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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Good to hear you're alright. In the end even the loss of a car... it's just a car.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Goddamn man. What is it with people I know and car disasters. Me, a classmate broke her arm, another's car exploded, my best friend's mom, my best friend's sister and you.

This is just a bad year for vehicles. I'm just glad you're okay, man. It's some scary shit.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Slightly late to the party, but glad to hear that you're all right, Squid. Car accidents can be freaking scary. Sorry to hear about the car and the trees, but the car can be fixed, trees replanted. There's only one Squid. Take it easy, man. And don't underestimate bruises showing up later. Just be careful.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So, my turn to make an announcement. Wish it were better than the last few, but only slightly, as mine involves mostly just personal frustration rather than terror and missed jobs and the like.

So, thanks to the new Zone Alarm update, my computer became relatively unusable. Thanks to being able to get on the internet via other means, I found out that I was not alone in this, so I attempted to solve the problem by uninstalling the program. Since I didn't want to be without a firewall, I attempted to download the older version. Which froze my computer to the point of not booting up properly to the point of having to do a soft system restore. Thankfully, I back up my files regularly, so I didn't lose anything (that I'm aware of) and the files *are* on my computer, it's just a matter of getting them where they need to be and getting programs back on my computer.

It wasn't until the next morning (today, or yesterday, at this point) that I realized I should have just let things go and hooked up the computer that's been sitting and waiting to be done so when this one crapped out. But, I put a lot of energy into it, so I'll be juggling computers this weekend.

And the computer wasn't the only thing to crap out. Apparently, my monitor blew, so we had to scramble to get a new one of those. Thankfully, a friend of my mother's had a spare that's sort of on "permanent borrow."

On top of all this, I'm dealing with the typical monthly hormonal imbalance which is not helped by the fact that the anniversary of my father's death is coming up and when I was poking around on the computer, I came across emails that I'd gotten from him that, while not important in the least, are not something that I'm willing to give up.

Suffice to say, it's just been a very trying and tiring past couple of days. Time to go hide under the covers for a little while, methinks.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

This is just a place for sad and depressing apparently. Gonna copypaste my stepmom from facebook (with minor changes) since typing all of it up would make me cry

"Well today was a sad day for my family. Our silly, crazy, funny, sweet dog " Dog", "Sakura", "Killer the Pomeranian" has crossed the rainbow bridge. She had to be euthanized due to some brain infection or tumor. She began seizing a few nights ago. Gateway Animal Hospital took excellent care to give her a chance to respond, but she only declined. They then, with the utmost respect to her, helped us make a hard but by far the best decision to end her needless suffering. She will be missed greatly by all of us."

As I am still in Germany this loss is doubly hard for me. Thanks to Ben's Opa I had a chance to talk on the phone with her a little before they put her to sleep. I told her how wonderful she was and how much I'd miss her and that everything was going to be okay, she'd feel better real soon. I even let her in on a secret, she'd get to eat all the french fries she'll ever want now. It's almost 4am as of me writing this post and Sleep is still nowhere in sight. I just... I wanted to share. I loved her and telling people about her helps... a little.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

This is just a place for sad and depressing apparently. Gonna copypaste my stepmom from facebook (with minor changes) since typing all of it up would make me cry

"Well today was a sad day for my family. Our silly, crazy, funny, sweet dog " Dog", "Sakura", "Killer the Pomeranian" has crossed the rainbow bridge. She had to be euthanized due to some brain infection or tumor. She began seizing a few nights ago. Gateway Animal Hospital took excellent care to give her a chance to respond, but she only declined. They then, with the utmost respect to her, helped us make a hard but by far the best decision to end her needless suffering. She will be missed greatly by all of us."

As I am still in Germany this loss is doubly hard for me. Thanks to Ben's Opa I had a chance to talk on the phone with her a little before they put her to sleep. I told her how wonderful she was and how much I'd miss her and that everything was going to be okay, she'd feel better real soon. I even let her in on a secret, she'd get to eat all the french fries she'll ever want now. It's almost 4am as of me writing this post and Sleep is still nowhere in sight. I just... I wanted to share. I loved her and telling people about her helps... a little.

*Longranged Laser-Guided Sympathy Hugs*
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Awww. Sorry to hear that, Chibs. Never a good thing. *huggles* But, you were right with what you told her. Doesn't make it easier, but you were right. *huggles again* You know how to find me if you need to talk.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

WEEEE! I got a new job, five minutes from my apartment on foot :) So happy! Also, I get a little over 20 bucks an hour + 3% of my total sales every month. I made myself a bowl of bacon to celebrate!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Damn. Nice. Grats, Wonder. Sounds like you landed yourself a nice gig. Enjoy!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Wish you a great time in your new work Wonder : ]

Also, i will very busy these two weeks in my work, i will try to post but will be between 0-2 posts per thread in a day or week and sometimes i could not be here the whole day.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Nice to be back.

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Welcome back Mr. Armored Ant. You can reinforce the bug squadron we have around here. I guess.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Just finished a 27 hour gaming session with a friend of mine, having been up for the past 32 hours. Not all the same game, mind you, we went about 8 hours with one game, two hours with another, and then the rest was me running a D&D game for her in which I gave her something broken to try and put back together.

I love Drow.

I also love sleep, which I really should get because I have to work tomorrow.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

It seems I finally have a job. Okay, it's for a temp agency, and okay, it's probably dull manual labor, but it still beats sitting on my ass.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

And you're right, does beat sitting on your ass. Grats, Rule. And hey, just temporary, right?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

It seems I finally have a job. Okay, it's for a temp agency, and okay, it's probably dull manual labor, but it still beats sitting on my ass.

I've been working almost exclusively for temp agencies for the last three years now. Their assignments can vary from downright awful, to surprisingly bearable, but it's work.

The downsides are a complete absence of job stability, where either the agency or their clients will move you around at the slightest whim, and you never quite know how long the current job will last and when the next will begin. Some clients are friendly, and others see you as a piece of organic machinery to install as needed.

The upsides include being able to leave/turn down any particular job/client if you don't like it without it being a big deal. And with near all the jobs being dirt simple things, as soon as you get out of those doors you are free with no "homework" and no worrying about deadlines or workplace politics. You also get good with using a map, and get a sometimes interesting insight into a lot of different businesses.

For example, you would be amazed at just how many copies of "The Big Book of Breasts/Pussy/Penis/Ass" were sold in Britain last Christmas. Whatever the figures actually are probably wouldn't sound that special, but when you see it shelved in the warehouse in person, 10 meters high and stretching on and on... it's surreal.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Yeah well, we'll see if I can bear packaging cheese for however long I'll have to do it. I have to start early Monday, so I'm currently trying to condition myself to be able to sleep early.

I hate hate hate getting up early. The afternoon shift is better, but you lose the entire day to it.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I've been getting up at 6am every week day (unless I've booked a holiday) for the past 4 years. I still haven't gotten used to it.