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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"The church... Damn."

After some thought, the Director spoke to Caitlyn.


"If you ever see this girl again, avoid her. Do not talk to her, and pray that she's unaware of your presence. She's a dangerous individual, and should not be taken lightly."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"So. . . you do know her?" she asked, "Who is she? And she didn't seem too dangerous, at least not compared to the tentacle thing or that weird crab."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"She is dangerous, and you'd best remember that."

The Director sighed.


"No, I don't know her, and if you don't have any other business with me, I'd like to get back to my work."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"I understand that you're trying to protect everyone here," Caitlyn soothes, "And I know how difficult that must be. But you have to see that people here worry about you and care about you, Jesse in particular. She told me how you saved her."

She takes another step closer.


"Let us help you, too. Not just with these missions, but also with sharing the burden that you're carrying, Mary. None of us should try to walk alone through the dark places in this world."

(Action: Use Questioning + Charisma or Smooth Talking + Charisma depending on which you think is more applicable.)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(Attempt, success)


"It's not I who carries the real burden..."

The Director looked remorseful for a split second, then quickly corrected herself back to her usual expression, judging and unforgiving.


"You shouldn't be worried about my affairs, there are things that need to be done, and sitting around, chatting isn't getting it done. If you've nothing important left to discuss, please leave."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Caitlyn nods, stepping forward and laying her hand on top of the Director's just for a moment, "I understand. If you ever do want to talk or just need someone to speak to, I hope you'll find me."

She turns to leave, but stops.


"There was one other question," she says, "Have you considered staging any rescue missions, to find other people who might be held captive by these things?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Yes, Shiva usually occupies most of her time rescuing captured women during the day."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Caitlyn nods, "Of course. I'd like to volunteer to help her if you learn the location of any more captives. In the meantime, I think I'll go see what needs to be done. Thank you for your time; I'll let you get back to your work."

She smiles and leaves the room, heading down to check the mission board.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(As of right now, all you can do is explore the city, every monster you kill will give you points, and you may also visit locations of interest on your travels)

The door shut behind Caitlyn, and the woman cleverly hidden in the shadows emerged, sporting a maid's outfit and a broadsword.


"How kind..."

The Director looked at her with a raised eye brow.


"Too kind for her own good."

The Director breathed another heavy sigh.


"Girl with white hair... In the church..."


"She's on the move."


"But where? Why? She hasn't been aggressive thus far. Could she be planning something?"


"Time will tell all secrets."

The Director's gaze shifted from the maid. She was now staring at her door.


"Time... Is not a luxury we have..."

Her clock, until now unnoticed, began to resonate in her ears, it seemed to echo through her mind, each tick somehow entrancing her.

She proceeded to begin where she left off, reading her papers...
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Walks into the lobby, having looked at the posted missions.


"It seems like the only thing that needs to be done right now is some monster hunting," she frowns. "I handled myself okay last night, but it would still make more sense to go out in a group."

She looks around the lobby, "I wonder if there's anybody else who's looking to team up."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

The events of that night left her broken, and unconscious. The horrors of that night echoed in her mind.

Just like her big sister, Rin loved to play in locations normally considered dangerous, even life threatening.

One stroll in the woods became the worst day of her life, as strange men in coats grabbed her, then knocked her out with some kind of drug on a napkin, forcing her to inhale the fumes.

She later awoke, naked, gagged, and pregnant, being carried through the same woods by the strange men.

She squirmed, but her arms were tightly bound by rope, and her legs were spread wide, with each foot tied to the opposite end of a wooden stick, as they carried her into an opening among the trees, with a stone table in the middle.

They gently laid her on the table, then more strangers appeared out from the trees, forming a circle around her. They began to hum deeply, sending vibrations through the air with their one tone song.

Rin began to feel an immense pain inside of her belly. A pain that made her arch her back in agony, as something inside her womb attempted to push it's way out. She felt it passing through her, nearly tearing her apart from the inside, as it began to come out of her pussy, the pain overwhelmed her, and she blacked out.

By some miracle, her conscious mind returned to her, as she found she was in the room of what seemed to be a hotel.

She was clothed, hungry, as well as confused. She hoped it was all just a dream...

*Have fun, Zero.*
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(And she lost her memories right?)
(So she won't know if she had a sister or not)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

~~~At the very least, Lin will remember her, so you might as well say that Rin remembers as well~~~
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Christie stumbles into the Inn, half carrying, half being carried by Claire. As the doctors rush up to the girls, they look over them and seeing the red-head pregnant, but the mechanic apparently untouched, separate the two and drug Claire. Christie falls as the doctors push her back and watches in shock as they carry the librarian further into the Inn. She sits on the floor, naked, forgotten, and unsure what to do.

Finally, after resting a bit, she stands and stumbles to the shop.


"Excuse me, but I need another set of clothes please."

As the concerned looking shopkeeper hands over the set of clothes, Christie dresses wordlessly right in front of her, then walks slowly around the Inn, until she finds her room, and flops into the bed. For a while she simply lies down, awake, thinking over what happened that day, until finally she is too tired to stay awake, and drifts to sleep.

*get new clothes, rest, recharge essence*
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Caitlyn watches Christie and Claire return (Wow, that's a lot of names that start with 'C') and shivers.


"I definitely don't want to go out by myself. I hope they're okay. . . "
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Claire awoke with a start, propelling herself half-way out of the bed she'd been placed in before she realized that she was in a bed, and not that the sheets tangled around her were grasping, pincer-like feet, that the weight on her head was a pillow and not the threatening, be-mandibled head of a monstrous centipede weighing her down.

Recalling the events of the past few hours with perfect detail -- at least, the events that occurred before she'd been knocked out -- Claire began trembling so hard that she could barely control herself. She hurried off into the small washroom attached to the bedroom, relieving her stomach of the churning nausea that erupted as everything came flooding back. She spent at least an hour standing under her shower, scrubbing the phantom sensation of massive bug from her skin, trying at first to clean out her nether regions but finding them too sore to bear much deep inspection.

When she composed herself enough that she didn't think she'd break into tears, or into a screaming fit, she took another hour to sit and think about her situation in a calm and logical manner. She was no fighter -- that much was certain. Looking at the small gun she'd brought back with her, which had apparently been retrieved and placed on her bedstand by some thoughtful medical assistant, Claire couldn't bring herself to pick it up.

If she was no fighter, then what place did this world hold for her? She was past disbelief that the end had come and gone, and that she had somehow been spared death to go through this hellish nightmare. Now she needed to find a way to cope... and not only to cope, but to be useful somehow.

Claire wrapped her bedsheet around herself, cinching it over her breasts, bringing the hem in and tucking it away to make an under-the-arm toga. What would happen if this one was dissolved away? (She hurriedly stopped herself. She wasn't going to think about that.)

Opening the door, Claire was surprised to find the overcoat that Josie had left for her hanging on the knob on the other side. Picking the old garment up, holding it to her face, she was unable to restrain herself from sobbing into the white fabric for a few minutes. God... was this all that she had left from her old life?

Instead of donning the coat, she folded it reverently and tucked it away in her room, feeling some strange sentiment for the garment, as though it were precious.

Then, double-checking that her makeshift dress wasn't going to fall about her, she began down the stairs. She needed to talk to the person in charge to get some peace of mind.

*sob sob, boo hoo, then begin towards the directors. If no other characters interrupt her, she knocks on the director's door.*
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

As Claire knocked on the door, she thought she heard a sigh of frustration on the other side, what immediately followed was the voice of the Director.

"Yes, come in." She quickly said, sounding irritated.

Claire turned the knob, and pushed the door open.

Upon seeing Claire in her state, the Director stated.


"If you're looking for clothes, see Jesse on the first floor, worker's lounge."

Then her eyes returned to reading her papers.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(Fine, fine, everybody post while I'm typing :p)

Seeing the crying girl emerge, Caitlyn follows after Claire, up the stairs to the Director's room. She decides to wait outside for her to finish speaking to Mary before trying to approach her.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Claire blushed hotly, feeling both ashamed and enraged that this woman would treat her so brusquely. "I'm not looking for clothes," she was able to tell the other woman quietly. "I'm... looking for a job. Not hunting," she amended quickly, feeling repulsed by the mere thought of it.

Allowing the door to settle half-open or closed, whatever it was built to do, she took a few steps into the room and noticed that the Director was reading. Interest piqued despite the fact that she felt worse than cow manure right now, she peered at the desk to see what the woman was reading. "I'm not the kind of woman who's very good in a... a fight," she clarified, though she rebuked herself inwardly for veering away from the fact that she had been utterly violated, and rebuked the director for having no compassion, probably knowing those facts. "I am good at putting things together though... and it seems like the biggest thing everyone is operating on out there is a lack of knowledge." If Christie had had any idea of what was going to happen, she surely wouldn't have been so perk about going out in the first place, right?
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

With an angry expression, the Director looked up.


"And what knowledge is that? I'd love to hear it. What crystals of wisdom are you going to share?"