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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Actually I can't intimidate. And I realize my characters not that strong, but I am good bait and a pretty tough/resistant hide.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'm sorry I had to do that last post.

It totally fit her personality.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

River runs... The only reason she's been doing so well is because she's smart enough to realize that it's kinds hard to miss with a gun when the muzzle is touching your target :3
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

We should make a flame thrower when we GET TO THE FUCKING LOOTING!
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

The problem I had with having only at max 3 in any skill was that my character would feel too generic, that's why she has two skills at 4, I wanted to make her specialized... but it doesn't seem to be working...
I've got a 4 in Research :p Perhaps I was not thinking ahead properly.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Whenever Caitlyn wants to inspect/research something, like a dead monster or something plot related, she'll usually give you a good report.

So make sure you inspect those monsters and plot devices, ;)
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Dr. Ritter is a school science teacher. I doubt she'd be nearly as much help as a valid medical doctor in the kind of research Azure is attempting to perform.

Likewise, while Azure knows a bit about technology and can use basic knowledge for most checks, this is hardly up to par with the type of research she wants to do.

Mission remains canceled, since Azure isn't going to pursue it at this time.

Edit: Also, Azure has no idea who Ritter is or what she is in the first place, which eliminates checking with Dr. Ritter in the first place. Plus this doctor told her not to bother other doctors. So that's exactly what she's going to do.
Azure may not know who Ritter is, but she's certainly seen her wandering about today - since she was part of the trio which searched the Inn for flamethrower materials. She may even have heard her muttering about "purging the hospital... with FIRE!" whilst doing so. So if Azure looks around and is politely inquisitive, I feel confident Rule34 won't mind having Ritter join Azure on her quest. Just don't expect him to post right away.
I like the slimes, too. XD I just think this game will quickly be over if everyone decides to head to the basement and a clone gets made out of them. Suddenly Apple Inn = newest slime breeding den!

Maybe the Sniper has a point in wanting to stay out of their business. (O_O I wonder what slimes do to men?)
Probably something like what amoebas do to their food - engulf, digest, and absorb them. They could do the rapeage, but given that apparently all the other monsters kill men...
At least you can do intimidate and random stuff... my character has done... nothing but hurt herself -w-;;

*considers leaving the RP*
Don't disappear till they get back to the Inn! They need more slime-fodder!

A bit more seriously, I'm kinda hoping someone thinks to come up with a contraceptive - that's effective against at least the slime-monsters (but not necessarily other monsters, despite hopes...). Otherwise they're building towards a showdown with a massive number of slimes, and then either the loss of the Inn, the end of the game, or the destruction of all the "friendly" slimes. Curse you, exponential growth!
Re: AWMBI - Discussion


Plus you make my character have someone to hate!

Also, this :/

My character wasn't made to be liked, but statistically, the more pople that know her, the more likely she is to start running into problems. Plus... I unno, during the whole emotional Iris/Emily thing I was just like "Wut?". And then I thought having a +4 charisma would help, but it did utter jack shit. I unno...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

-_- you can remake your character like I said loli. I pretty much changed all my skills (Except intimidate and acting) after the mission "They didn't come to sell cookies..."

But be patient with the old raptor! He has a lot of work to do!
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

The thing though is I don't really want to remake my character, makes me feel kinda cheap, plus I do like my current skills it's just... I unno... not working out?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

The thing though is I don't really want to remake my character, makes me feel kinda cheap, plus I do like my current skills it's just... I unno... not working out?

I guess you just signed up for the wrong mission then =/

Even though you have +4 charisma you don't really have anything to back that up. If I just had willpower at 4 and didn't have intimidate Emily wouldn't be nearly as effective at threatening people.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Can we start looting now?
I really want to get that SR24 from the gun shop....
And a pack of skittles.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Selena's combat oriented, based on what I'm looking at from your data I've got here.

Selena embarked on a mission of peace, which I don't think is her cup of tea given both her personality and skill set.

Also, I'm on my last legs as far as sleep goes, night all. Sorry, Zero and toast. :(
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Goodnight RJ, have a good sleep.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion


*goes to sleep as well*

Night RJ!
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Aww fuck. I was hoping to finish the mission tonight...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion


Can we go on "safe" hunting near the inn?
For experience and skills, at the cost of no points (like active training)?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I don't know exactly what you mean, but you're 'safe' under the watchful eyes of the snipers on the roof, who'll pick off any monster that attempts to attack.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

*waits around for missions to open up*
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

So maybe I missed that info in the gazillion pages that this thread has. . . How do I know how much what costs in the shop? Shouldn't the price tag be right next to it? And do we start with a few points or not?