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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Iris glanced around the room, she felt glad that she could find Emily now. Suddenly Iris let out a soft yawn. She must of still been tired from that stupid, failed, looting mission she went on. Iris turned to Emily and began talking.

" Thanks for showing me Emily... Ill make sure to come to you if I'm in troble. Make sure to do the same if you need me...I'm sorry I am really tired right now... "

Iirs then let out another soft yawn. For some reason her body was begging for sleep. Maybe she was still tired from her recent pregnacy or something. Reguardless Emilys bed was starting to look very comfterable.

((I need to go now. Just have Emily let Iris sleep in her bed. Ill be back online in 2-5 hours from now. Later. ))
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Emily saw that Iris was tired. She decided instead of making Iris walk all the way back to her room she'd just let her sleep on her bed.

"Hey Iris why don't you sleep on my bed? I'll wake you up when the mission starts if you haven't already woken up."

Iris went over to Emily's bed and went to sleep.

(( He said I can do it SO I CAN DO IT ))
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Sarah gives a small snort before headed for the mission board, her pistol held in the hem of her skirt. What had she got herself into, she wonders...
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Next she wandered over to one of the guards, finally confronting the edge of the building as she looked out over the neighborhood. "Morning," she greeted, casting a glance and a smile at the woman. "Anybody get any lucky shots yet this morning?"

The woman chuckled, "More than I can count. The stupid bastards keep trying to climb the building, get in from above."

As Claire looked over the building, she saw a crab crawling up the side, which was quickly shot down by the woman.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"That thing looks awful... how many different kinds are there?" she asked, wrinkling her nose in distaste.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Resting her rifle on the side, the woman heaved a sigh, "Too many kinds, that's for sure... And they never stop coming. Day in, and day out, they seem to have endless numbers... God save the poor women that are being used as cows to feed these monsters..."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Claire frowned at that disconcerting comment.


"Cows? You mean they don't just... rape them and leave them?" Caitlyn had been going on about needing to save other women, (not that Claire was against it! She just hadn't thought it practical to go hunting when the chances of finding another survivor seemed about one hundred to one, finding a monster.) She hadn't mentioned anything about women being held hostage, too. "That's... just awful." She watched the guardswomen taking more potshots in silence for a while. "I'll be back," she told the one she'd been talking to, "If you guys wouldn't mind if I helped you today, anyhow. I need to practice with the gun, anyways."

With that she nodded and smiled grimly, then hurried back to her room. Her pistol was right where she'd left it, as well as the extra two magazines she hadn't touched, yet. Pocketing the clips, Claire went back up to the roof -- nodding and smiling determinedly to any other women she saw on the way. She wasn't going out on missions, but she was doing something useful, right?


"So," she asked the woman she'd been talking to when she returned, "I'm new to using this thing... would you spot me while I join you all for a while?"

*aka, train Guns skill*
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

As Claire held the gun in her hands, the woman she spoke to earlier frowned, "You're not holdin' it right. Here, let me show you."

The woman got behind Claire, then grabbed both of her hands, "Keep your hand up a bit, so you don't pinch your bloody hand when reloading, and try to line up the iron sights so that the dot in the middle is right in between them."

The woman used Claire's arms like a puppet, as she tried to get Claire used to using her pistol. It was a good while later before Claire got the hang of it, taking shots at the crabs crawling up, she emptied her whole clip within six shots, then reloaded it just like the woman showed her.

Claire began to feel a little more comfortable with her gun.

(Handgun skill: level 2)

The whole lesson also fatigued her a little.

(Stamina status: Yellow)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

After a couple of hours of painstakingly careful practice (she didn't have all that much ammo, after all!) Claire decided it was time to take a break.


"Thanks so much for your help, ma'am," she smiled genuinely at the guardswoman, "but I think I'm getting a little peckish. I'm going to grab some lunch and take a breather. Give me a shout if you need an extra hand again?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

The woman chuckled, "If you ever learn how to use rifles, let me know. I could use a breather myself... And some sleep..."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"If Jesse ever allows me to get my hands on one, I'd be more than happy to," Claire grinned wryly. "You gals have been doing some really good work up here. I'm sure you don't hear it often, but we're all indebted to you."

She paused, then smiled more genuinely. "You want me to go see if one of the guards downstairs wouldn't mind switching off with you? You look like you could take a nap."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

The woman gave another laugh, "That's awfully sweet of you, but the only other girls that know how to do this are all sleeping..."

A woman on the other side of the building shouted out to her, "It'd help if we had that sniper from the mall here, whoever that is must be really good at defending that mall alone."

The woman that taught Claire gave a sigh, then whispered, "No shit..."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"I'd heard about that," she nodded, though her brow was furrowed. "I'd go on the mission, but yesterday was just awful... I don't think I could handle going through... getting raped again." Talking about it out loud made her gut clench up, but she had realized that this was becoming a common occurrence. She wouldn't benefit by bottling it up.

"Excuse me," she dismissed herself, giving a strained smile before she hurried off the roof and into the building again. She didn't have many rations left, but she was going to her room to get something to settle her stomach, and then... well, she had a feeling that Jesse didn't like her much, but she'd try to talk up the otherwise sweet brunette again.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Christie headed for the mission board again, but remembering how useless she had felt yesterday, she stopped nad looked around.


"Everyone around here can do something to help. And what can I do? Fix a TV? Gotta be some way I can help out around here."

She pouted, then thought for a moment. Didn't some of the other girls come back with a nurse or a doctor? Christie still hadn't seen the area where the doctors brought Claire yesterday, and she was curious what kind of conditions they had. She started wandering around the inn, trying to find the medics. Maybe some of them could teach her how to use that first aid kit she saw in the shop.

*look around for someone to train first aid*
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Iris felt her mind go back into consciousness. As Iris laid on the soft inn bed her mind quickly remember what had happened, she had been allowed to sleep here by her friend Emily. Iris didn't know what was going on. Was Emily in the bed with her? Iris sat up and began rubbing her eyes. Iris couldn't see at the moment but her sight was quickly coming back. Confused Iris said-
" Emily? Are you here...? "

As Iris sight came back after her eye rubbing she began to look around and saw...
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Emily was sitting down on the floor leaning against the wall. She had fallen asleep herself after Iris. When Iris spoke she woke up and felt kinda stupid at herself. She told Iris she would wake her up if she they got enough people for the mission. Emily tried to act like she didn't fall asleep on the ground near the bed though. Jumping up really quickly she said-

"Hey Iris I don't think anyone else signed up for that Sniper mission yet..."

She said trying to ignore the urge to stretch and yawn.
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Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Iris was still half awake when she heard Emily speak to her. Without thinking Iris crawled over to the edge of the bed, still having her eyes half shut, and leaned onto Emily, letting out a yawn as the embrass was made. Iris nuzzled into the girl feeling her warmth. There were a few possible reasons why Iris was acting the way she was. For starters she could be acting subconsciously, another thing is she may just be acting weird because she just woke up. Iris suddenly mumbled out...
" Good morning Emily... "

(( I did it for the lulz. By the way why are you at a hotel? ))
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Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(( I'm on vacation and I'm a temporary father cause my brother in law isn't here ))

Emily saw Iris getting closer to her. She still looked half awake to her. Her eyes were half closed and she seemed to be moving weird. Then Iris started nuzzling Emily and she got surprised.

"Hey Iris I.. uh.. ah.. huh..."
She didn't know what to say. She was scared that she would hurt Iris' feelings if she broke off the embrace so she just didn't stop it. Although later she would probably tell her to never speak of this again.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(( Sounds like fun. Where are you having your vacation at? ))
Iris suddenly stopped her nuzzling and stopped leaning on Emily. Rubbing her eyes once again Iris let out another yawn. Her brain was starting to fully wake up. Iris took her hands off her eyes and looked at Emily in slight confusion. She hadn't remembered what she had just done. Iris then said-
" Thanks for letting me sleep here... DId anyone sign up for the mission yet...? "

Iris felt rested and ready for a mission.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Emily didn't know what to think. "So now she's acting normal?" She thought, "Maybe she was so tired she forgot all about that..." She decided to be on the safe side though. If Iris went and blabber what happened to everyoen she would feel really emberassed.

"I don't think... anyone signed up for that mission but I've been here the whole time... Hey... Iris do you remember what just happened a few seconds ago... It was nothing important just... wondering..."

At the last bit she hoped if Iris didn't remember then she wouldn't go asking questions about what happened.

(( Some dump called Adventureland ))
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