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Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

Nice! They all look pretty good so far.
Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

Well, here goes nothing. Hit me up for any edits.

Player: Pale
Name: Saeluna Noctivaga
Gender: Female
Race: Cat Kin

Profession: Scavenger, Ex-Priestess-in-training

Equipment: Having been on the move for some time, now, Saeluna has had plenty of opportunity to gather whatever takes her fancy from the bodies of the dead. Clothing, weapons, food, whatever catches her eye ends up in her pack. She stashes most of it, though, to prevent herself from being burdened down - the full weight of her little treasure trove would slow most grown men to a crawl. With her, she routinely carries:
-> Her backpack and cloak, the pack black and nondescript, the cloak red, and hooded - designed to keep out the rain, the sun, and the snow.
-> After a while, Saeluna adapted ways of carrying her favourite pair of knives - a matching set, ivory-handled and razor sharp, used by their original owner for hunting and skinning game. Saeluna has put these tools to better use, strapped to her hips beneath her cloak.
-> Perhaps her next most prized possession, was originally a toy for a noble's brat - a pistol crossbow. Portable, small, with a range of barely 20 meters, once manipulated, painted black, and generally upgraded, it gained a new lethality at close range. However, she'd found with such small quarrels, her aim had to be precise.
-> Finally, the last toy Saeluna tends to carry with her is her hunting bow. Crossbow quarrels, and thrown knives are all very well, but they don't tend to bring down game. For this, she carries a strong yew longbow, that took her some time to become strong enough to even string. Before the Void, before everything changed, she'd never have had a chance.

Description: Though not the tallest, nor the biggest, nor the strongest Cat Kin around, Saeluna is definitely not one to mess with. Dressed most commonly in a red hooded cloak, over black hunting leathers, her nature isn't obvious at first. Seen up close, though, her heritage as a Cat Kin is made clear - from slitted yellow feline eyes, to fur darker and silkier than the night sky. Though not seen by many, her jet-black coat is marred by a streak of grey down her back, extending from the nape of her neck, to the base of her tail - a family trait. Her tail is thin, elegant, though strong - she tends to use it as an extra appendage, though it serves a more useful function when balancing.
In terms of her personality, Saeluna has grown antisocial, bordering on misanthropic - what few survivors she encounters, she avoids. There is no law and order any more, after all. When confronted in conversation, her responses are terse, and minimal, her voice tight with annoyance that someone has even dared speak to her. A certain arrogance accompanies her fine features, or simply aloofness - one never can tell, if she is separated from those around her by her own notions of superiority, or her own experiences.

Background: Saeluna was the only child of her generation, in the Noctivaga family, and was brought up to honour Justice above all else. She was raised to be the judge of what was right, and what was not, and her parents were rarely forgiving when she herself transgressed. However, she was able to get away with some, owing to the blindness of her mother. A tradition, in the family, as they were dedicated to serving Naryas, and her temple nearby, was for the oldest female to be ritually blinded, then, when the time came to hand over the post to her daughter, for the next to be blinded as well, before she could assume the mantle of priestesshood. However, this was not to be.
In her teenage years, as all teenagers do, Saeluna riled against the will of her parents. She swore she'd never allow them to put out her eyes, as she treasured her sight above all else. Why should she give up such a thing for Goddess she'd never seen? However, as the fated day drew closer, long conversations with her mother drew her closer, and closer to accepting her destiny. Finally, she was ready.
Or she would have been, without the onset of the Void. In the days before her ceremony, people began to fall sick. Friends, neighbours, the townsfolk, her mother, and finally her father succumbed to the sickness before Saeluna's very eyes. Lost, bereaved, she threw herself down before the altar, and raised the blade to her face, ready to cut her own eyes from her, if it would restore everything that had been lost. Somewhere, though, her will faltered, and the blade clattered on the stones.
The Cat Kin that emerged, some days later, to pillage the dead and the dying of her hometown, was a changed woman. She left Naryas behind, and began to truly live up to the name of Noctivaga. "Night-Wanderer".

Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

Player: Diagasvesle
Name: Corwinyth "Meda" Singe-tails
Gender: Female
Race: Fox Kin with three tails.

Profession: Fletcher, Tanner

Equipment: Serrated Dagger, Carving Knife. A bag full of stiff feathers.

Description: Corwinyth is relatively short, around the range of 4'11" Corwinyth is considered busty around her chest due to her height. She is usually wearing a green and light green cotton pants and shirt. There is usually a coat cloaking the top of her body that is dark green. Her pants have a slightly bigger hole in the back to let her three bushy soft tails free. Her fur color changes according to seasons. Summer is Red, Spring and Autumn is Red-Gold, Winter is White. Corwinyth always wears the symbol of Kisim. It is usually seen around her neck as an amulet and outside her clothing. The Clay is red and fired. The sphere also has been glazed over with a bright orange and red glaze. The 3 decorated horizontal lines are different colors from the rest of the orange glaze. They are light green, forest green, and dark shrubbery green. Corwinyth prizes this amulet above all other things.

Background: Corwinyth lived in a village full of hunters which meant a brisk trade for the buisness of fletching arrows. The Singe-tails were known as the best fletchers in their village and surrounding shire and many huntsmen sought their arrows to be used. Corwinyth had been learning how to fletch from her father. Her father had sent her out to forge her own fate. Corwinyth had left her village a while before the onslaught of the sickness. She rushed back to care for her father when she found that the town she had gone to set up a buisness was empty and void of life. But Corwinyth was too late and found her village to be rotting, her brothers and sisters were dead as with her father. She fled from her village after that to try and escape the fact that her family was dead. She fled through the roadways eating whatever she could hunt and or grub for. Corwinyth still tries to escape from the fact that her family is dead, through a heirloom in her family, the amulet her father wore and gave her when he had sent her out always reminds her.
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Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

Player: Ryu
Name: Toya Etta Solomon
Gender: Male
Race: Dragontaur

Profession: Stonemason, Carpenter, Hunter

Equipment: Chisel, hammer, saw, bow, (sharpened)stone-tipped arrows, hunting knife, carrying sack, self-drawn cart, 10 10lb blocks of stone, 25lbs of assorted wood

Description: (Though more draconic and not lionish. Also, no wings.)

Aquantiences(People he's met in-game. * means he doesn't know their name yet): Ilphstra, Virgil, Sarem, Tork, Meda*, Phaydra, Yulka

Toya never knew his birth parents. His father abandoned his mother after he got her pregnant with him, and his mother died mere months after giving birth to him. He was left alone with his sister, who was roughly 10 years older than him. Without their parents to support them, they were forced to fend for themselves out in the wild. They took refuge in a forest near what had used to be their parents' home, using improvised tools and hunting to survive. Things went well for a few years, at least they kept themselves well fed and reasonably happy. However, that wasn't to last. On Toya's 8th birthday, a pack of wolves ambushed their makeshift campsite. He and his sister managed to fend them off and force their retreat, but the encounter left his sister fatally wounded, and she would die in less than a day. Heavyhearted, he would bury her, crying to himself for a while afterward.

Though he would persist, his own survival skills growing ever sharper, as did his stone weapons. He survived, season after season, year after year. Then, in his early teens, he met an old human couple, who were wandering through the forest in search of raw materials. Normally, he would let them be, but as fate would have it, the couple was attacked. By the same pack of wolves who had attacked him and killed his sister years ago. Toya was in a rage, diving into the fray to slaughter the wolves. Surprisingly, the old couple not only didn't fear him, but actually were able to fight, using much better weapons than he had. The entire pack was slaughtered, and Toya would calm down. After some talking, the couple offered him a home with them. Toya was overjoyed, and accepted their offer without hesitation. From there, life had picked up for the dragontaur. The couple taught him their own skills, and eventually he was able to help them, his own natural strength a great benefit to their productivity. The husband was a skilled stonemason, while the wife used her hands for woodwork. He was a quick study for both, and after a few years was equal in skill to the old couple in both trades, as well as a faster worker.

Time would again pass, the three of them living together happily. Then came The Void. He was out in his familiar forest stomping grounds, gathering materials for the household. Upon his return, both members of his new family had somehow fallen deathly ill, their health deteriorating rapidly. It was unlike anything he had ever seen, and there was nothing any of the three could do to prevent the passing of the couple, a short few weeks later. Again, Toya was alone. This time he may have at least had a place to reside, but there was an emptiness inside of him. The usual buyers of the products they had been producing had ceased, as though they no longer existed, cleansed by The Void, though in the secluded hut, Toya knew not why. Gathering what he could into his cart, he left his home, seeking civilization, and with it, hopefully companionship.
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Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

Thinking about it, we need a farmer character, as well as a tanner... and perhaps a brewer? xD

Need a tanner because spidertaur silk can only go so far, leather is important for people such as blacksmiths who need heavy garments to protect themselves. And leather gloves for all our carpenters.

Our Farmer can also come with his own flock of sheep, or herd of cows. *hint*

Edit one more 'gain. for those of you needing inspiration for a profession.
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Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

Player: Bartnum
Name: Lenwe Elensar
Gender: Male
Race: Otter Kin

Profession: Sailing, fishing, Shipwright, ropework

Equipment: Net, harpoon, fishing line, fishhooks, fishing rod, mallet, rope, nails, woodsaw, dirk, marlinspike, mariner's compass, fishing dory.

Description: Chocolate brown fur, with white around the throat and chin. About 6 feet tall. Wears red shorts full of large pockets, and a dark green vest. His dirk is sheathed at his waist.

Background: Lenwe grew up by the coast as the eldest of 17 children, a large family even by Otter standards. His father was the alpha male of all the otter families in the area, and Lenwe was raised to follow in his footsteps. He was only sixteen when his father was killed by a Cougar, and when the other families began competing for the right to leadership, he sailed away in the night, eager to escape his responsibility to enter a conflict he could not win. He has since lived on and around the sea, intending to one day return to his homeland and restore his family to it's former power.
Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

Mmmm tanning was one of my profession choices Chi, but I was disauded to be a fletcher instead.
Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

Ok then. I have tanner and fletcher. Not adding any background info on the tanning stuff. Tanning is icky and smelly.
Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

Although Valaen could easily have a few looted sacks of grain seed, I can't quite explain being a farmer, so she'll probably need help learning how to work her fields for the first few years after she settles.
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Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

Right, decided to join, so here's the character. (I hope I'm not screwing up)

Player: XSI
Name: Sarem Icelon
Gender: Male
Race: Wolf-kin

Profession: Masonry and carpentry, and very limited blacksmithing(Only to use metal for re-enforcing construction.)

Equipment: Leather clothing, Carpentry and masonry tools.

Description: Only picture I have of Sarem is 18+, so click on own risk.

(But, without the weird eyebrow, and no mane, also, green eyes. Girl unrelated.)

For those that can't click, a grey wolf, with green eyes. Taller then average.

Background: He had spend most his adult life travelling around cities and getting contracted to build things, mostly walls and defensive structures. He was often asked to build smaller things as well, and can build with nearly every material available to him. Somehow he always manages to find a companion for the night, although he has no idea why that is, possibly that he knows little to no shame and has a gentle nature. His childhood was without troubles, living in a quiet secluded area deep in a forest until he went out on his own. After the void, he lost all contact with those he once knew, and after all the time that passed he assumes most of them are gone forever, or simply put, dead.
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Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

Well, I see some people that are carpenters and stonemasons. Partial black smithing? Xsi do you intend to be learn more about black smithing?
Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

Alright, time to sign up my character. Also, I will divide the players into "residents" and "newcomers". The residents have been at Mjorna for a little bit, while the newcomers are arriving when the RP starts. If you have a preference, please PM me.

- - -
Player: Rule 34
Name: Tork Grimbeard
Gender: Male
Race: Badger Furre

Profession: Carpenter/woodcutter

Equipment: Carpenter tools and an axe for chopping wood; A draft horse to pull larger trees out of the forest.

Tork has the stocky body typical for a badger - a massive body with relative short arms and legs and a short neck, standing at 5'7". But he is by no means fat, quite the opposite. His stout body betrays a physical strength that gives most larger furres a run for their money. Tork is easily irritated, but seldomly truly infuriated. He tries to be social, but most of the time he simply buries himself in work.
Grimbeard's style of clothing is simple: a plain, brown, short sleeved wool shirt under a leather vest and dark brown linen pants. When working, this outfit is usually completed by a thick, heavy leather apron, leather chaps, leather gloves and sturdy boots.

Before the Void, Tork had a beloved wife and a young son. When the plague took them, Tork himself suffered a fever that clouded his mind - or so he claims. Still, word goes around in Mjorna that not everybody in his village died from the Void. And some claim that Tork has been seen to cleanse his axe, again and again - even if it's clean and polished already.
After he recovered, Tork grabbed his tools and left the place that was home to many generations before him, and was meant to be one for many generations after him. He wandered around aimlessly for weeks before he stumbled over Mjorna. By now he has become a resident, building huts and generally helping out as much as he can.
- - -
Also, to prevent confusion I'll post up this handy paint map I made.

Mjorna can be found just outside of Altrist. The bright circle in the center is the village square, the grey circle is a chapel. The brown squares are the resident's huts.
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Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

Sorry, but when you say lumberjack, all I can think of is this:
Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

Who said anything about a lumberjack? Certainly not me. That would be silly. >.> <.<
Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

Rule 34 are all recent character posts approved? Also who are residents and newcomers ?
Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

As of right now, the list looks as follows:

Tork Grimbeard (Rule 34)
Ilphstra (Chibi)
Corwinyth "Meda" Singe-Tails (Dia)
Sarem Icelon (XSI)

Phaydra (Chibi)
Velaen (Pheonix)
Saeluna Noctivaga (Pale)
Toya Etta Solomon (Ryu)
Lenwe Elensar (Bartnum)
Virgilio Montoya (Burrito)

As before, if you want to change sides, PM me or talk to me in the chat.
- - -
Alright, time for this show to get on the road.
Residents, you have spent a little time in Mjorna already and as such know each other at least a bit. The one you saw the least of is the founder of this little community - Prior Wulfric, he calls himself. He is a Deertaur with the strange habit of preaching to an empty chapel. He may not be quite right in the head, but at least he's there to listen to your problems.
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Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

Interest withdrawn
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Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

Player: Tsuki
Name: Yulka
Gender: Female
Race: Bunny Kin

Profession: Farmer/Shepherd

Equipment: A cart with basic farm implements (scythe, plow, etc.), and plenty of grain, corn, and other seeds, also a cage with a couple chickens. 6 cows (2 male, 4 female), 6 sheep (3 male, 3 female), and an ox.

Pic! Except not so brightly colored. The orange fur should be more of an earthy brown, while the lighter shade should be a gray color.

She's quite shy and reserved. She is also very clingy to friends. However, she knows when it's time for play and when it's time for work, which there is a lot of on a farm. As such, she's also a slight work-a-holic.

Background: Yulka and her family were from a small farming community, largely self sufficient and reluctant to see the outside world. Unfortunately, when the Void spread, it still found it's way to Yulka's village. It was completely wiped out... except for Yulka. She tried to carry on alone, but she couldn't do it, at least not where her family and everyone she had ever known had died. After paying her last respects, she left to find a new community to join. That's what led her to the sign to Mjnora.

Hope this works.
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