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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Alright, solution time, when signing up for a mission, put the mission name in bold in your post, with your name under it.

(I hope to god this helps me regulate my confusion.)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(This filler post with bold signups is brought to you by the refreshing taste of me)

The Medic Needs a Medic by Jillian
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Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

*takin note that the medic still needs to have someone go look She decides to sign up for that job. taking a glance around she wasnt sure if anyone else was alread going for it or not*

(sign up for The Medic Needs a Medic by Kali)
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Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Wow. Things kinda go to hell here fast. We almost had a group and it fell right apart."

Azure shrugged and scratched out the names of people who left, resigning her name beside the start of the second group.

(Medic needs a Medic signed up for, by Azure)

(Edit: P.S. Everyone should post like I did here for signups. RJ asked you to put your names too and no one else did.)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Yesh, names help as I sometimes forget who your characters are, and I have to go look at the records.

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(added my character name into it. how many does Medic mission need for start?)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Alright, Jillian, Kali, and Azure.

I'll start your mission soon.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]



When Christie realizes that the mission she was going to take part in started without her, she stalks off and sits down in a corner, sulking.

*nothing :mad:*
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

You can still go outside and fight monsters, if you wanna do something.

It'll give you knowledge about them, allow you to combat them better, but don't wander too far from Apple Inn.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


When Claire found herself waking in a room completely unlike her own, she felt both terrified and relieved. Relieved because she was comfortable, but terrified because she had still been hoping that this last night was a dream!

Still, she was doing well enough to cope: finding those rations, she downed them quickly before trickling out to join more women who seemed to have found that helicopter just as she had. Claire thought it was strange to even be thinking about being saved, being here in the first place. Maybe it wasn't that she was coping, but was still in shock over the situation.

She stood with the others as the director held her speech, though as Shiva stepped out from the shadows, Claire felt a tremble start up that had everything to do with the white-haired woman she'd run into back at the library. Even if Shiva didn't look quite the same, it was that white hair...

Consequently, she remained stock still as everyone began to filter out of the room, finally coming back to herself enough to trickle out a the back of the crowd.

Wanting to calm her nerves, the redhead looked for a friendly face, or at least someone who knew more about what was going on around here. She didn't mind breaking the ice, but she wasn't sure who else was as distraught as she was feeling.

*Talk with other survivors, if any are left here!*
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Christina Laurel comes to mind, and I think one other...
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

((Ooh, I wouldn't mind playing with Xiv at all. XD The wrench wench and the nerdy girl... not the most effective lethal team... but I'll bet that they get a lot of shit done!))
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(Oh, that's right! Toxic's char Josie is in Apple Inn to!)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Christie looked up from her sulking spot to see the librarian standing around looking lost.


"Hi. You okay? You look constipated. Are you constipated? Hey this girl needs something for constipation!"

*talk to Claire XD*
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Claire first cast a surprised glance Christie's way, then an embarrassed and indignant one. "What are you talking about?" she raised her hands, approaching the black-haired girl and shushing her. "I'm not bloody constipated, alright? I just got here, is all... I don't really know my way around."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Christie thought for a moment then answered the librarian.


"If I had to guess, you're probably lost because you haven't been here before. But that's okay, nobody's perfect, except for... you know... what's his name? ... Ah, it's not important. Well, I'm Christie. I'm bored enough to show you around, if you want."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Claire," the redhead introduced shortly in return. "I'd love a tour, or at least to, you know, know what the hell is going on around here." She paused to tug at her lower lip slightly, then added, "Jesus. Or God, maybe. Unless your talking about one of the other modern ordered religions, whose deities equally apply." Realizing that she might not be clear, she clarified, "being perfect, I mean. Which is what this is all about as far as I know. I can handle that this is an apocalypse, and even that man predicted that some big bad in the sky decided that we were all 'not worthy'... but we don't know for sure which big bad it is or why now? And..."

she took a breath, calming herself. "I mostly just want to know what... attacked me, last night. Before I was brought here." She didn't know if 'attacked' was the right word, considering she'd practically begged for it. Even now, the though sent a flush of heat through her.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Christie listened to the woman's spiel with a raised eyebrow.


"Well, I don't know much about that religious mumbo jumbo, but I have to wonder what kind of god would send nasty tentacle bugs to feel up on girls as the way to end the world. I thought that was all done with fire, and plagues, and locusts, and guys in bathrobes riding ponies. That's the kinda stuff most gods I've heard of do, and I've been bored enough times in my life to look up quite a few."

As she talked she had started moving through the inn, stopping at all the important places that she knew of.


"This here is the weapon shop. Right now they only sell pistols. Oh and," she smirked, "swords... Over here is the armory. Contrary to what I thought, there are no hot dogs here, only spare sets of clothes and some kind of ugly vest. And this is the flea market. I saw a flea circus once. It was cool. Anyway, they have some extra food here, and medical supplies. Up those stairs over there are the private rooms."

She brought the woman back to the central area with the mission board and made an exaggerated sweeping motion with her hands.


"And we return to the glorious mission board, for all your suicidal job taking needs. Seriously, some women left here after checking these things out earlier, I don't expect them back in one piece. Well, that's about all I know about this place. And as far as what attacked you... Honestly I have no idea myself, I just know if that other red-head and the stud in the car hadn't picked me up last night, I'd probably be dead."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(Oh, that's right! Toxic's char Josie is in Apple Inn to!)

(well, I/She was sleeping til now I guess)

Josie rose from her slumber in the same makeshift sheet she's now been using as clothing.


Hmm, this will never do. I really need to find some new clothes. The guard woman said something about shops. I might as well check them out.

*Josie grabs her key and heads to the clothes shop (or the shop section if they're all near each other)*