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Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

*pets wallpaper* now now calm down...i think its more like

"kitty kitty cat fight! kitty kitty meow!"
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

I should toss Mia into the mix for the heck of it... then have her hax and knock both of them down.
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

naw, I got an idea to include a different person here if it gets too fighty after all.
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

i gots to be going shortly anyways i have no desire to start a brawl then poof.
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

It's all good -- I figure that a mere mortal knows enough to back down when she's up against tougher stuff, or else she'd be dead already. XD Must find a way to make her stronger, or faster, or better somehow. Humans are so piddly!
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

(Eep, double-post!)

XD Please don't be worried by Lene's embarrassment around the PleasureGiver, Lurker! I'm pretty certain that she's so uptight because she hasn't gotten a good lay in some time; in any case, it would be entertaining to see the KeeperLord working her magic in character, instead of just as a stat! :p
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

I'd have a suggestion for a room - a Throne Room or a Residence for the Dungeon Keeper or the Lord. I don't know how it would be beneficial, though. Maybe it makes the Lord more effective?
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Are there numbers of minions that the Keeper Lord summons every day? Maybe that would allow them to summon more at a time, or give them a reason to be more obedient... or to give a space where the Lords can give moral boosting speeches. Pass judgement on enemies, perhaps, if enemies don't go straight to the torture room/dungeon, anyways!
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Maybe just have the special room be one that requires a high level dungeon and the benefit is that the Keeper gets there own ultima unit that isn't dependent on their keeper lord.
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Actually, that'd be amusing. Perhaps we could let the players make their own ultimate unit for their individual keeper? (Not the lord, but the "character" we created for ourselves.) Mine of course, would be Mia herself.
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

That's an interesting idea, actually.

I'll think of it, but right now, the map is taking shape!!! eeveryone has a similar start, but from there, I'm gonna try and random it a bit.
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Could we get a map key? Also, is the map a 1 square per 1 building thing or...?
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

The map comes out as 1 square equals 1 'Tile', and the cost of 1 building tile is listed under the building cost.

To get people started, the green-centered building is the Dungeon Heart with it's starting treasury around it, brown is dirt, yellowish is gold ore, grey is stone, and blue is water.
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

And we need to assign the imps to dig hallways and rooms. Is the checkered ground empty tiles?
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Checkered tiles are Treasury tiles, and are used to store gold. For ease of use, I used the same for the gold-storing tiles of the Dungeon Heart
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Placeholder of interest, quick question; can I play an oldschool keeper, with no Keeper Lord? (Would have to have a portal instead of course, but other than that and the lack of specialty units it would not change the game significantly)
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

It is possible to go alone, you ust have no added ally options, and must rely on the olden ways of keeping, which is without bonuses- but luckily, without weaknesses.
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Wait..but doesn't this mean you need damsels to invade your dungeons? =3

/me is good at that.
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Ooh, damsels.

I'm interested to see how this all works out in terms of... will we occasionally get heroes thrown at us that we have to direct our greeblies to fight off? Or is that all kind of automatic, and we use the tavern to RP random interactions?

(XD I would have fun making up random characters to throw at Keepers in terms of RP, too!)
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Hehehe, make your own heros to combat ya? That would increase the story a bit XD I'm game!