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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Claire smiled grimly at the thought. "I don't think I'd actually mind poking around one of those things insides," she told the other woman, though of course she didn't explain any further. "I don't want to put us -- or anyone else," she hurried on to add, "in trouble though unless someone's going to recognize us for it. That guard told us she'd help us out if we brought one down and left it, right? Think she'd change her mind if we brought it in?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

~~~Temptation to attack both of you with Raptor Frog... Rising...~~~

Emily starts laughing in her sleep. She doesn't know why but it might have something to do with the fact the GM has gone insane.

(Yes that was an RPing post)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Guard woman: "I don't care what you do, as long as there's one less bastard out there, you get paid."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Christie face scrunched up at that possibility. Why wouldn't the people at this inn want to know more about these things. If the monsters are dead, they can't hurt anyone, right? UNLESS THESE THINGS ARE ZOMBIES AND WILL COME BACK TO LIFE!!!



Her arms flew to cover her head as she crouched down and started to cry... until she heard the guards reply. Her fear immediately forgotten, she sprung back up, as if nothing happened.


"See, red? No problem!"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"You're insane, aren't you?" Claire asked, straight-faced. "Look, if I go out there with you, you're not going to curl up in a fetal position the second something comes around and slouches towards us, are you?"

Considering the guard had given them the go-ahead, Christie's bipolar mood-swings were all that stood between her and getting something useful done around here.

"Besides, if it gets up again, we'll just shoot it again or run back to the Inn. Okay? Nobody's going to eat anybody's brains, and nobody's going to get fucked." She paused. "By monsters."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"I'm not insane, I just have a very rational fear of zombies. And wookies. And the boogey-man." She smiled then, "Oh, chill out red, I'm just playin. Would I have made it to the inn if I didn't at least have a trick or two up my sleeves?" She winked and looked around. "Who's up for zombie hunting?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"I hope for both our sakes you serious up well if we run into real trouble," she spoke under her breath. Never the less, she nodded, "Let's do it."

((Do we need to make up a mission name, or do we just go if we're just hunting monsters?))
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Josie wandered around the inn, trying to figure out her surroundings.


This is great, I have no clothes. I don't even know how much I can afford because the place isn't fully equipped yet. And I wouldn't be able to earn points without going out and hunting, coming full circle to the fact I have no clothes or weapons. What the hell am I supposed to do? I'm honestly considering just bartering with everyone else to see if I can get any other weapons.

(I've gotten no notification if I'm hungry or something, I suppose I would be at this point?)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

You had food and water when the day started, that holds you for a day.

Also, once you make your group, all players must submit to me the names of everyone in their group, and what the group was made for.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Sera walks out, listens to the introduction and nods, going down to the Armory. "Er..hello?" she looks around in there, looking for a good weapon, figuring she could help defend...wondering if Luxy escaped while she was being screwed senseless.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]



Luxxane comes running at Sera with glee.


"Oh god, I'm so glad you're okay! They said that nice Shiva girl and her group rescued us!"

After the two exchange greetings, they both realize they're naked, and quickly head to the weapons and armor girl.


"Hello! What can I do for you?"


Tea-shirt & Jeans = 50 FP
Armor class: 3

Class I body armor = 300 FP
Armor class: 13

.32 Caliber handgun = 250 FP
.32 round magazine = 25 FP

9mm round magazine = 50 FP

Short sword: 50 FP

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Sera grins and after catching up with Luxy, she nods to the weapons girl. "I'll take a sword and a set of clothes." she smiles and nods. "So...they need people to make sure monsters dont hit here...wanna go do some damage? Plus, maybe we'll find you a bike."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Claire's attention drew away from Cindie as a blonde woman wandered into the inn, modesty laid bare. Elbowing the black-haired mechanic in the arm, she said, "sign me up if this has to be done officially, okay? That poor woman," she indicated Josie, "looks like she could use some help."

Wandering Josie's way, she spoke for the blonde to hear: "Are you okay? Who the hell left you without any clothing, look," she slipped her overcoat off of her shoulders, offering it to the blonde. "I'm new here, but someone pointed me out to where you can get something to wear, you want me to point you in the right direction?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Both Luxxane and Sera put clothes on

Sera obtains a sword and equips it.


"I can't come with you, I've been charged with guard duty. But, here take this."

Luxxane gives Sera a headset


"If you're ever in trouble, I'll hear you on the mic, and will be over there to help you as soon as I can."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Sera smiles and hugs her friend, even kissing her cheek. " I'll be careful..." she goes to the board and looks at the listing of jobs...looking for something she could do.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

As of right now, the only job looking for applicants is hunting the monsters for points, which some of the other girls around you seem to be interested in.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Sera looks for anyone about to head out, then decides she'd rather just go, and go she does, walking out and deciding to search the area close to the base.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Eena moves toward the weapon shop manager with the short sword and the extra pair of clothing (tea shirt & Pants).

“I’ll take these two things please” She requested once she was finished it was time to search for the person who had similar looks to her own. She had two people on the list the girl with the ponytail or the one with the scar either wasn’t a safe bet but the fact remained that the figure wanted her to find her but wait until she was contracted by the being before bringing her.

With that said she proceeded to the mission board to see how she could help around here.