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Hive Number One

Re: Hive Number One

"Affirmative Doomsquad, chopper is on the way. Be advised there is interference with transmission from your end. ETA for arrival, ten minutes."

Siphon nodded to Pale. "Wait for it one more second."

About then a MASSIVE explosion rocked the entire area as the hive itself went up in a gargantuan explosion, the majority of the bots too close to the area to escape on their feet. Some were too close and were taken out by the blast, but a good number of them were simply roughed up some. Those lucky few that were far enough away to survive untouched were quickly mowed down by his M249 fire.

"Now would be a good time Pale, we need to hit for high ground and then fortify it somehow!"

Mentally he reached out to Copper. Any luck?
Re: Hive Number One

The explosion came as a significant shock to Pale, sending her spinning and staggering a good few feet, but she clung to her spell shape, if only just. Eyes cast about for a point where the bot line was weakest.. and found it. A section that was barely three bots deep.

Her hands describe an arc, and she smiles.


With a violent shove from the chest, the air ripples between the mage and the bots, and they are thrown in every direction, limbs pulped and mangled from the force. The pattern is as if someone had fired an explosive shell into the middle - outwards. The result? A large, 20-foot wide gap in the line.

She didn't stop there, however.. instead, she followed through with a wave of the arm, almost casual compared to the ForceCone.


In the wake of the broken path, and on it's flank, heat simmers. After a moment, the very air catches fire, forming a trial-by-fire sort of pathway.

"Well, then. Shall we?"
Re: Hive Number One

He nodded. "Indeed, we should go now while they are disorganized."

"Sir, we have a large hole in enemy lines, we should be able to make for higher ground with nearly no interference if we go now." This of course was for all to hear, but mostly for Burrito.
Re: Hive Number One

"Roger that. Over and out." Wheeling around at the sound of the explosion, there was not only that to see, but likely the after-effects of Pale's spells as well. Ten minutes. What the fuck are you guys doing over there?
Re: Hive Number One

Ten minutes? Copy that. Oh, not much, the hive just exploded finally is all. That and Pale carved a path for us to escape through. We're moving to higher ground and as far as we can from the hive itself. You going to meet us there?
Re: Hive Number One

Nah, don't worry about me. I'll hang here until I see the chopper leave, then I'll rendevouz with y'all back at H.Q. Be safe 'til I get there.
Re: Hive Number One

Will do, get back safe yourself. If you need any kind of backup let me know, I'll leap out of the chopper if I have to.
Re: Hive Number One

You stay put. I'm far enough away, the bots don't know I'm here and once I see the chopper, I'll be winging back anyway. No worries. And you two were right, there's interference around the Hive, so I'm your mouth and ears right now. Now quit jawwing with me and kick some ass.
Re: Hive Number One

(Sorry for being late, I was busy.)

During the whole battle, Grave fought alone, littering the ground with bot-scrap. He managed to smash a large number of bots before Siphon's drones destroyed the enemies near him. The warrior stopped when he noticed the explosion of the Hive - it was an impressive sight. When Pale formed a path for the whole squad, Grave quickly ran towards it, stopping near Siphon and Pale. "Well, about time dammit! It was getting really hard." The warrior was visibly tired, exhausted by the battle.
Re: Hive Number One

"So we're going?" Tsuki followed the others, her shield dropping. She sighed, casting out her hand to a sizeable group of bots. "Now then," she started, "You don't really want to fight us, do you?" She watched as the bots shook, as if having a seizure, before they stopped. "Didn't think so. Cover us." The bots attacked their former comrades, creating chaos as bot was turned against bot.

"Hm... a few too many..." Tsuki muttered, feeling oddly tired and sluggish now that she had to manage the bots too. Several of the hacked bots rushed to the sides of the corridor to protect their escape.
Re: Hive Number One

"Sargent. Get everyone out of here. I'll cover your escape." he says over the radio, still fighting bots left and right, his shotgun clicking as it runs out of shells "Shiiiiiiiit!" he yells, dashing away from the bots and down the path, whizzing past Siphon, appearing as if he were only a blue flash "Hurry it up, we have a chopper to catch!" he yells over the radio, his voice very stern and commanding as he steamrolls through any bots that get in his way
Re: Hive Number One

Noticing that some of his teammates were already escaping, Grave doesn't waste time and begins to run, leaving the battlefield through the corridor made by Pale. "Come on, the cyborg will clear a path!"
Re: Hive Number One

Pale starts to run.. one stride.. two.. and her steps lengthen, becoming bounding leaps, timed with her wingbeats, till a backdraft beats the faces of her allies as she takes to the air.

She quickly gains height, to around forty feet, and does a lazy barrel roll. Felt nice to be flying again.

"Come on, slowpokes!"
Re: Hive Number One

Siphon stopped only long enough to ensure that Shrike was in front of him going the right way. With Copper not there and Burrito having been forced to retreat, he was their only tank now, and he guarded their back line with vigor. He took note of the hacked bots, and frowned when the terminator like bots simply shredded some to try and pursue. "Tsuki, scratch the regular bots with hacking, let them loose. Convert some of the terminators if you can, they're just shredding our converts with ease."

Once Shrike was a fair distance away he quickly back peddled to ensure no rear surprise attacks occurred. That was when he noticed one of the bots aiming for Pale's backside with some kind of weapon. It had to be the energy weapon he assumed.

He didn't have much time to react, and certainly not enough time to warn her of the incoming shot. Bounding across the ground as fast as he could, he built up to maximum speed then jumped as high as he could, the jump fueled by urgency. He moved into the path of weapons fire, and while in mid air he shouted, "PALE watch it!"

Luckily for her, the warning wasn't really needed. Siphon had timed his jump perfectly, and the beam that was meant for her struck him square in the chest, sending him hurtling back down to the ground with bone jarring force. He impacted the ground at an extreme speed, and for the moment, appeared to be not moving.
Re: Hive Number One

Grave turned his head and saw what happened to Siphon. With a loud battlecry he turned around and charged, tearing the bot that shot Siphon apart. Afterwards however, he was forced to fight a wave of enemies that tried to get to the warrior's fallen comrade. Grave roared like a wild beast, brutally killing every bot that got in his way. His strenght was slowly fading, but Grave was barely able to contain his anger now. Soon, all of it would be released upon the bots.
Re: Hive Number One

Tsuki agreed with Siphon's suggestion. "Terminate." The bots she controlled just fell apart. With her energy freed up, she took notice of a few terminator bots. This would take a bit more effort. Lines of energy, that looked almost like wires, flowed forth from her fingertips (like Lumiere from Kiddy Grade) and lightly touched the bots. These seized as well, though it was much more of a fight to find a weakness in their programming. But, as it was bound to happen, they lost, and turned to their new mistress for orders.

"Do I really need to say it, silly bots? Cover us!" Tsuki watched Siphon be struck with a beam. "...Especially him and the huge target flying up there!" she added, pointing to Siphon and Pale.

Keeping these stronger bots under control was much harder and Tsuki was feeling even slower than before. So slow that she even took a couple shots from the bots. She kneeled down and barely mustered up a physical shield. She'd wait until the chopper was actually there, because she could easily get out of there if she needed to with her light board. "Allocate power...." She drastically dropped her speed and strength now, putting practically all of it into controlling the terminator bots and healing herself.
Re: Hive Number One

Watching Siphon take a bolt for her did nothing to improve Pale's temper. Imprisoned, starved, isolated, and now, watching them -shoot- her rescuers. That just seemed too much. Reaching for deeper, and deeper reserves, the Mage chants quietly under her breath.

This particular shape took a lot of doing.. highly intricate. Tiny, but intricate, since the shape would expand as soon as mana flowed through it. She chanted, head down, hands together, as if praying, for a full minute. Finally, she opened her eyes, and her hands, to reveal a tiny white orb between her palms.


She practically whispers the release, and the orb darts from her hands, into the mass of bots. And... nothing happens. The orb simply sinks into the ground, right in the midst of them. The Mage reacts, though, diving for the ground near the fallen Siphon, and the approaching Cross.

"Everybody! Shields up! Cover your eyes!"

Casting as she lands, her now-familiar bubble expanding to take in Cross, herself, and a couple of bots. A slight tactical oversight, there. Still, doubtless the warrior could cope.

After a second or two.. hopefully enough time for shields to be raised.. the ground erupts. From inside Pale's shield, nothing can be seen but a huge, blinding flash of white, that beats even against closed eyelids. Finally, when it fades, nothing remains nearby. Blackened earth holds testament to the army that was, and snow-white ash flakes soar down from the sky, too hot to catch on the tongue.

As all victories, though, this was nothing but temporary. As fast as their numbers were eradicated, the bots surged up out of hidden holes, piled out of ominous-looking vehicles, or simply shimmered into existence. There was no end to them.

"Not.. casting.. that again. Siphon?"

The Mage pants, from one knee, reaching out to check her fallen rescuer.
Re: Hive Number One

Siphon had landed awkwardly, crunching two ribs under the power of the fall. Unfortunately, he wasn't moving just yet other than to roll onto his backside. The blast had fried quite a bit of his nerve endings, and that was proving to take some time to heal. Despite this, his mind still functioned perfectly, although his words were hoarse. "I'm... alive. I think. Nerve endings... are fried at the moment. Need time to regenerate them."

As he said this, the sky darkened some, and bullets literally RAINED down from the heavens. Bots were literally hammered into the ground by the sheer force of the impact. This of course lasted for some time the bombardment, keeping the bots at bay for the moment while he recovered.

This fucking sucks. Was a mental thought to both Shrike and Copper.
Re: Hive Number One

((Wow, lot to catch up on))

Shrike heard Siphon get hit and turned just in time to see him hit the ground. She started moving to cover him but was slowed by a handful of bots. She finished them off just in time for Pale's warning, and got a flash of what was coming from her mind as well. Knowing she wouldn't be able to defend against it herself, she broke into a run, diving under Pale's shield just before it cut off the outside world. She helped Grave take out the few bots underneath the shield, then sat down and took a break while it was safe.

Well, stop getting shot then, silly.