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New Things To Come DoP: V2

Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

Canniblism. Your character can eat a defeated foe. You gain abosultely nothing for doing it except -10 stamina for each bite.
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

It wouldn't be cannibalism except with sex-crazed humans.
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2


33 Dungeon Rooms
23 Corridors.
(56 total areas)

This'll give plenty of room for others to be alone but at the same time pass others upon the way.

With interaction of other players you can work together or work against each other as well. Imagine 3 players against one creature. As well as if you're a bastard you could try to rape a player. >.> haha.

The sub forum that Aika so kindly added for me (Archives), will be where the self topics of V1 go when they are completed. As once they are completed. I'll add a new topic for new basic rules, etc.. Since the setup obviously changes enough to note things. And then I'll take everyone entering the new dungeon roll a 1d33 or 1d56(not decided if you should start in corridor too or rooms only) for each player to find where they end up. Then make topics based on where players are. Since 56 topics are a bit much I'll only make new topics for the rooms/corridors upon them entering the room. By the end of the game, there will probably be 56 topics though. lol

It'll essentially remain the same being turn based but there will actually be a turn order (based on what/who goes first. Incase of more than just one creature and one player.). That way its easier also for me to decide who goes first instead of randomly doing player, creature, player, creature. (when theres 3 creatures and 2 players in the room. or so on. That if both players go first essentially could mean they could take out a creature together.)

[Now that I updated the v2 topic a bit more. I need to go eat >.>, Then I'll update the player topics here.]
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

V2 sounds more and more complicated by the passing second. I have one question, how long will it take to roll one update with V2?
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

V2 sounds more and more complicated by the passing second. I have one question, how long will it take to roll one update with V2?

Sorry about no updates yet, my later to be step daughter is over again.
As for that, esseintally it'll take some more time but the fact all boils down to what actions, what appears in the room, etc.. The new setup is the same in ways but at the same time it allows for many more actions, and more freedom. Whereas now its very linear.

And with invisible castle instead of rolling for one check, I can just roll for all room checks, etc.. :p So I can roll in the same time as before just constructing the post. Which takes on and off even now. :p
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

Hmmm, well okay. Check out my story. I dared you to choose something other then 3.
But, still V2 sounds like, whoever has the most strength is the attacker. Whoever has the most SPD is the scout. Whoever has the most Int is the leader. Tank is Con of course.
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

Tank needs to focus the fire on themselves if they're trying to keep that kind of formation. Of course, if we're going to keep them as random skirmishes without that kind of battle strategy, it won't be as you have imagined it.
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

OK, Wraust. Lets talk about the complicated stuff.
1) If you are in a 'party' if one person finds the way out, will the whole party leave also?
2) Can you choose not to bring your party out?
3) Can you follow a soon to be winner out?
4) If not, you should make a key system also where you need it to leave.
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

Already did, I picked the logical one :p

Is that so bad? But essentially in a way it'll be.

STR = physical actions + Damage
CON = HP + Defense
INT = Mental actions + anything to do with smarts
SPD = Ability to dodge, escape, to hit.
STA = Ability to DO actions and essentially be your energy.
HP = Does this really need to be explained?
(New Stats)
SE = Sexual Endurance, ability to hold off your orgasm, resist sexual touches, etc..
SA = Sexual Attack, ability to know how to please another, etc..
(in short the above two are your sexual defense and your ability to cause arousal.)
Arousal Level = If it hits max, even 1 more point of arousal will send you over the limit and cause yourself to orgasm.

{[Health:][]} {[Stamina:][]} {[Arousal Level:][]}
{[STR:][]} {[CON:][]} {[SPD:][]} {[INT:][]}
{[SE:][]} {[SA:][]}

Also to verify a few things..

Most Strength is the attacker.
(Can they hit the fast creatures?)
Whoever has the most SPD is the scout.
(No real use for scouts since while rooms will remain the same in ways while a player is there, rooms may constantly change, new creatures enter, new items appear that had missed before, etc.)
Whoever has the most Int is the leader.
(They would allow the people to not hit any traps, etc.. If they were smart enough / lucky enough. :p But then they could also keep the information for themselves. xD)
Tank is Con of course.
(They'd have the most Defense / Health, but they still wouldn't be great solo.)

Now if a group did get together and were esseintally based off of an Attacker, The path finder(trap, etc..), and then one to defend the rest. It could work out rather well. But then you may never FIND that special person. xD So I wouldn't advise anyone to work their setup to favor one thing as if they do, they could end up being fucked, literally.

Tank needs to focus the fire on themselves if they're trying to keep that kind of formation. Of course, if we're going to keep them as random skirmishes without that kind of battle strategy, it won't be as you have imagined it.

All attacks, etc.. will be registered seperately BUT since it will be turn based. A player with more life could essentially attack a creature and try to draw attention to itself while others examine room, etc.. The creature system of attack I haven't really set up on which target it'll go for. Though in my mind at the moment the last to have attacked it, it'll strike for. Whether it be sexual attack or physical, etc.. is yet to be seen. :p So yeah in that way if you work together, that is how it should be.

OK, Wraust. Lets talk about the complicated stuff.
1) If you are in a 'party' if one person finds the way out, will the whole party leave also?
2) Can you choose not to bring your party out?
3) Can you follow a soon to be winner out?
4) If not, you should make a key system also where you need it to leave.

1) No, each player must try to exit. As stated it'll be the same in the essential all stats, actions, will be rolled as a single person. It just means more than one person can choose to work together. And if their fellow dungeon players weren't able to escape the room. They will have the choice always to double back onto the room before and try to continue to help.
(now relooking over that, do you mean exit as in win game? The third one answers that.)

2) I think the above answered it, if not, clarify what you meant more on number 2.

3) The 'winner map/special map' pieces, I haven't decided yet if I will add it as a fact where players can combine pieces and exit with another. (So if you found someone with four and you had one, you both could leave.) And I have tossed the idea of sharing the information but it'll most likely be harder for a person with no map pieces. As stated, it is still be worked on and I'm doing it as I go, piece by piece and rotating some of the pieces. So this yet new exit system for a fact is not quite finished. (feel free to toss ideas around)

4) doors to new rooms/corridors will be randomly locked or unlocked. If locked you'll need to pick it and/or you'll need to use a random dungeon key you've gotten. If you mean to leave as a win, thats another story and stated in 3. Also if one person picks the lock or uses a key, its then deemed opened/unlocked until all players have left the room.

As of now there is no 'party system', its just players MAY work together OR against each other. This'll add new spice and essentially you can just talk to one another and move on in different directions, go for one monster and continously fight it until it dies. However, if a creature that a player has hit (done damage to) has died whether it was them or the other players within the room. They'll all gain the same amount of exp. (not a split between the player, they'll ALL get it. Though if they are different levels. The level +/- experience will factor into each of them seperately.)

It wouldn't be cannibalism except with sex-crazed humans.

Technically if they did it to a player it'd count as it, and a companion. As well as there will be a few more 'human' type players.

other notes

Theres still a chunk of stuff to do, so some things are having room to be adjusted or added, why I've put this post up to begin with.

The biggest chunk of stuff done is the primary setup, stats, fighting combat, etc.. Since it was just adjusted enough to fit a newer setup and adjusted of what things weren't quite good in the previous or at least as even / fitting. The essential setup of all creatures, just not all the sheets filled out. (Since creatures will now have EVERY stat that a player has, so you CAN wear them out with stamina, arouse them yourself so they come. In the previous they have no stamina stat, just hp and an durability [how many times they can orgasm before tiring])

The creatures will also list a 'Type' such as fast animal, strong creature, etc.. That'll give a player an idea of what kind of creature they are facing.

As well as the map/dungeon is done. It'll be essentially the same, theres no walk one step to the left though. Nah, not that advanced or complex. Its just the area listed is where you are, where you can wonder around to and what directions you may wander.

And also as stated some things may be adjusted or changed before V2 is released. As nothing is 100% concrete if I see its gonna drag the game down or lower the fun factor.
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

So... we get to spend 50 extra points with the new stats present? Once it's implimented of course.

And would that mean 12 points at lvl up rather than 8?(Since 150=100*1.5, and 12=8*1.5)
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

ooo, 4 more points.... Thats going to be frickin awesome! By the way, can a person that has all 5 pieces of the dungeon map, find the rest of them and take them away?
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

So... we get to spend 50 extra points with the new stats present? Once it's implimented of course.

And would that mean 12 points at lvl up rather than 8?(Since 150=100*1.5, and 12=8*1.5)
Actually the stat points upon level up WILL increase since theres more stats to work with. However, exact number is not decided upon yet. I was thinking along the lines of 10-15.

And you actually get +150 from your current points already accumlated. Essentially its 50 more for whatever (stamina, etc.. since you will have 0 stamina upon V2 due to the fact stamina does NOT shift over since stamina in version one is based off of health and speed. which now its a lone stat. So you actually ARE to focus on it.) and 100 for the two new sexual stats. And whatever stat boosters + level earned stats you've already gained in version 1.

When a new player joins they'll have 250 stats to distribute. Whereas before it was 100. (hence why you all will gain +150, so you're not at a disadvantage at all.)

ooo, 4 more points.... Thats going to be frickin awesome! By the way, can a person that has all 5 pieces of the dungeon map, find the rest of them and take them away?

Fully read my last post. lol Its not quite yet decided upon if a player thats about to win will be able to take another. I have thought upon adding a fact that they could SHARE pieces even. So if they are able to gain 5 pieces among a couple players, they could take them together and exit. Though that holds a good idea of working together but also it holds the fact, it could be making too easy. So I'm relelucant to add that feature.
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

The way level ups work now is essentially 2 points per stat you can increase, which I think is pretty solid. I suggest keeping that, thus moving the points per level up to 14, I believe (stamina, and two sex stats, for a total of seven). Also for the map pieces, I suggest making them definite pieces, ie... Piece 1, piece 2, etc... And not telling us which we have. This makes collaboration harder, as people may need to get a much higher amount of map pieces together before they can actually assemble an entire map from it. If you didn't determine the pieces from a random roll, I would even suggest putting only 3 or 4 total maps in there, so there would only be so many pieces to find, which forces collaboration. However, I also think that if someone manages to solo and get 5 pieces all on their own, fudge it so they have all 5 and let them leave.

Just my two cents (canadian), hope it helps.
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

Speaking of disadvantages compared to new players, would players who have already gained levels in V1 get a few extra points to spend, to make up for what they missed?

Say, you make the increase to 14 per level, a lvl 2 charrie would get an extra 6 to spend, a lvl 3 gets 12, etc?
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

Speaking of disadvantages compared to new players, would players who have already gained levels in V1 get a few extra points to spend, to make up for what they missed?

Say, you make the increase to 14 per level, a lvl 2 charrie would get an extra 6 to spend, a lvl 3 gets 12, etc?

I'm not so sure that can be considered a disadvantage. You're already starting with +8 more stat points then a level 1 of V2. Or 16 if you're level 3, etc..
As well as back in v1 there was no stats to need the increase. So I'm not so sure I'll give additional points where back then they weren't needed. As you'll be able to level up just like the new players and gain equal amount of stat points, as well as you have the previous +8 per level you gained in V1.
(Though this issue I won't close off and say I won't either, but I'm not so sure this is really a disadvantage to not give them. And another +6 points isn't an extreme, etc..)

The way level ups work now is essentially 2 points per stat you can increase, which I think is pretty solid. I suggest keeping that, thus moving the points per level up to 14, I believe (stamina, and two sex stats, for a total of seven). Also for the map pieces, I suggest making them definite pieces, ie... Piece 1, piece 2, etc... And not telling us which we have. This makes collaboration harder, as people may need to get a much higher amount of map pieces together before they can actually assemble an entire map from it. If you didn't determine the pieces from a random roll, I would even suggest putting only 3 or 4 total maps in there, so there would only be so many pieces to find, which forces collaboration. However, I also think that if someone manages to solo and get 5 pieces all on their own, fudge it so they have all 5 and let them leave.

Just my two cents (canadian), hope it helps.

Thats not such a bad idea. Having a set amount of pieces, etc.. Of course once someone uses them they'd have to be reset otherwise the rest of the people in the dungeon would be...shit out of luck. xD
While the map peices due come up to a roll, it could be another roll also to determine which piece of what map you randomly get. That way I don't have to determine what piece but at the same time there IS a limit. Hmmmm...
Shrike that actually is a very good idea. :p

And as for the stat points, I may increase it to 14 then. As that also makes a point it was essentially 2 per stat. (unintentional mind you. :p) And while you can raise health and arousal seperately they do also get raised by a stat, but slower.

Side Note: I may not be able to update tonight due to the fact my girl's daughter is here for the night and I gotta watch her. :p
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

Question: Is it possible for every body to find each other, and then have massive orgies and slowly take over the dungeon?
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

Question: Is it possible for every body to find each other, and then have massive orgies and slowly take over the dungeon?

This... Is a pretty sexy idea, though my character would be against it.
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

This... Is a pretty sexy idea, though my character would be against it.

Not necessarily, if ryu's character can still exist, he can sweet talk your character into doing it...
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

Not necessarily, if ryu's character can still exist, he can sweet talk your character into doing it...

Hey, I can only pull that off so many times(once >_> ) and actually have him mean it!
Re: New Things To Come DoP: V2

Hey, I can only pull that off so many times(once >_> ) and actually have him mean it!

Dude, your character is probably the only sane male not intent on rape. All the characters that are female will have a high chance of falling for him.