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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Squid has been very busy today, impregnating hundreds of turkeys. It is messy and tiring work.

Re: Member Announcements Thread

My computer crashed again last Wednesday and I haven't had, nor will have internet until I get my computer fixed...
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Going to Castle Wars this weekend :3

I'm gonna try and have loads of pictures for you when i get home.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

My computer is fixed! And better yet, I got rid of my piece of shit Vista and upgraded it to Windows 7.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Hey all, I'm back... Kinda.
I probably won't be the most active member, but at least I'm watching. (Watching you masturbate!)
I'm a little disappointed in you all though, so many of you, yet I have not received any ulmf xbox invites? For shame!

I think I'll fill out another one of those "New age introduction" Thingies eventually, new members should get to know me, and the old ones... Well, I might have changed. :p
Re: Member Announcements Thread

hey you!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Wonder! *huggles* Well, I would accept the invite, but alas, Copper only has PSN. I'm working on that whole Xbox thing, though. There's a few games out there I want, not to mention, after hearing my friend rave about ME (and, well, I've been wanting to play it *anyway*) I decided to start saving up the Gamestop GCs and maybe get a refurbished one. Yes, I know ME2 is on PS3 (for 20 bucks now!) but apparently I will not get "the total experience" if I don't play 1 and go through that whole deal before I get to 2.

Also, I'm attempting NaNoWriMo officially for the first time. Wish me luck. Five days in and I've already capped 10K words. And I'm still going. I'm so glad my main character is a smartass that will occasionally break the fourth wall or I don't know if I'd be able to keep this up.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Welcome back, Wonderboy (heh, wb WB).

Also, I'm attempting NaNoWriMo officially for the first time. Wish me luck. Five days in and I've already capped 10K words. And I'm still going. I'm so glad my main character is a smartass that will occasionally break the fourth wall or I don't know if I'd be able to keep this up.

Good luck with that, hope it works out.

There is no alt text because BBCode sucks donkey balls, apparently.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Trucking along in NaNo. Week 2 and 30K+ words. Huzzah!

Also, Copper may be temporarily employed for the holiday, which is good. The only bad thing...it's here.


Yes, I am insane enough to apply there for Christmas. What can I say?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Walmart employees are regularly trampled to death over christmas toys. Good luck on getting the job, please don't be a hero.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

No, applying there before Christmas means "Hey, you're a warm body who has a basic grasp of what we need. Stand here and do this." But hey, it's 10-20 hours a week, at least for a month or two, and income is income. I've dealt with plenty of Black Friday's before and just retail in general, so it's not like I'm going to be some shell-shocked teenager who has no grasp of what to expect. Akin to the 'don't be a hero' thing, the trick is to keep your head down and keep things moving. Don't look up and you don't see how bad the lines are, therefore, no pressure. Focus on the customer in front of you and that's all that matters.

Now if I can just get through the funeral I need to go to before actually starting this job, I'll be all set.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Congrats on the job Copper. I think almost always, things are never as bad as they sound, especially for people with good common sense like you. ^_^
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Yeah well they can just lump it.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Welcome back Oni. The shoutbox has been a lot less entertaining without you.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Welcome back SirOni.