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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

It's been fucking freezing here since last week, anywhere from -2 C to 3 C during the day then dropping down to -9 C or more. Sure, I dont mind the cold but even I have my limits.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

cold can be easily fixed, heat cannot.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So, last night the temperature dropped down to a supposed low of 29 degrees C. Which is 84 F for those of you using the crap system.

Needless to say, in a house with no air cnditioning, this was a pleasant night and I slept well. It's currently 5.15am, I've just gotten up for work, and it's apprently 32 C (90 F). At 5am. Before the sun has risen.


Two things:
There's snow on the ground outside
The Fahrenheit scale is supposedly based of the temperature of inside a horse's ass.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

It's been fucking freezing here since last week, anywhere from -2 C to 3 C during the day then dropping down to -9 C or more. Sure, I dont mind the cold but even I have my limits.

During the last two weeks it's been mostly between -15 and -20 degrees Celsius with only yesterday dropping to -10. You think -9 is cold? That's only true if you don't clothe yourself properly. At -15 it only stings a bit in your face if you stay out for longer. And I live next to the sea. That makes the weather feel colder than the temperature indicates, since inland the air is practically always still during the coldest periods, while near the coast it's practically never still. So stop whining and be glad you don't live in a cold climate.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well... that went easy. First day of class.

"Here's your Syllabus, get out :'D "

Now I just have to log onto my online classes, do what they tell me, and get to started on my reading for American Lit. What a slow day. I need a job.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I can finally get on with studying. It can't be as bad as these past six months have been. That means I can keep being inactive because I'm busy, only slightly less so.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well, I'm taking a one week course that covers everything I'm gonna be learning in physics for the next one and a half year... I'm by far the youngest one there, so if I disappear for a day or two, physics-overload is the reason.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Formula sheets are awesome.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

During the last two weeks it's been mostly between -15 and -20 degrees Celsius with only yesterday dropping to -10. You think -9 is cold? That's only true if you don't clothe yourself properly. At -15 it only stings a bit in your face if you stay out for longer. And I live next to the sea. That makes the weather feel colder than the temperature indicates, since inland the air is practically always still during the coldest periods, while near the coast it's practically never still. So stop whining and be glad you don't live in a cold climate.

I remember doing a sentry shift in a trench made of snow in -40 celcius. That, just fuckin sucked.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I am the worst student ever. I really really needed to do coursework today and ended up procrastinating even more and watching nearly a whole season of How I Met Your Mother. Fuck.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

that really sounds more like an average student to me.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I would like to announce that my new 'demo' product is fucking awesome.


So the new demo product, what I have to push over everything else in the store, is a giant double dildo. It looks like a giant double dildo. It acts like a giant double dildo. One of the colors is PINK. And best of all, what I have to be doing all day is swinging that thing. When you do that, the giant double dildo makes a huge noise that sounds exactly like this:


I don't think I'm going to sell a single one of these. I'm going to be laughing too hard.
Re: Member Announcements Thread


I just laughed so hard i started coughing and couldn't breathe for a few seconds. That's awesome.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

My computer doesn't like the video. I'll have to try again later, but just seeing the picture, I can only imagine...
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I appear briefly, and will probably disappear just as quickly and quietly as I did.

In other news, I got into my
30% dropout rate? 4 year course in 3 years in 2 years?
Bring it.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Good luck Ili!

@ Alias. Watched that video. It didn't look much like a dildo... until the guy started waving it everywhere. :p
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Okay, I am DEFINITELY showing that video around, that is TOO hilarious XD
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Yeah that was funny, didn't really think it looked like a dildo till the guy started shaking it to me either. I would probably fall over laughing if I had to demonstrate that.

Good luck Ili, if I can make it through a 70% attrition rate course. You can do this.