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The Adbot's Revenge!

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike watches carefully, catching on quick that she was going to have to try something herself. Moving slowly so as to keep her barrier up easier, she plants her hands around his wrist, and in one smooth mental motion, dropped her barrier and extended a wide square-shaped blade, straight down through Meme's wrist.

((Up to you whether her special kind of sharp can cut right through it, but she plans on effectively making a sheet through his wrist, so it can't heal after it passes. Effectively, if she can cut all the way through, the hand will completely sever and thump to the floor, herself included.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon regarded Supermeme with dangerously cold and calculated eyes.

"You intend to cause harm regardless abomination. Win win for you, whatever. See the thing you fail to understand is, I no longer CARE what any of you, or they think of me. Before long, all hell will spring loose, and it won't be of your variety either."

He tilted his head back and began laughing at Supermeme, his laughter highly insane sounding and dangerous. The energy died around him as he took three steps at his opponent and spread his arms.

"Go ahead asshole, HIT ME if you DARE. And we both know unless you set her down you'll never even get close to me. So go ahead, HIT ME, unless your AFRAID."

He made no attempt to move out of the way regardless, seeming to taunt his enemy by his mere presence.

((Go ahead, I DARE him.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!


Dealing with the pain, she could handle. The problem, or lack thereof, was that as fast as Meme was healing, so was the vampire. As soon as the wounds appeared, they were knitting shut before they even fully formed. And she wasn't just cutting into his flesh, she was literally pulling it away, at least until she saw the sheen of blue, which pulled her up short for a second. Severed or not, she changed tact and went for the hand instead, intent on prying his thumb away and doing what she can to free Shrike from his grip.

"That'sitwhenthisisoverI'mlearningbonecraft." Shrike might be able to make that out, given that it's under her breath and her lips are moving as fast as she is. And then, shouted, "Siphon!Quitfuckinposturingandfryhisassorsomething!"

((I reserve the right to deck Burrito on principle of keeping Copper away if he kills Toonpimp because she is going to need something to vent her anger out on. That is all.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Granted. That won't be happening though. As for your special kind of sharp........I dunno.))

Supermeme watches as the flesh is peeled away, rotting away in seconds as new flesh formed, laughing at the vampire's attempts to hurt him, then seeing the blue sheet slowly slicing down through his wrist, his left hand reaching over and stopping just short of the blue sheet of energy, cocking his head slightly and remembering "So. You're the girl who managed to cut into me a while back. Quite a fitting way to die, trying feebly to escape. With each second, I grow more resistant to your attacks. No matter how powerful. Genetics are an integral part of every last living being. And, written into those genetics, are the will to survive and thrive. You all are no different." he says, as calm as ever as Shrike would suddenly feel the sheet being pushed back out of his wrist, the flesh healing behind it as it slowly reverses direction. As for his thumb, which Copper was working very hard on, it made no movement whatsoever, regardless of what was used on it. It was as if her very body was rejected from touching him.


Burrito stared down Toonpimp for almost a minute, as if trying to get into his head, before sighing as his left leg begins to shake "Come one, you pile of shit. I've still got enough to fight you." he says, stepping back into a martial artist's stance. "Ever the warrior. Wishing to die on the battlefield, for honor or glory or whatever it is you humans adore so much." TP says, disappearing in a puff of black smoke, and reappearing behind Burrito, his sword coming down and ringing as it bounces off his left shoulder "I've been researching that blade of yours. Sharpened to an edge no thicker than a molecule. Once I know how you do it, I can stop it." he says, pivoting at his waistline into a chop towards TP, missing and being rewarded by a kick to the chest, sending him flying across the garage.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Youareseriouslystartingtopissmeoff." She was seriously considering going back and finishing the job she started on his face, if only to shut him the hell up, but knowing him, he'd probably rip his own skin off just to keep talking or because he had to, form another mouth somewhere else.

"Willsomeoneflamethisfuckingtrollalreadyjesuslovingchrist!" Meme would feel some bit of resistance to his pulling the shard out, his healing flesh suddenly molding around it. Granted, it probably wouldn't do much good, but if she could make it hurt or slow it down, mores the better.

Shrike,cut his thumb off. Do that to his thumb. For as mercurial as the vampire was moving, her thoughts were surprisingly calm. If he were reacting and adapting to everything that they were doing, maybe it was time to change tactics again, but she wasn't about to do anything until she knew Shrike was all right, be it getting her loose or protecting her if someone decided to take her advice.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Genetics? HAH! Of course.

He regarded Supermeme with an almost dirty look, the mental wheels in his mind turning despite the damage there.

"Genetics aye? You just gave me an idea Supermeme. An idea that will spell the end of anyone like you for good. Genes re-write themselves yes, but what if they got an external stimulus that forced them to re-write to KILL their host? Haha, a world wide genetic fix to grant the entire planet something special, oh how sweet that sounds. Is it possible you ask? Haha, you've already proven that, and I have a feeling I know just the right thing to use. Yes, I'm quite certain."

He then proceeded to pull out some form of needle, with a thick syrupy red tint to it, and unless anyone stopped him, he'd inject himself with whatever the liquid was.

((Yes I have an idea for something, No I'm not saying what. Why? Because it fits with the insanity and I'm too ass lazy to type it all.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Shrike's special kind of sharp makes TP's blade look like a cudgel ;) ))

Shrike's eyes widened when Meme started pushing back her attack, but said nothing. By the time Copper told her to focus on the thumb, she had already come to the same conclusion. Starting to run out of air from Meme's constant pressure, she refocused her hands around the thumb at her waist and focused her blade into existence the same as before, but this time slicing through the thumb as fast as she can manage.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

And as soon as she sees the sheen of blue, Copper shifts focus, too, doing her best to help Shrike cut her way through, be it pushing skin away from the 'blade' or simply getting in the way if he tries to grab hold of *that* one, making herself a barrier to push him away if he tries to grab for it. Should he grab hold of her again, he suddenly finds himself grasping air as she immediately dispurses into her mist form only to shift back solid somewhere else to continue harrying him. Her movements seem to happen in the blink of an eye and even if he manages to get rid of her, it's not even a matter of seconds before she's back on him again.

((She may not be able to pick him up and toss him, but I think Copper's got enough strength, thanks to her Rage, to effectively be a good wall between his free hand and his thumb. Granted, it might be like one of those movies where the guy's trying to keep the door from pressing down on his friends, but the idea is to buy Shrike some cutting time. And yes, her strength is jacked up right now to the point where she could probably crumble a building if she hauled off and punched it, to say the least.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Supermeme growls as the blue blade begins to meet resistance, his skin actually healing OVER it in an attempt to slow it down. His grasp begins to tighten as he reaches for the blade, but is met with Copper's interference "Why do you fight for her life? In the end, you're all going to die some day. Why not speed up the process?" he says, another chuckle being heard as he looks over at Siphon, smiling as he watches the needle enter his skin "So. You plan on destroying the entire world? That's too bad. Because if there's no one to rule over, there's no point in being ruler of the world." he says, swatting Copper away and managing to get a hold of the blade with his left hand, slowly pulling back on it, ignoring any attempts Copper made on his body.


"What's the matter, Cyborg? Can't fight without your precious team here?" TP asks, as if taunting Burrito into trying to hit him "I can fight. You just chose the wrong moment." he says, standing up shakily, his legs now sparking from any movements he made "A third-rate machine made by a third-rate scientist. What a pity." he says, walking towards Burrito and hitting him in the stomach with the hilt of his sword, knocking him down before he can manage to react. "Tell me. What is it you cherish in this world? This forum? Your team? That madman that was once a wraith? Is it worth dying for?" he asks, raising his sword and spinning it around, pointing it directly at Burrito's power core. "Let's find out!" he yells, stabbing downward with his sword, a demented look on his face
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

As Toon Pimp lunges at Burrito with his sword, his attack aiming to kill another sword, this one at least as tall as Toon Pimp himself hurtles towards him. The giant sword knocks Toon Pimp's own sword out of his hand and stabs into the wall. Attached to the sword is a chain, and the chain leads to a portal, this portal crackles with dark energies as the chain rattles and a moment later a dark figure flies out, feet first. Said feet implant themselves into Toon Pimps face and knocks him backwards. The figure continues travelling and stops as he comes to the wall, knee's bent, feet and one hand on the wall. Almost as soon as it connects with the wall the figure vaults itself off, landing in front of Burrito though facing Toon Pimp. With one pull of its arm, the sword flies towards it, the chain shortening until the figure clasps the giant sword by its hilt. The dark mist slowly shifts into a discernable shape, a scarf-like cape flutters and familiar garments of a God-thought-dead adorn the person.

"So, where the fuck am I?" The figure half shouts at the floored Toon Pimp, the voice sounds almost too familiar as well. He points his sword at Toon Pimp, holding it with ease. A spherical shape, almost like a jewel, glints for a moment before it moves freely along the blade, a carving shifts itself into a twisted smile.

"You better answer him! Oni hasn't killed anyone in a veeeeeery long time, and he even frightens me when he's hungry for some blood!" The sword seemingly says, its voice a mock-scared tone. This too sounds almost too familiar.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"The question is, who are you?" Toonpimp says, standing and rubbing his head, disappearing for a second, then reappearing, clenching his sword in hand "And why do you protect that scrap heap?" he asks, dusting himself off, looking over the figure.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Who am I? You've got the gall to ask an ex-God his name?!" Oni roars, his mouth curling up into a twisted smile, then laughing. "Scum like you don't deserve my name." Oni then, for the briefest of moments looks over his shoulder before turning back to Toon Pimp. "Why the hell would I care about some terminator reject? Now, I'll ask again; where the fuck am I?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon laughed.

"Destroy the world and everyone in it? No I think not. However a bit of re-writing so the world is a less hostile place, now THAT would be a true agenda. You seek to rule the planet through fear, intimidation and power. I simply seek to speed up the natural evolution of the entire world. You AMUSE me Supermeme, but not enough to let you live in the end. Your nothing more than a means to an end, a lab rat per say. You and TP offer valuable combat data for me to go over later. Then, when I have all the data I need, I will dispose of you both just as surely as this planet's star will die one day."

((For the record in case anyone is wondering, I am PURPOSELY not having him teleport Shrike out of SM's grasp. Partly because I feel it's a plot device leaving her there, and partly because I'm not completely certain he could do so without giving SM a chance to crush her before the second 'port completes. And partly cuz that would be a tad cheap imo.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Beentheredonethatgotthetshirtdumbfuck." His hand passes through her mist form as she dispurses, reforming immediately to go back to helping Shrike saw through his thumb. "Andkeepyourfuckinghandstoyourfuckingself."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Okay, maybe I am needing to clarify a bit better, what she's actually doing here. I'm not saying I have any problems with Shrike being stuck there, just the way it's been written has been implying a misunderstanding. First of all, her blades are two-dimensional. I can mathematically prove this, but I haven't come up with an excuse why she isn't causing nuclear explosions every time she swings, due to splitting atoms at the slightest movement. Effectively, there shouldn't be any way in physics to so much as slow it's travel, although magical and et cetera will work just fine. Secondly, she's manifesting it sort of like a sheet of paper, perfectly smooth and flat with no friction on the surface, and isn't physically pushing it through his thumb, she's simply causing more to come into existence below what's already there, leaving what she's already made in the way so he can't regrow what she's already cut. Hope that clears things up somewhat.))

Shrike groans and blinks a few times, her vision starting to narrow from lack of oxygen. She feels Meme's resistance increase again, and pours all her energy into keeping her blade penetrating deeper. Something pops inside her chest and she gasps as one of her ribs break...
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Nox was pretty certain that Grave was absent for a bit too long. The Big Mek was getting impatient, and it seemed that he was considering scrapping the mechanoid - Nox could read that from the ork's face. The fact that the big green guy was preparing his combat equipment was another hint. However, the Mek wasn't alone anymore - a couple of orks with various "bioniks" installed joined him, clearly intending to assist in the process of scrapping. Soon, Nox would have to deal with about 15 greenskin, and none of them seemed to be a grunt...

Suddenly, a loud roar broke the silence. When Nox and the orks turned their heads to look for the source, they'd notice that Gorgutz and the weirdboy approaching. The warboss seemed to be very pleased, and for some reason the two orks looked as if they were in some sort of harmony - apparently, Grave had succeeded in completing his task. Gorgutz stopped in front of the mecha squad, which quickly formed a line - or at least something orks accepted as a line. "Now dis is a propa WAAAGH!!! We got a weirdboy now! Get the wartrukkz ready, we goin' look for a fight!" The warboss turned his head and noticed Nox. "Oh, an' humie said he ain't needin' ya anymore, scrap. Lugnut! Get 'im!" Gorgutz didn't have to repeat - the Mek and his subordinates quickly surrounded Nox, preparing their weapons - some of them seemed to be energy-based. The orks also seemed to posess small force field generators - kinda unstable, but still operational.

Meanwhile, quite a long way from the ork camp, and not too far away from the ULMF squad's current position, something interesting happened. One of the shadows cast by a nearby rock formation swelled before rising off the ground, forming an egg-shaped shroud of pure darkness. Shortly after it's creation, it disappeared, but as the darkness faded, it left someone behind.

Grave chuckled a bit. Nox certainly would be pissed off, but right now, the darkling didn't care about that. He was in a very good mood. The ritual performed after negotiations (which were easier that Grave anticipated) was a great success. In fact, Grave gained more than he had anticipated. He was tempted to test his powers, and now he had an opportunity. Altough he didn't want to meet up with the rest of the squad - especially because of the current condition of some of it's members - there was a possibility that he'd have to get involved. For now, the darkling moved to a position that'd allow him to observe the battle - and with his new and improved left eye of darkness, he could see more that a regular mortal.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Supermeme merely begins to laugh himself, his mouth completely open, revealing a second row of teeth behind his outer set, closing his mouth and smiling "I have to admit, you've got balls, human." he says, hearing the girls rib crack, then sighing as he raises his fist, then slams it down, crushing Shrike beneath him. If she HAD survived, she would probably be too weak to move, or would be in a very deep coma. "Seems like you don't have the power to save anyone. And if you can't even save a friend, then how can you expect to save the planet?" he says, his arms up at his side once again as he chuckles, starting to move in a slow stomp, the ground itself cracking from each step as he cocks his head to the right "I'd estimate you have about two more hits before you can no longer hurt me. Your genetics are so fucked up it was kind of hard adapting to them, but you're out of luck." he says, his hands balling into fists as each finger cracks loudly


"Former god? Oh. You're that crazy person who tried to destroy the entire planet. I think it was Gig. Or was it Oni?" he says, his left hand coming up to his chin and grasping it "You're in ULMF, one of the first forums that I will annihilate. This.....Abomination.....and his friends are all about to die. As are you. Do you have any last words before you are cut down?" he asks, spinning his blade around in his hand before holding it backwards, running up the length of his arm as he extends it out to the side and puts his left arm in front of him, then disappears, reappearing behind Oni with a smirk on his face "Fly away." he says, when suddenly Oni would feel an X shaped cut on his chest, with extreme force pushing on him as if he was hit by a freight train
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon grinned a very insane grin at Supermeme. Now it was time to toy with his mind, rather than seem weak.

"How do you know I haven't already set things in motion yet hmm? Did you think I would be that stupid to not have a back up in place? Even if I die here today, my plan will still reach fruitition. Maybe not exactly as I wanted it, but close enough to trust in my failsafe. But enough talk, you and I both know something has to give here today. So now the question becomes this. Do you have the balls to attack me, or are you a sit and wait kind of asswipe who's too afraid to initiate contact with another male being. Instead, you attack women. As for a friend in need, well, we all knew what we were signing up for now didn't we. What I do, I do with no regrets. Patient Zero now stares you down."

((I had more I was going to say/do, but now I can't remember it. Ah Well. Also, feel free if you want now to go ahead and have him do his damaging attack now and force my guy out of the fight, or have him be last, doesn't really matter to me. Either way, I have something in mind that will be coming from this, what will turn out to be his final thing.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"It's Oni, you bastard. Gig only lives as this sword," Oni says angrily, holding the sword up.

"Hey man, that hurts, ya know?" Gig replies to Oni in a mock hurt tone before laughing maniacally.

"I'm in ULMF? So, Gig connecting us to the planet really did have a bigger effect than I first thought...." Oni ponders to himself before his attention is snapped back to the cyborg behind him. "Abomination....? Wait...Burrito?" Oni blurts out as he realises who was lying behind him. Oni readies himself against Toon Pimps attack, though he didn't expect him to move so fast and attack him from behind. Flying into the wall opposite him Oni makes a pained grunting sound as he gets back up to his feet. He turns around and smiles at Toon Pimp.

"You really think that would do anything?" Oni asks him, though he staggers momentarily. "Damn, I don't think I'll ever get used to feeling pain again." Slamming the tip of his sword into the ground Oni leaps up and kicks it. One half of the blade flies towards Toon Pimp, the other Oni wrenches back out of the ground and runs after the other half. Grabbing the blade by the crossbar in the blade he leaps at Toon Pimp.

"Prepare yourself!" Oni shouts at him, sending Toon Pimps attack back at him all the while Gig is still laughing maniacally.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Supermeme's attack certainly hit the ground, dealing a lot of damage to Shrike... However, before he could do anything else, a black portal opened under her, swallowing the girl's body and disappearing for a moment... Before appearing again, like a door in the air. A familiar person walked out of it before the darkness disappeared for the second time...

"What a bunch of morons, the lot of you... Can't take care of just one genetic reject." Grave stretched before yawning, demonstrating a total lack of respect for the opponent. He looked at Supermeme - and the large mutant would notice that Grave glared at him with cold fury, even though he seemed relaxed. "According to what I've seen so far, brute strenght is all you've got... In that case, I should be able to finish you off by myself. Guys, I suggest you step back, cause this is going to be really ugly." A black, mist-like aura surrounded the darkling, building up fairly quickly - and reaching a level Grave didn't exhibit previously. He focused the power in his right hand, preparing to engage...
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