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The Adbot's Revenge!

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Impotent? IMPOTENT?! How dare you call the greatest planet destroyer Gig impotent!"

"Gig? That's your name? And how the hell haven't I known this for the past 500 years?"

"Because you didn't ask. Anyway, who care's if we can't have a private conversation? It was getting boring stuck inside there for all these years. And besides, I get to piss you shitheads off now."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

An amused smirk came from Siphon.

"Interesting, now I have your name as well."

He laughs again. "Your not pissing me off, your .... providing entertainment."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((To speed things up a bit... Gonna go on a little break after this post.))

"Yeah, sure."

Grave continued to walk. However, each step was becoming slightly more difficult than the previous one. The darkweaver grunted. He took a look over his shoulder to confirm that he crossed enough distance, then hid himself behind some debris. He couldn't wait longer. Grave released the temporary seal he forced on himself a few minutes ago - and quickly realized that this could have been a big mistake. Altough in the beginning his power seemed to be calm, it turned out it was just a short break. Suddenly, dark energy within Grave's body reached an increadible spike, and raw elemental power quickly took over the warrior's body. He watched in horror as a shroud of darkness, much more intense than anything he had ever produced, wrapped around him and began to distort his body and clothes... Even the ground under him!

Dark energy filled Grave's flesh and bones. He could only imagine how his body was warped by the unholy forces. The pain was incredible - the warrior barely managed to suppress screams. Darkness poured in through his skin, filling him - and eventually reaching the spine, traveling quickly towards the head. Grave felt that his eyepatch turned into something that could not be described. He could feel the immense darkness gathering where his left eye used to be. He felt the raw elemental power flow into his brain - at that point, Grave screamed and everything became black...

They were here. He remember the darkness, it's cold embrance. He remembered how it consumed him. But he wasn't afraid. He was... Calm. This was his home. They were his kin now. Finally. He reached out to embrace the darkness - only to be pushed back.

'Time flows in your world... Go back.

You're not ready yet.

Grave woke up on the ground. He opened his eyes and took a look around. It seemed that the ground didn't take much damage... And neither did his body nor clothes. In fact, everything seemed to be ok... Except for the heavy elemental fallout hanging in the air. Grave sighed. The air was so heavy with it, it was a miracle he could see. He stood up and froze suddenly.

Elemental energy wasn't visible to naked eye. So why was he able to see it? And what was that strange feeling in his left eye socket?
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"We'll see how entertaining it is once we have no more use for you all and kill you all. Or will you willingly bow down to us as the rule of this planet as Host suggested you'd all do?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Supermeme?!" Burrito yells in surprise, nearly falling out of Siphon's grasp "That bastard is still alive?!" he asks, oil seeping through his teeth and his left eye slowly turning black "Siphon. Let's get a move on. I need repairs before I go crazy from the oil leak in my brain." he says, sighing as he looks over at Grave and Oni "Oni, keep that demon of your in check before I strangle you. Grave, if you aren't up to joining us when I finish my repairs, you can always stay here and help with the defenses."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"HAH! You think this bastard can keep me in check? He can't even keep HIMSELF in check!"

"Why would I even want to? This way he can piss other people off instead of me."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Sin crested a hill, and found a single wraith sitting by a fire. Walking up behind the creature she booted him in the back of the head. With a shout of surprise he tumbled into the flames, where Sin held him down with the sole of her boot.

"You don't even fucking know me," she muttered before plunging a blade into his back, slicing open his heart and one of his lungs.

As the wraith died Sin pulled it off the fire and started to peel the charred bits of flesh away. Her stomach rumbled with hunger as she prepared a meal out of her latest kill.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon shot him an amused look.

"Supermeme considers himself a god, and the Wraith try impersonating gods to gather loyal followers they can gradually feed on and use to keep their 'herds' in stock. Your no different from them save your powers are beyond their abilities to comprehend."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Heh, we don't try to impersonate 'Gods'," This time it was Oni who replied to Siphon. "I'm only looking for peace, and this planet and Burrito seem to be the key to that peace. Host suggested we become the ruler of this planet once whatever the fuck is attacking this planet is destroyed. He said that it would be better to have followers than an empty planet. Either way is fine by me though."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

That caused Siphon to laugh again. "Host told you that? Host is more likely to see you get near to being ruler, then try to destroy you. Host wouldn't follow anyone, he's to independent and too power hungry himself. He'll use you if he thinks he can, then back stab you when his plan is set. I wouldn't put it past him to find a way of either banishing you both, or utterly destroying you. One thing I'll give that creature, he's very resourceful."

Siphon nodded, then began moving to move Burrito back towards the forum as fast as possible.

"If you want to continue the conversation Oni, follow us."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave left the place he was hiding in. He had a really big headache and his body felt weird. On top of that, his perception changed - somehow, he could see darkness.

'But how? And what's that feeling where my eye was?'

Grave closed his right eye - and nearly screamed. Somehow, he obtained a new eye - one that saw everything in darkness. Grave realized that his body was most likely tainted and transformed - but to what extent? He tried to focus - and discovered something. The warrior felt a calm, steady flow of dark energy within himself. He was used to that, but only on a spiritual level. This time, the sensation was more physical. The darkweaver's mind began to work faster. Something happened to him - but what exactly? His body seemed to be human and dark at the same time. Grave shook his head and made his way towards the place where he left other members of the squad. He had a really bad feeling.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Sin leaned back against a small rock, chewing a piece of Wraith meat, and winced slightly. She almost wanted to vomit.

"What I wouldn't give for some venison steak right now," she muttered, tearing another strip of flesh from the mutilated body next to her.

As she swallowed another piece, she smelt something, ever so faintly. As she sat and tried to enjoy her meal the smell got stronger. Another Wraith. She heard it shuffling over the ridge, and finally cresting. It looked tired and was about to say something when it looked down and saw its friend torn to pieces.

Sin raised her rifle one handed and shot him twice through the chest. Grasping at the wounds, with blood pouring between his fingers, the wraith collapsed and died.

"Eh... leave that one for the ravens."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike took a moment to reply, having to concentrate on dodging an extraordinary amount of fire in the last few seconds. Her ship took a couple hits, but the shield absorbed them and was already recharging. She backed off a bit to continue the conversation.

Copy that Siphon. I do have something that could probably punch holes in it, but they're in raer short supply. They're called Sunslayer Torpedos, it's a massive exageration, but if I can actually get one close to a critical system, instead of just the hull, it should take a rather large chunk out with it. I only have ten though, so I need to be careful with them.

I thought we weren't allowed to use those. Ariana commented dryly.
"No, I said you weren't allowed to use those, I need to be around for it." Shrike told the AI calmly.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

(Something I forgot to add before; Host got a radio on the same channel as the rest of the squad from Aika, and has moved to the site of the battle.)

"…they had to have left the dart bay doors relatively unmodified. If we can get past their shield somehow we might be able to create secondary explosions by targeting the dart bays. It's a long shot at best but .... I've got nothing else."

Good to know!” comes the currently happy voice of Host through the radio.

Host's merry band of Lurkers soon found an impossible scenario playing out. The hive stopped a good distance away from where they needed it to be, just sitting there. Then after a minute it started firing, seemingly at random ....

Until the first shots rained down directly on top of their supposedly cloaked weaponry, obliterating that location within ten seconds before moving on to the next, and the next.

It became clear fast, the hive, despite the cloaking technology, could somehow SEE them.

Host watched as his plan fell apart. It had been a good plan, but it had relied entirely on one factor, and that had ultimately been its undoing. Host’s assumption that the cloak had been disabled from within the Lurkers was the mistake that had cost the Lurkers one of their most dangerous, and costly weapons. His faith in the Lurker’s cloaking technology had been too strong – though not without good reason; even the Lurkers themselves couldn’t penetrate their cloaking tech.

“NO! That’s… IMPOSSIBLE!” after a moment of contemplation, he added “THIS CANNOT BE!” And immediately afterwards… began to laugh. And not in an insane manner, either... well, any more than usual. Sure, the trap had begun to unravel… but Host was there to tie it back up. He had hoped not to need this, but the worst had happened and now he had little choice. Soon, the assembled beings would know the part they were to play… he pushed a button, and the ground exploded. Literally. A huge series of explosions rocked the earth, and the landscape changed in a second. What had been an apparent plain had been covering a network of tunnels, which now had their top blown off in places to form trenches. Inside were a number of mobile SAM launchers, placed so as to be undamaged by the explosions. Host ushered the troops in. the trenches wouldn’t provide all that much protection from hive shots… but hopefully enough for them to last as long as would be needed. He was ready to begin Plan B.

Soldiers, keep the SAM Launchers mobile and harass them with everything you’ve got. Throw goddamn stones if you have to! As long as you can keep them occupied enough,” - Host’s grin can practically be heard - “we should see some serious shit.” *Channel Switch* ”All satellites fire.” *Channel Switch* ”Air Force, take off. Plan B has become active. Be warned, your cloak will not work for this one… good luck. And try not to destroy the world.”

In a location somewhat removed from the battle, eight took to the air, along with a guy riding some kind of giant, skeletal… or maybe mechanical, bird, with a body made from black smoke... In orbit, far above the hive, several satellites aimed at the same spot on the hive’s shield and let loose a constant, if somewhat small, red beam of lasery death. Wheeled SAM Launchers rolled through the trench and fired on the hive. With all that distraction, surely the fighter-bombers would go unnoticed, likely being incapable of penetrating even the shields…
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Plan B probably didn't work as well as Host had planned.

For starters, the beams didn't meet resistance by a shield, they hit into bare hull, doing absolutely nothing at all. This was quickly confirmed by any nearby craft, even as the hive opened fire on the surface again, this time the weaponry packing a lot larger punch.

By this time Siphon had gotten Burrito back into Silver's place, and could see what was going on. Growling, he knew they had one chance if Host was going to succeed.

"Copper, Silvers, take care of Burrito will you? This ends here. Good luck, and be safe if I don't come back."

He was just simply gone after that, using his speed once more to make it to Host's location.

"Hey there compadre. Never thought this day would be coming, day I'd be standing on the same side as you folks. Let's make it a day any motherfucker wanting to mess with our world won't ever forget huh?"

His eyes darkened, changing from red to black. Suddenly another blast of energy cut through the skies as Daedalus came roaring into the skies, slamming her plasma beam weaponry into the hive. That was followed up by a round of drones ripping into their hull, again unshielded. If Host hadn't already known, he'd know now when Siphon muttered, "they have no shielding, it's all super-dense hull."

A moment later an idea hit him. "Host .... do you guys have any way of getting a nuke INSIDE that ship?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Sin tapped at the radio in her ear. She could hear stabs of voices, but nothing solid. Mostly static. Spitting out a piece of meat she got to her feet and brushed some sand off her cloak, before kicking some dirt over the fire.

As soon as she did the sound of explosions rocked... well everything.

She braced herself, and managed to keep on her feet. She ran to the top of a ridge and looked out over a changed wasteland. Trenches, millions of miles of its, with sam sites. Most of it unused, but apparantly ready to be.

"Who made this shit?" Sin asked herself, as her eyes caught the glimpse of a distant battle.

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The lights of the drones were close enough to Sinful that she could see the drone weapons in their glowing yellow fury slamming into the gargantuan hive ship, which due to it's size was readily visible to her.

Yet despite the pounding it was taking, she could tell the hive was just shrugging it off somehow.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"When God's and Titan's fail, send in a wolf," Sin muttered shrugging her shoulders. She jumped into the trench system and started to move along their steel reinforced lengths.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito groans as he awakens halfway thorough his procedure, the lines fully fixed in his body, but the damage done from constant fighting still unrepaired "Silvers. Close me up. I just need to be able to function." he says, the mechanic slowly folding his skin back over his machinery, his armor sitting on a table nearby, forgoing it and standing, cracking his neck as he takes his sword sheath from his armor and attaching it to the right side of his waist. He then walks out of the garage, and past Copper, revealing the large stylized number 12 tattoo on his back. "What is going on? What are those lights striking the hive?" he asks as he turns around to face Copper
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

As she continued through the trenches, Sin started to come into contact with soldiers. They were operating the SAM sites and doing their best to do some sort of damage to the ship, but nothing obvious was happening. As Sin walked amongst their midst they would stare, until they met her eyes and the vicious snarl that her face was twisted into.

The... hive ship she had heard it be called... was looming larger and larger above her. She felt its power in her bones, a physical crackle along her flesh.

"Fuck you," she muttered under her breath