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Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2008
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I did once when I was 13. I was going through, what I thought at the time, a major depression spike. My friend was contemplating it too. We both decided against it.

You guys?
Re: Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?

I did once when I was 13. I was going through, what I thought at the time, a major depression spike. My friend was contemplating it too. We both decided against it.

You guys?

While I have considered murder (being serious here), I have never considered suicide.
Re: Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?

Re: Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?

It's not at all uncommon to experience thoughts of suicide OR homicide.

I actually figured at an early age that we all go through it at some point for one reason or another, so I got bored during third grade history and figured "might as well be now" and tried to get through my wrist with one of those dull bic erasable pens. It's actually kinda funny, I had to stop cuz my hand was getting tired.
Re: Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?

I considered it, but not because I was depressed. More like I was curious as to how would it feel.
Re: Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?

I considered it, but not because I was depressed. More like I was curious as to how would it feel.


I wonder if it's bad that I laughed.
Re: Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?


*Contemplates suicide*
Re: Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?

i attempted once, but i was a silly 8 year old with 0% chance of success.

of course if i tried now that would be closer to 99%, but then again suicide is for the weak (or apparently the adventurous, go dark, go!).
Re: Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?

Yes. At one point I was being tested for lung cancer, and I decided that I wouldn't bother with treatment after watching a friend die in horrible pain because of it, when a couple weeks of comfort and a shotgun shell beneath the chin was more comfortable.
Re: Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?

I've tried it a few times... but... well. Apparently, I'm rubbish at it, xD. I'm now under a deathbed promise "Not to do anything stupid to myself", because a dying friend wanted me to. Which kinda sucks on Mondays..

Re: Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?

I wanted to jump out of our third floor window once after an especially crappy day of school - I was in fifth grade then. I'm periodically dealing with depression during winter and spring, including suicidal thoughts.

Manual labor, like gardening, helps, but when you're depressed you just want to curl up somewhere and not do anything.
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Re: Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?

Once. My mom had told me that the problems between her and my stepdad were her fault, and i had the knife to slice up my arm and then my cell phone rang and it was Stephen saying he had a bad feeling and wanted to know if i was okay, and that he loved me and....

I've never considered it since. I know I'd hurt too many people if I went through with it.
Re: Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?

Never. Suicide is not a option, its just the worse mistake than someone can do.
Re: Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?

Never. Suicide is not a option, its just the worse mistake than someone can do.

Your grammar is horrible. Also, wouldn't murder be much worse?
Re: Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?

I guess in a moral standpoint sure, but there is nothing so self-depowering as taking away total control and making an action such that you can never change anything about yourself after that.

At least with murder, you can completely 180 afterwards, apologize, seek forgiveness and whatnot.
Re: Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?

Suicide? No, but I have considered killing myself...

But in all seriousness, I went through a lot of hard times growing up. Parents divorced, friends turning into douche bags, feeling of loneliness. It was actually my 5th grade teacher that talked me out of it (I was in 8th grade at the time). I was about 14 and I sent him an e-mail. We talked for a while. Since then I have actually had a more positive outlook on life. I found a lot of new friends (some of my old ones stuck around) and things got a lot better. I just learned that worrying won't solve your problems, if you can't change something then don't worry about it. Just accept it, adjust, and live your life. Do things that make you happy and see the world for it's beauty instead of it's flaws.

I'm still cynical about some things, but for the most part I have a positive out look now. I could never kill myself.
Re: Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?

Everyone's going to feel the desire to kill others and themselves sometime within their life-span. If haven't yet, you will eventually.
Re: Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?

consider and feel the desire is not the same.
Re: Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?

Suicide is for the weak.
But if I did kill myself, it would be in the most interesting and fun way possible.
Re: Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?

consider and feel the desire is not the same.

Feeling the Desire is a step or two closer to actually committing the act than considering, and so if you feel the desire, you've already considered