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ACT Loli Ryona [Mogura Soft] 聖騎士リッカの物語 白翼と淫翼の姉妹 / The Fairy Tale of Holy Knight Ricca: Two Winged Sisters (RJ297937 / RJ363824)

How's the yuri content? I see it has the yuri tag and I saw the clips of the spider girl, but from seeing peoples' descriptions it sounds like scenes are few.
There's 40 H scenes in total and about 5 yuri scenes? The thing is that there's only really 1 normal yuri scene while the rest has weird fetishes involved which might not be to your liking. There's 1 futa scene which becomes really weird, 1 scene where it's appealing to a amputee fetish, the spider girl that you listed which becomes pretty weird too, and one where there are girls forcing a sword in the girl. So they're not exactly scenes you would expect for yuri.
The yuri content is a but a few here and there, maybe only two them are true to yuri imo. The rest is as he said, flavor with yuri while focusing mainly on fetishes like S&M, tentacles, choking and succubus tail tattooing???... that really doesn't involve girl on girl directly. Which is quite a shame since we can see the core attention is about monster/girl or straight sex while the yuri scenes aren't as flesh out even for the normal yuri scene (majority of the scene doens't have sound effects, just moaning with the action). The futanari was only one scene and not utilize enough.
Holy mother of mercy! Ok, I'm normally pretty "unsentimental" when it comes to "Bad Endings" in this kind of game, but this freaking goddam work of art really sets a new benchmark with its rather consequential Bad Endings and their depiction.

"Ricca's insect birth" bad end hit me hard. Seeing her moan and scream in a strange mix of agony and pleasure was kinda arousing during the birthing scene, but what follows really catches me by surprise. Especially when Ricca's new insect babies started to brutally murder and eat up all of Ricca's friends including her Sister who she had finally managed to rescue. This shit is so Grim Dark, I'm pretty sure that this game is settled on some backwater planet of the WH40K universe...

Ricca also really reminds me of Kizuna Ai especially when she moans and screams. Kinda weird, do they have the same voice actor?
I think what makes it so bad is because they are actually focusing on the traumatizing and mental aspects of rape is. Most games it's like oh no I got raped well that in the past and continue as if nothing happened.
It's how Ryona-rape games were in the past (check out Nanocrisis/Hounds of the Blade and Nightmare Sphere (though the latter lacks bad ends)).
Back in the day Game Over Rape was the norm, and typical to that was graphic depictions of the physical assault and the mental trauma, and quite often the humiliation of their body betraying them.

Personally on the one hand I'm really glad the dev held no punches with this, because the modern trend of games skipping the details - or worse following the Corruption of Champions route where instead of it being rape it's more like a foreplay wrestling to decide who gets to be dominant (and if she does lose she ends up enjoying it and cumming like mad constantly)
It's like having a fetish for big tits and seeing a girl with a massive rack, but then she gets naked and you find it was all padding and her tits are small - disappointing.

But on the other hand I will say this dev does seem to take things to 11...
Even I find some of it a bit too drawn out and detailed
I did enjoy dialogue and the inner monologues, even if it made me sick to my stomach for some of them. It really shows how much effort was put into this game. It is really crazy how some people in other threads just skip all the dialogue and gameplay just to watch the H-scenes. Don't know how you can fully appreciate the work without those things.
Where is the .exe file?
I made a post with pictures further down daze's post keep scrolling though the thread.

dang thanks a lot! i was sitting here for like 30 mins trying to figure out how to get/where to get the exe file
Lol same here! You're welcome!

There's a texture for it somewhere. Someone could in theory grab it via asset studio, upscale it/remove the pixelation, then replace it themselves using uabea.

I'm too lazy and it doesn't bother me enough to do it lol.
Awwww, I don't have the technical skill or know how on how to even start. I am so grateful for your guides and uploads because of this. Might there be something you would consider fair motivation to undo the laziness? =)

Anyone have any tips for the succubus boss fight? She's tanky as hell and not a fan of how hard it is to telegraph her hurtboxes whenever she attacks. Not to mention that trying to knock her down with an aerial seems inconsistent.
Sun Gems and Flame Sword Gems worked wonders for me on that fight. Make sure you have 3 sun gems. Pop the Flame Sword and Pop one sun gem and go ham on her! By the time the sword dies out, you should have like 10-20 seconds left on sun power. Keep an eye on your health, one you start taking damage again, pop another set and keep kicking her ass. Two or three sets should do it.
Uncensored Patch:
Get this ->

1. Open up Asset Studio and click File > Extract File
2. Select `data.unity3d` inside `/Game/HolyKnightRicca_Data`
3. Extract to `/Game/HolyKnightRicca_Data`. Move all data files inside data.unity3d folder into `/Game/HolyKnightRicca_Data`.

1. Download the attached file and extract it to `/Game/HolyKnightRicca_Data`
2. Replace the globalgamemanagers.assets file.
3. Rename `data.unity3d` to `data.unity3d.bak` inside `/Game/HolyKnightRicca_Data`


Lastly, free copy for the first person to redeem .

More free copies for the first 3 people (1 Left!) to PM me who's rep is above 25.
All Gone! :D

This doesn't work for me.

After I select data.unity3d it opens a new window that says "Select the Save Folder". If I choose the same folder (HolyKnightRicca_Data), or any folder for that matter, it just closes the window after clicking "select folder" and never extracts and creates the data.unity3d folder you are mentioning.
Sun Gems and Flame Sword Gems worked wonders for me on that fight. Make sure you have 3 sun gems. Pop the Flame Sword and Pop one sun gem and go ham on her! By the time the sword dies out, you should have like 10-20 seconds left on sun power. Keep an eye on your health, one you start taking damage again, pop another set and keep kicking her ass. Two or three sets should do it.
thanks! ill try this out. her fight was bullshit(im on hard mode). she doesnt stagger, her lightning move has no wind up and she spams it
From the few places I've seen on discussion of this game, Hard mode seems to be quite a difficulty spike. Is there any reward or requirement as part of clearing Hard mode?
I don't think the devs meant anything bad by the level of detail put into the more cruel H scenes, because the one yuri scene with Ricca and that witch girl (no not Koonsoft's) also had a lot of detail put into it as well. That was a consensual (or at worst dub-con) scene, so I think they just have a highly committed writing + animating team with set standards.

I think the discomfort I and a few others experience from the H-scene's general cruelty is due to how Ricca is written + acted with actual thought put into how she behaves toward the world around her. Yes she's still a fictional character at the end, but the devs factored in her inexperience and natural awkwardness with sexual stuff, as well as it clearly traumatising her for a long time afterward. They really hammer in the fact that she's been sullied and robbed of innocence in the cruellest way possible, and that's not really a bad thing just many of us aren't used to this human-like behaviour from standard H-game protagonists, many of them shrug off such acts with ease and keep on going. It's very disconnecting from reality.

None of that detracts from the gameplay itself and the content covered is not out of the realm for standard H-games with many going further, but I'm hoping they attach content warnings to individual scenes for the future (because fucking hell you guys have spoken of some scary shit). D-lis did this with night of revenge for any death-related content and that's how I can enjoy that game's scenes without issue.
If someone want a tipp to beat every enemy in the game, just level heavy attack + combo to max level and only use that. Worked for me most of the time because the enemy gets always stunlocked.
thanks! ill try this out. her fight was bullshit(im on hard mode). she doesnt stagger, her lightning move has no wind up and she spams it
*Exasperated sigh* Uhg tell me about it. This one and highway men phase 1 were such a pain. I too am playing it on hard so I feel ya.
Is it me or is the fact that every time you clear a stage, the monsters begin to do an absurd amount of damage? First few levels were a breeze and then suddenly I'm getting one-shotted from a single hit.
This doesn't work for me.

After I select data.unity3d it opens a new window that says "Select the Save Folder". If I choose the same folder (HolyKnightRicca_Data), or any folder for that matter, it just closes the window after clicking "select folder" and never extracts and creates the data.unity3d folder you are mentioning.

No errors are thrown? Clicking select folder should create the data.unity3d folder. Might be a permissions thing, try selecting a folder easily accessible like ~/Downloads as a test. Look out for any errors thrown in Asset Studio as well.

Also FYI devs plan to try releasing on Steam at some point.


  • Screenshot_20211227-114324_Twitter.jpg
    265 KB · Views: 39
I won't lie, either i'm getting soft or these H-scenes so far (1/3 of the way through) are hella depressing, i can't even find it in me to enjoy some of the H-scenes because i'm just like jesus christ somebody help these poor girls

Yeah a bit like trying to fap to something like GoblinSlayer, lol. I just can't do it. Luckily some of the GoR scenes are sexy enough for me ,like the first highwaymen scene or the second one where she gets sold to a noblemen. I don't really mind though, the story is quite emotional as a result of the serious vibes. If a story is good enough to cry to, I don't really need it to be my favorite brand of hentai.

Props to whoever worked on the uncensor patch. I wouldn't have bought this game without it.

I hope there aren't to many more platforming segments like the one in Chapter 12. I'm not sure what made that mission harder, the tough boss or the waterwheels.... while there is a function to mark a chapter complete if you fail it, you miss the all important story scenes that way, so I have to tough them out even if I hate platforming.
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I don't think the devs meant anything bad by the level of detail put into the more cruel H scenes, because the one yuri scene with Ricca and that witch girl (no not Koonsoft's) also had a lot of detail put into it as well. That was a consensual (or at worst dub-con) scene, so I think they just have a highly committed writing + animating team with set standards.

I think the discomfort I and a few others experience from the H-scene's general cruelty is due to how Ricca is written + acted with actual thought put into how she behaves toward the world around her. Yes she's still a fictional character at the end, but the devs factored in her inexperience and natural awkwardness with sexual stuff, as well as it clearly traumatising her for a long time afterward. They really hammer in the fact that she's been sullied and robbed of innocence in the cruellest way possible, and that's not really a bad thing just many of us aren't used to this human-like behaviour from standard H-game protagonists, many of them shrug off such acts with ease and keep on going. It's very disconnecting from reality.

None of that detracts from the gameplay itself and the content covered is not out of the realm for standard H-games with many going further, but I'm hoping they attach content warnings to individual scenes for the future (because fucking hell you guys have spoken of some scary shit). D-lis did this with night of revenge for any death-related content and that's how I can enjoy that game's scenes without issue.

Of course they don’t mean anything bad. It’s porn at the end of the day. Things with more detailed tend to be better as fap material. Although the scenes have narrative purposes, it being fappable and treated as fetish fuel is most important. As someone with a huge rape fetish, the extra detail for the rape scenes were very great. I like suffering after all and dislike when they are so quick to make the characters fall for the dick. Having slow build up for the corruption is amazing. Each of the bad endings are good in their own reason and it’s thanks that build up. It makes more sense why she loses to the pleasure with her trauma and the curse she has.

Also, one thing I noticed that just shows how appealing the gameplay is that there seems be a lot of vanilla people playing the game and not being into the rape stuff despite the H content being 99% rape. It’s interesting but at the same time unfortunate because the dev put as much effort toward the H scenes as he did for the gameplay but people are ignoring that aspect. Hopefully you guys can convert and start liking the content cuz boy, you’re missing out.
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Woah, you guys weren't joking when you said this guy took it to 11, huh.
Judging from the first scenes i've seen, yeah, beyond the things you guys have mentioned, it is also outright violence. And in everything i mean, not just the H.
A little more graphical and it would undoubtedly be R-18G, but even right now it could be considered as such.
I like ryona myself, but soft ryona. This one is the level 10/10 of soft ryona and/or is already an 11, meaning it's no longer soft. I agree with MrMe on that.
But yeah, just think about it, remember those muthafuckin' games like pompompain's dungeon series?
Ricca in the very first scenes
Has to eject slime through her buttwhole that inflated her belly.
Then there's the goblins which kick her belly to make her get out all the cum and all that, also inflation. Then they proceed to kill her.
Seriously, it's just a liiiittle graphical hold back what is...um...holding it, lol.
Also there's that other thing someone mentioned about a yuri scene involving a sword...

Anyway grinding crystals for the skills as proceeding is fair play, so i'll do that, but i am tempted to cheat engine the crystal for costumes. I don't want to fuckin' be able to unlock them after i've reached fucking endgame.
Does someone know if the ratio of that is generous for me to play fair game? or if my purpose is to unlock costumes early on i should better cheat?
Been having a great time playing this on hard but the cave level broke me. Long-ass, boring-ass platform segment after platform segment full of insta-death pitfalls only to get hit over the head with a bullshit boss at the end. It wouldn't even be so bad if it didn't delete all your crystals you racked up in the stage, that's the worst part.
Where do I go after releasing a guard from prison at the start of the Temple? I backtracked quite a bit but couldn't find a way... Also, by going back and forward I noticed that the game just resets everything - mobs, events, etc. What's up with that? I know most enemies respawn (mainly around jumping puzzles - just to make them even more annoying) but resetting events and respawning everything is a little too much. Guard-guy is back in its cell again and I had to free him again...

You pick a path and after a while you notice you picked the main path, so you go back to explore, collect chests and secrets. And when you are done with extra stuff, your progress on the main path is gone... Why? Respawn some trash so I can swing my sword a bit while backtracking but don't ask to clear half of the level again.

Then you have absolutely zero sexual content attached to the gameplay. This is a major "sin" for every h-game. I don't mind that 90% content is GoR - it's dev's vision after all. But at least give me something so I stay hard until the next GoR or story scene comes on... There are some traps and some enemies can grapple you but they are so rare they might as well not be there at all. Dev added pleasure gauge that comes with a debuff but it's criminally underused mechanic - ero-traps appear a few times you basically have to walk into them on purpose. Meanwhile, strategically placed enemies just to annoy the player are everywhere. There are a few gauntlet encounters in the game (not enough) - why not put a few traps in there to make things more trickier and interesting? Grappling attacks should be more common and should have their own harassment mini-animation (similar to traps) and inflict pleasure debuff on top of armor destruction. I don't even ask to mid-gameplay sex scenes after loosing armor and getting grappled (which is a common feature of many h-act games), because it wouldn't fit the game at all since all sex scenes are designed to have a big impact on player. "Casual" mid-gameplay rape would simply ruin that impact but some boob grabbing wouldn't hurt.

Excuse me my rant but this game is exceptional. It leaves other ACT games, especially 3D ones in the dust. And that's why I rant - because IMO this game could have been be even better.

Sick city.
Probably R15 version with no option to turn on R18 stuff, because I really, really don't see Steam approving R18 content in this game (which contains quite graphic rape scenes).
Even if R18 patch will be available, it will likely stay censored so we don't gain anything from steam version (well, except the dev earning more money for the next project and perhaps some more costumes for Ricca).

If someone want a tipp to beat every enemy in the game, just level heavy attack + combo to max level and only use that. Worked for me most of the time because the enemy gets always stunlocked.
I'll add to that:
- unlock double-jump asap so you don't have to bother with jumping puzzles and light daggers so much (also, makes some fights much easier),
- ditch heavy armor and use lighter weapons so you can attack faster with heavy attacks and keep enemies stun-locked - also, being fast means you can simply walk away from enemies and avoid damage, and it just makes the whole game more enjoyable,
- unlock heavy attack super armor so you don't get interrupted before you can stun-lock enemies - the skill that prevents getting interrupted when hitting objects is great QoL, too.
I don't think the devs meant anything bad by the level of detail put into the more cruel H scenes, because the one yuri scene with Ricca and that witch girl (no not Koonsoft's) also had a lot of detail put into it as well. That was a consensual (or at worst dub-con) scene, so I think they just have a highly committed writing + animating team with set standards.

I think the discomfort I and a few others experience from the H-scene's general cruelty is due to how Ricca is written + acted with actual thought put into how she behaves toward the world around her. Yes she's still a fictional character at the end, but the devs factored in her inexperience and natural awkwardness with sexual stuff, as well as it clearly traumatising her for a long time afterward. They really hammer in the fact that she's been sullied and robbed of innocence in the cruellest way possible, and that's not really a bad thing just many of us aren't used to this human-like behaviour from standard H-game protagonists, many of them shrug off such acts with ease and keep on going. It's very disconnecting from reality.

None of that detracts from the gameplay itself and the content covered is not out of the realm for standard H-games with many going further, but I'm hoping they attach content warnings to individual scenes for the future (because fucking hell you guys have spoken of some scary shit). D-lis did this with night of revenge for any death-related content and that's how I can enjoy that game's scenes without issue.
Most people here that play games with rape like to pretend rape is nothing but a happy struggle snuggle. When faced with a character suddenly start crying in pain and acting like a human instead of a fuck doll, they go "woe is me! This is the most disgusting thing ever!" like no shit, that's how rape is.