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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"No kidding," Claire spat, when Christie first got serious.

Then her expression softened. "Alright, well when you put it that way, I can see how you'd feel..." She placed a hand over the mechanic's, squeezing it briefly. "You're not alone, at least." She wondered if when Christie talked about the creature she'd encountered, she meant that it had taken advantage of her in the same way that the reptilian thing had taken advantage of her... though she didn't speak up about it just yet. They had only just met, after all.

Claire dusted her skirt off as she made to stand again, though that guard-woman distracted her from her next words quite succinctly. "Are you fucking kidding me?" she asked the newcomer. "For God's sake, lady, I'm a librarian, not a soldier -- I read 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' to toddlers on Sunday's for Read n' Share Weekend, I don't put holes through them!" Giant caterpillars, not toddlers.

Hand fluttering up to smooth the lines marring her forehead, she apologized. "Look, I'm sorry, this is too... too much. I might, (God, I'm going to regret this) I might take you up on that in a little bit. I just... I'll be in the weapon shop if you want me," she spoke to Christie, before heading off in that direction.

*Go to the weapon shop!*
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Christie smiled as the librarian tried to comfort her, then started when she yelled at the guard. When the librarian made for the weapon shop, Christie's arm went out to grab her hand, but stopped halfway.


Not alone? she thought. You're wrong. I'm surrounded by people but I feel more alone than I've ever felt in my life.

Shoving the pistol back into the hem of her pants, Christie sat down, wondering what she was going to do.

*nothing yet*
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Hello! What can I do for you?"


Tea-shirt & Jeans = 50 FP
Armor class: 3

Class I body armor = 300 FP
Armor class: 13

.32 Caliber handgun = 250 FP
.32 round magazine = 25 FP

9mm round magazine = 50 FP

Short sword: 50 FP


Emily quickly began to think of other uses for the sword, she quickly made her way to her room, took her clothes off, and used the hilt of the sword as her new, "boyfriend"

After she finished herself off, she quickly drifted to sleep...

[-50 FP for food and water, you will wake up once the two scenarios that are active are completed.]
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Eena witnessed much within the flee market until she finally came to where they were selling food, water and a first aid kit although she wasn't very gifted in medical techniques it could come in hand in case she met up with someone who knew how to use it. She picked up a wrapped ration and the med kit backpack.

"Ah excuse me can I have these two things." She asked politely bringing them too the vendor.
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Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(Eena bought rations and a first aid kit, she now has 390 Favor points left)
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Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Claire marched into the weapons shop with purpose, looking... yeah, a little like she was constipated maybe. Then again, she was feeling under a lot of stress. "I need a gun that isn't going to shoot me in the foot if I squeeze it the wrong way," she told the shop keeper, looking over the various wares as if they were barely contained snakes.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Um... I don't know about that... But they're fully functional, with a safety lock to prevent any accidents, if that's what you're asking."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Just show me where the safety lock is and how it works," Claire amended, coming a little closer. She gave the woman a somewhat sheepish grin. "People are telling me 'you need a gun, you need a gun!' and I've never handled one of these thing in my life... I'm just still getting used to this."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

The woman shows her how to hold it, where the lock is, and to MAKE SURE she chambers the first round when she emtpys entire clip.

(After 15 minutes, Claire learns how to use a pistol, level 1)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


“Now I’ll need a weapon…” Eena shuddered the thought of actually killing something she hadn’t even thought of harming animals but in these times she knew that showing mercy to these horrors she’ll have to face would mean certain defeat.

She walked toward the weapon finding another who seemed to hesitate at using one, she look at the vast arsenal and begin examining each one closely.

I don’t think I have the eyes of a marksmen to wield a gun properly but a sword might prove useful in more way than one…an extra pair of clothes wouldn’t hurt either.

Eena thought picking up the short sword the only thing she had to worry about was cutting herself during practice. She also grabbed the pair of jeans and the tea-shirt.

She sheathed the short blade and put on top the folded clothes and would proceed to the owner once she had finished up with the customer.

’Well she’s carefully learning how to use her new weapon I better let them take their time.’ She waited not very far from the two waiting for them to finish up before she checked out herself.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(Eena got used to the balance of the small sword)

(Eena's sword skill has raised to 1)

(Eena's stamina status: Orange)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Claire, absorbing the information in such a way that she would never forget it again, nodded her thanks. "How much is this?" she asked, not wanting to chance it with another gun of a different make.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"May I get two clips to go with this, then?" Claire asked, tapping the gun on the handle. "Thank you so much."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Wandering back to the courtyard again, hefting her strange weapon (the safety, of course, being on!) Claire looked around to see if Christie was still camping out, here. She at least had some common ground with the black-haired woman, even if the two hadn't properly introduced themselves yet.

*Return to the main area, talk to other survivors*
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Christie waved at the red-head as she entered, and walked over to her.


"Hey Claire! Welcome back to the glorious mission board!" She looks at the guard, then at the gun in Claire's hand. "Oh good, you decided to try one out. I've been thinking. You wanted to know more about what's going on and what those things are right? Well, maybe the best way to do that is go grab one and bring it back here. Dead, of course. Do like they do in those cop shows where they look around at all it's insides and everything. Although we'll already know why it died! What do you think?"

*talkin to Claire, and anyone else who's interested*
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

~~~Temptation to attack both of you with Raptor Frog... Rising...~~~