Ah well. Can't have him destroying the whole forum before the grand finale, now, eh?" the man asks the unconscious Burrito, and, upon hearing his silence, scoffs and releases Burrito, then begins to walk towards the section of the crashed hive that was slowly becoming a large battlefield.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

With the beast now focused on Shrike, both John and Sparky shared a look and attacked it's blind side.

John with as much strength as he could muster, Sparky moving to feed on the ugly bastard.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The beast begins to roar as he feels the Wraith feeding on him, completely ignoring the attacks John was waging on him "Do you really think you can drain my power so easily?!" the beast yells, his arm coming around and catching Sparky in the head, sending him flying back from him.

"Supermeme. You shouldn't be so vicious. We don't want you next meal going cold before you have a chance to eat it." a voice says through the smoke, a shadow appearing as the mystery man who had attacked Burrito earlier began to walk out into the open, a frown on his face as he adjusted the tie around his neck "These two won't die as easily as most forumites." he says, disappearing and reappearing behind John in a puff of black mist from his body, his blade held against John's throat "How does it feel to stare into the black abyss that is death?" the man says, the blade sinking into John's flesh.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

There wasn't much John could do on that one, he'd been beaten. The blade easily sank through his neck, dropping his head off, killing the vampire again.

Sparky however, was not quite so dead. Standing he growled. "You both will pay for that."

His eyes voided out for a moment and he smirked. "I know of you human, and now vengeance will be brought."

As he spoke, the massive hive altered course, heading straight for them.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Her ship is off harassing the hive without her.))

Shrike was already moving, taking a few deft steps to the side and drawing her blade along it's wrist as it passes by her, looking to cut tendons. "And I've never seen any flesh that has stopped me before. Guess there's a first time for everything, isn't there?" She said, dancing away out of reach when the new enemy arrived.

"Toonpimp..." She muttered under her breath, recognizing him from the few pics Tobias had shown her. He poofed to behind John and she froze, making one of her blades disappear to conserve focus, in case she needed to move quickly...


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Supermeme merely grunts as the blade barely sinks into his tough hide "You pathetic blade cannot piece my flesh." he says, the cut seeming to heal in front of her eyes "No mere woman can kill a god. Isn't that right, Toonpimp?"

"Indeed it is, my friend. Nothing can stop us." Toonpimp says, dropping John's body, then quickly pointing his blade off to the right, flicking the blood from the blade "And you. Your kind are through. You had your chance before you betrayed me. Now, I'm afraid that you must die." he says, disappearing once again, this time appearing in front of Sparky and jabbing his blade into the Wraith's chest.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The wraith wasn't quite dead before he hit the ground, smirking at the man. "I ... die ... knowing that Hive will come for you now."

And so it had, the hive suddenly opened fire, directly on top of the larger being.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Gods can die, same as everything else." Shrike said calmly, but made no move to attack. The brute couldn't hit her, he wasn't fast enough, but she needed to keep an eye on toonpimp, he was a problem, and by the way he held his blade, she knew he was more than competent with it. He moved again, this time finishing Sparky, and the wraith ship arrived, causing her to back off further to try and avoid the shots.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

There was something of desperation in the air. Sinful could almost taste it. The others were all rushing towards something, and she alongside the prentender wolf were amongst the forefront of the charge. She knew she had to get there faster, that something bad was happening at her destination.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Siphon has informed me that our adversaries *should* be gone, leaving, for the moment, just the Hive to be dealt with. This is going to make for a very angry Copper, but it's no fun going against an opponent to isn't there anyway.))

Copper suddenly stumbled in the middle of her run, feeling like something had just slammed into her chest. Staggering the rest of the way, she came to a stop just at the perimeter of where the fight had taken place. Despite the fact that she didn't have to breathe, her chest was heaving, her lips starting to curl up into a snarl.

"WHERE ARE THEY?" The cry is as much a howl of rage as it is full of anguish as well. Her eyes have gone from their normal brown to a gleaming red and her claws are still out, blades forgotten at this point. She sucks in a breath to get the scent she wants, the killer's scent. By the snarl that she lets out, she's got it, too. Regardless of the threat from the hive, there was only one thing on the vampire's mind: Rip them to shreds and make them choke on their own blood.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

It took Siphon only a half second to realize what could cause her to lose it like that. There was no question about it, John was dead.

"Oh ... fuck, SIN, MOVE!"

Channeling everything he could into his move, he went super-speed again, darting around Sinful if he had to.

A half second later he had Copper by both arms, his steely grip holding her from moving any further. He knew he only had scant moments to speak, so he did quickly, both aloud and into her mind.

"You can't survive the blast from the hive, you can't avenge his death if your gone too. We have to let this one go for now, regroup and deal with the hive. Then, we gut whoever did this, you hear me? I give you my WORD I'll help you track the fucker down to the ends of this planet and beyond, dimension destroyer be damned. This is personal now."

He then added a brief, "John wouldn't want you to recklessly toss away your life going after them through THAT. He'd want you to go about it rationally, getting rid of that hive first, then going after his murderers. Don't give them the satisfaction of seeing you gone and not able to exact revenge."

His own eyes were glowing, and anyone who tried to interfere with his restraint of Copper would be snarled at with the words, "BACK OFF," the demonic like eyes flaring.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Copper lets out a shriek, hissing and practically spitting at him like a cat. She's also using his grip on her arms to hold herself up while she kicks at him, trying to get herself loose. "Let go of me!" That's, of course, before he starts speaking. "They'd never hit me, they'd never see me. I swear to God I'm going to rip him apart with my own claws." She's still fighting against his grip, actually planting her boots on his thighs and trying to push herself away from him. The gleam's gone out of her eyes, but it's clear that she's borderline going over that edge once again if the right thing were to set her off. "Let. Go," she snarls at him again.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike was dashing through the hive wreckage, keeping an open mind as she went, trying to feel if she was being followed. She activated her radio and keyed in a secure comms with her ship, and the AI on board. "Ariana, where the hell are you? Why is the hive still focusing on other shit?"
Is that worry in your voice? Don't worry, nothing bad has happened to me.
"Oh I know you're fine, I want to know why the hell the hive is still firing at ground targets!"
Oh, that. They started ignoring me, and without using the Sunslayers I can't do any damage to it that doesn't heal right back up.
"Alright fine, pick me up then, it's hammering my area. You heard that transmission, if the lurkers can take it out, we'll lend a hand."
Consider it done, eta... Twelve seconds.

Shrike didn't answer the AI, just climbing up one of the chunks of rubble as she switched her radio back to the open frequency.
This is Shrike, what the hell is going on, and does anyone recognize the name Supermeme?


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Sin stepped away, she was completely lost. No radio, no allies. Just herself on a strange planets with her swords and rifle, amidst legions of creatures clashing against god like beings.

"Fuck this," she muttered and started off on her own, unknowingly in the direction of Burrito's battle.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Not until you PROMISE me your not going to go get yourself slaughtered by that hive. It's firing at us now dammit, they know we're here."

She suddenly felt him stiffen as the name came over the radio, and he used his shoulder to hit the button.

"I haven't heard that name in a very long time Shrike, why would you ask such a thing like that?"

He already had a good idea, but was hoping he was wrong.

He noticed Copper still hadn't relaxed and sighed. "Look, you have two options. You either calm the hell down and we go about this rationally, or I pick your ass up and carry you back to the forum on my shoulder like a little kid. Though I swear to god, the first dumbass who makes any kind of sexual comment about that sight I'm going to kick to the moon, then feed to a barracuda."

She could tell he was serious. On all of that, just from his body language. "Twenty seconds to decide, and so help me god if you LIE to me Copper ....."

His tone had turned very dark, a sure sign he wasn't playing around. While some could consider him a bit of a show boater with his previous abilities, one thing that could not ever be said about him was that he was afraid to use them. He definitely wasn't.