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Hive Number One



Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

Burrito, who had slipped into a meditation nearby this whole time, finally stands up and opens his mouth to speak "stand back." he says, crouching down and extending his arms out in front of him onto the ground, opening his mouth as a large machine sticks out through his throat and energy begins to charge at the front of it while he waits for the others to stand aside


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

"Right. I'll keep a look out. By the way Siphon, it appears that the core can be made to self-destruct. Just, it needs that DNA too. If you wanted to try if your DNA works... this would be the chance. It looks like it can be triggered from the core room," Tsuki sends out over the radio.

Whatever kind of bots Siphon warned about, it didn't sound good. Tsuki kept checking around her, to make sure they didn't catch her by surprise. That would be the last thing she needed with the headache she still had.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

"Understood, thank you."

He grinned to Grave and Copper then said, "we might not need the C-4 after all then. So we get there, rip whatever intel we can from the core, set it to blow up and then book it like hell. One more level."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

"Right. Plan A, you blow the core, we run like hell. Plan B, you run like hell, I blow the core. Works for me." Given that the boys had been rather handily shredding the walls, and knowing that Siphon needed to work off the aggressive energy, she refrained from joining in unless it was necessary, though she as strongly fighting the urge to shoot him with a rubber band just to get him to chill. If the sour mood kept up, he was in for a good beeping. Hopefully, though, it will have worked out of his system by the time they got back.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

He nodded. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm REALLY hoping for plan A to work. If it does then that would give us a HUGE advantage in the long run against these kind of hives."

He suddenly stops, an idea occurring to him. "Copper, do you remember when we first got here how when we were wondering how best to get in that door just simply appeared, and almost all the doors here have seemed to open for me? What if these hives have actually been constructed by our mysterious mind raper? If the damn hive IS actually sensing what I am, it would explain a hell of a lot of things that have happened since we arrived. It would also make me a primary target of his to take out in the future, can't very well have a being like yourself who isn't allied with you running loose with full access to your shit now can you?" He grins again then says, "If that's the case, I welcome the fight against him."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

"None taken." She just grins. "Well, that'll make finding the bastard a whole hell of a lot easier, if he decides to come looking for you instead of us having to hunt his ass down. Then, maybe taking him out will put a crimp in the bots plans, too." She lightly punches him on the shoulder. "So what are you waiting for? Get going. Get out there. Be the bait!"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

There is a definite chuckle this time from him. "Duly noted, though let's blow this thing to kingdom come before we go overstretching here. Once we do that, really all there is to do is track down where he's LIKELY to be, and then I try again to make a connection and call him out. Maybe, just maybe if I have longer I can actually home in on where he is, but there is obviously a range on it, since I can no longer sense him around. It's not blocked, he just simply isn't within my scope of sensory range."

Another smile and then he adds, "yeah, who knows, maybe if we kill him the bots will just surrender. Though IF that did happen I think I'd die laughing."


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Hive Number One

"That wouldn't be a bad thing, though." Grave destroyed another wall and sighed again. "Anyway, if that bastard really decides to eliminate you, I doubt he'll try to do this personally. He has minions - he'll simply send assasins or try to crush you with a mass of bodies. You'll have to keep this in mind." The warrior paused for a moment while he struggled with another wall. "On the other hand, he might be an overconfident idiot and try to attack you by himself. I doubt that he's that stupid, though."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

Suddenly, a massive blue blast shoots from Burrito's mouth, shredding through the entirety of the hive and creating a massive hole through it "Boys and girls, we have our exit" he says over the comm after the lazor device returns back inside his stomach "Let's get the hell out of here!" he yells over the comm, then begins dashing through the burned and scorched opening towards daylight


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

About the same time Burrito had made a new exit for them, Siphon's group had reached the core. "Dammit, he's already made the exit, I'll have to hurry here."

He quickly went over to the core controls, and blinked slightly when they lit up like a christmas tree. "Ok, looks like I was right, it DOES recognize by species. Good, we can use that to our advantage later."

Soon, he had gathered information regarding their ugly mind rapist, learning that his species apparently were called 'Wraith', and that he seemed to be working against the others of their kind, who weren't even anywhere near this place. He had also discovered a fourth hive existed, but it's location was not listed. Only that it was 'the original hive', and nothing more.

"Ok folks, get moving. Radio me once the rest of you have gotten clear and I'll set the destruct for a short countdown, then disable the shutoff to it."

((I doubt she will mind on this, for the purposes of this, I would say assume that Copper follows Grave and Shrike out and helps in whatever attacks them, if anything, along the way. Your all safe, if she turns out to DO mind, she can rip into me lol :D ))


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Hive Number One

Grave nodded. "Alright. You better get out of here in one piece, 'cause I'm not going to pick up your pieces later." The warrior left the room, returning to the place where the team split up. A few bots tried to stop him, but he was more than a match for those creatures. Grave found the path made by Burrito without problems, and dashed towards the opening.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

Shrike looks up, still rubbing her temple. She looks around, casting out mentally as well, and figures the shortest route back to where Burrito and Tsuki are, then turns to the others. "Alright then, we should be able to make it to Burrito's impromptu exit fairly easily, provided we aren't interrupted on the way. Lets go." She says then starts heading off back the way they came, still rubbing her temple and with no blade in her hand.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

Siphon began working on the console, and once he had made certain the others had indeed made it out of the blast range, armed the self destruct.

Inside and outside the ship, the silence was shattered by what sounded like a screaming siren going off, likely the warning of the impending doom the ship was going to suffer. While Grave and Shrike had encountered little resistance to their escape, once the sirens started going off, EVERY bot in the hive came online at once, and began to fan out. Some remaining inside to ensure the intruders still left did not escape, most heading outside the ship to englobe the already escaping intruders.

With barely five minutes on the clock now, Siphon turned and bolted out the door, even as several walls moved aside. Apparently the destruct sequence had opened several more paths for escape, which was fine with him, he wasn't taking them. He did however stop dead in his tracks when he noticed a room that had not been there before. Sneaking a quick look, his heart sank when he saw a single female in the room, near the door looking out. Trying the panel, he discovered it wouldn't open, even as she seemed to scrutinize him carefully. Growling loudly, possibly loud enough she could hear it in there, he motioned for her to step away from the door to the side. Once she had, he simply struck the door with his full strength several times, literally slamming the door off it's hinges and into the far wall across from it.

"Ok, don't know why the hell YOUR in here, but if you want to live I suggest you follow me. That screaming siren sound is the warning that I've set this hive to blow sky high, so I'd suggest not sticking around. I know, not much of reason for you to trust me, but can we go over that stuff once we're outside of incineration range of this damn hive please?"


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Hive Number One

Grave managed to get outside before the bots activated, but soon he was surrounded by a swarm of enemies. The warrior fought like a mad devil, shredding the bots with his katana and slamming them into the ground with vicious punches - his steel gauntlets proved to be very useful. Grave knew he wouldn't last forever, so he was trying to find at least one ally able to help him.


New member
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

A Cold Room. That's what they call it. A room, or building, constructed to obstruct the natural flow of energy, cutting off everything inside from the rest of the world. The worst torture, and the most effective prison, for a mage.

And that was where they'd been keeping Pale. She'd lost track of time after the first day. Airtight, no food, no water. Even her avian metabolism couldn't avail her in those conditions. She'd given up on trying to cast, with what little energy she had stored inside herself, and resolved to simply wait out her captors.

The alarm came as an unpleasant surprise. Worse still, the being arriving outside the viewing window.. similar to one that had been watching when she first arrived. This one seemed different, though, and the door collapsing inward a moment later confirmed it. Energy floods the room, a dizzying, heady rush, and the mage sways on her feet for a moment. She recovers, though, and a rush of air buffets Siphon as her wings sweep to regain balance.

"Done. Let's go. You first."

She was ready to follow.. but not to fight. Not in her condition.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

Shrike mostly just stays out of Grave's way, defending herself from the few that focus on her and those that try to flank them as the go. She notes his efficiency with an appraising look, but doesnt have time to say anything through the melee.
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

He nodded crisply, turning and looking back only once to be certain she was steady enough to keep pace. When he was sure of that, he picked up the pace slightly, retracing the path back to where Burrito had said he had left an exit for them. Half way there a bot came flying out of the right side, and he smiled, raising the M249. "Merry Christmas!" With that the bots head exploded as the round went through it's pitiful brain, and they continued on their way.

Finally they reached the exit, and moved outside of the hive. His eyes widened at the sight before them. Hundreds if not thousands of bots were swarming the outer areas, including several of the terminator like things from before. What was more, he could see Grave in the middle of a cluster of them, fighting like some kind of possessed dervish. He knew the warrior couldn't hold out forever, and pulled the needle thrower off his backside, took aim at a bot and pulled the trigger, the bot dropping like a lead sinker. Several more followed the first before the stupid things caught on that someone else had joined the fray.

"Hey there Grave, apologies for the late arrival!"

He turned to his new companion and added, "if you have anything you can toss at these things, now would be a good time, if not then use the M249 and shoot them."

He let the massive machine gun drop to his side, where she could easily take it if she wanted to. While it was large, it wasn't heavy to the point she couldn't lift it, it would just require shorter bursts for her than it did for him.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Hive Number One

Grave's reply was rather harsh. "Well, about time DAMMIT!" Obviously the adrenaline rush was affecting him - the warrior was beginning to go berserk. He tore one bot apart using bare hands before he returned to his usual fighting style. Pieces of metal and flesh flew high into the air. One of the terminators managed to get close to the warrior. Too close for his own good - Grave quickly identified the threat and lunged at the machine, slashing at the joints. After a moment, the terminator (or rather what was left of him) could be found in a lot of different places. A few more units like that one were somewhere around Grave as well, but they didn't open fire - they'd have to mow down their own units in order to hit the warrior.


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

Open air. Freedom. Access, once again, to mana.. The grey-winged mage grew stronger with every step she took. By the time she and Siphon reached the outside, she was practically skipping, running alongside him, a grin forming across her lips.

"Oh.. I can think of a few things.."

A pair of wingbeats took her up, and narrowly out of reach of a lunging bot. She already knew the shape she wanted. The very one. Technically a banned spell, but that didn't particularly bother her. A column vortex, crimson in colour..

For a moment, Pale lowers her head, and closes her eyes, steady wingbeats holding her in the air, then the air sparks. Suddenly, everything smells of ozone. With a roar, two dozen columns of fire, each easily a foot square, drop from the open sky. Where they land, flames billow out in a devastating radius of destruction. All to the whisper of a single word.



RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

Siphon just stands there amazed. Never had he encountered an actual full out mage like this, and he was definitely surprised. Not so much though that he didn't see the group of terminators behind her move in to attack her while she couldn't see them. She would notice his eyes void out and he practically shouted one single word as warning. "DRONES!"

Seconds later, there were dozens of yellow screaming lights in the skies, hurtling towards the terminators behind Pale. They literally had a second at most to live as the drones slammed into them, ripping them to shreds as if their armor simply was not there.

When they were gone, he whipped around and started shooting bots with the needle thrower as fast as he could, any that managed to get out of the way of the hellfire anyway, which weren't many.