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The Other Side - Story


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
(K, starting Sarah's storyline here. It will be up to our voters what happens! Remember, lurker's vote counts as 3 for now, and any supporting "PCs" that get involved will count as 2)

Sarah went through the parking lot with her usual smile and posture, giving friendly waves to her fellow workers as she passed, a few of them admiring her body when she wasn't looking. Soon, she would arrive at the NanoTech labs, and went strait to her post, which today was making new serums. She was one of three working that station today, and little conversation was had. Hours passed as they worked, and they were all abnormally cheerful today, since much was getting done. They had made several together, and were just about done for the day. Sarah had just finished her last concoction, an Eldrich Serum, then the alarm sounded. The other two rushed out, and before Sarah could follow she simply... vanished. And no one seemed to notice, what with everyone rushing about to see what had triggered the alarm.

Next thing she knew, Sarah was in a strange, circular room, her finished Eldrich Serum in hand. The first 50 feet of the wall were solid steel, while glass extended from there to the ceiling. Several of what looked like humanoid lizards were watching from the glass, excited looks on their faces.

"It worksss! With thisss, we can get asss much food asss we want!"

"Yesss... and we'll ssstart with her."

With that, they soon disappeared from her sight, though she could hear the echoing of them descending metal stairs and approaching the door into the chamber that held her. It wouldn't take long before they reached her. Spotting an air vent easily in her reach, she wonders if she could escape through it. What would she do?

1: Enter the vent, hoping she can fit and escape through it.
2: Stand and fight the lizards as they make their way through the door.
3: Use her serum to phase through the walls and escape.
4: Stay there and let the lizard do as they please with her.
5: Other
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Re: The Other Side - Story

As it's my girl on the choping block, I'm gonna take the escape aproach! 1
Re: The Other Side - Story

Edit: Changed to 1, a pity at that. I like vore, but only when slime/tentacles are involved ;P.
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Re: The Other Side - Story

1! Can't have our little zombie friend (er... harman friend) end up as lizard chow! So ciao, Sarah! Ciao!
Re: The Other Side - Story

1 is 1 since it's lurker story then 1 it must be. Someone 1 must 1 do a 1 combo 1 breaker 1.

Overusing 1 is 1 the 1 best 1.

Vote is 1.
Re: The Other Side - Story

Thinking quickly, Sarah goes for the vent, which was thankfully large enough for her to slip through with ease. Taking care to replace the cover once she was in, she crawled away silently, just as the door to the chamber opened, revealing a group of stunned looking lizardfolk.


"Humansss can't disssappear into thin air... Can they?"

"Actually sssome can..."

And from there, the lizards get into a rather heated arguement about humans and magic, completely forgetting that there was an escaped prisoner. Meanwhile, Sarah would continue crawling through the duct, which to her surprise was completely linear. After only a short trip, it came to an end, dropping her into an empty room, after which she would again replace the vent cover. Well, at least there was no one besides her in it. It wasn't quite empty. In the room was a huge machine, with lots of buttons, knobs and switches. There was a single door out, and a glass screen along one of the walls, through which she can see the room that she was just in, the lizards still in a heated argument. Realizing that, she now assumes the knows what this machine is: The device they used to grab her from her home and bring her here! Thinking a moment, she wonders if she could do something to the machine, maybe prevent more people from being grabbed and turned into possible food like she was, though she was sure the racket would attract attention.

What would she do now?
1: Attempt to sabotage the machine to prevent further use
2: Screw everyone else. I want out of here!
3: Other
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Re: The Other Side - Story

Woo! Updated after... 3 weeks. >_>;
Re: The Other Side - Story


I say 1. Sabatoge ftw!
Re: The Other Side - Story

So what, is the machine a vehicle of some kind, or a teleporter doohicky, or what? XD Let's go with 1, though I'm curious to see what all of the buttons and knobs do so I wish there was an option to fiddle with 'em!
Re: The Other Side - Story

1 is the 1 best that is since 1 is lurkers story. Voting 1 and up up away!