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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Vina sits down in the Lobby she looks around at whatever commotion is usually going on, with Caitlyn close by she turns to her and asks


"So.. whats exactly happening, all I know is that alot of people have gone missing, i mean they had to of gone somewhere but im sure they would of tried contacting us by now?"

"Unless the raptors got them.. I ran into one... I dont think i ever want to see one again after what happened, its so easy for them to drug a person and knock them out, i thought that it was just lots of raptors had attacked the town but i heard some really bizarre things as if its not just Raptors that have attacked the town i really dont know what to think of it though, but i know i've seen the raptors thats for sure."

"What do you think is going on?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Caitlyn walks back up from the shop, "There. I think we're all set to go, River. And I met Vina down there, she was saying that she wanted to help us out. I figured that the more people we have, the safer we'll be."

She looks at Vina, curiously, "Raptors? I guess I haven't heard about those. I honestly have no idea what's really going on yet; I was attacked the night before last at my church. There was a strange white-haired woman there and some kind of crab like thing. I ran out into the street and suddenly there were tentacles everywhere. I managed to get free and escape from them and then I ended up here."

"There's got to be some kind of explanation for all this weirdness, but for now I think we're better off just making sure this place stays safe." She takes a wistful look back towards Jesse's shop, the last place that she had seen Claire. "We can't let those things get in here and we need to make sure we don't run out of supplies before we do anything else."
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Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Josie still sat in her seat with her head in her hands, circling her temples with her fingers as if she was trying to rid herself of a migraine.


Shiva's gone? She seemed so powerful and now she's gone. Whatever managed to kill her... I pity our chances. Now that she's gone, we have to step up? My goodness, even with all of us, those are incredible shoes to fill. We all have to get stronger?

Josie looked up from her seat to the girls who were still in the room, scanning as if she was looking for something, but even she didn't know what she was looking for.


Hopefully some of these girls are fighters, I doubt I can ever be as powerful as Shiva was, but if we all have to help, I'll try my part.

Josie remained in her seat arguing with herself, trying to figure out just what she should do for the day. She could sign up for a mission, but she didn't want to be a burden on anyone she might be with. There was one way to truly test herself, and that was doing missions for the sake of the inn, but would it endanger her teammates seeing as the only weapon she had was a gun and she wasn't good with one of those to save her life. So she could go on a mission or keep training? Maybe she had another choice.

Josie stood from her chair and asked in general to the entire room.

"Excuse me? Seeing as how we all have to be at our best now, and seeing as I have no idea how to use this thing..." (she brandished her .38 and 2 clips for it). "I was wondering if anyone would be willing to give me a knife or short sword in return for it?"

She was shit with a gun and she knew it, but at least with a blade, she knew where she stood. Plus, she could swing by the shop with her remaining points and see what else she could pick up. She knew she was screwing herself on the deal, but it's a community now, and giving away her gun to someone who's better with it would be beneficial for everyone, and maybe earn someone's trust and meet more people.
(also, toxic is an idiot and didn't know that knife skills applied to short swords before, so she didn't buy one)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Josie saw Jesse waving at her from the door way to the employee's lounge, apparently she heard her and wanted Josie to come over.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Josie looked across the room for an answer from anyone when she saw the shop girl waving her over.


Oh, she's nice. At least if it's her, I might be better off.

Josie walked up to her and heard her out.
(if this is some type of trade-off that erases my previous purchase, you don't have to worry about it, I made a mistake and I'm gonna shrug it off and play through it)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(It's alright, Jesse is always accepting anything you don't need, especially if you found a lot of stuff you don't need on a looting run.)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Vina nods attentively to what Caitlyn had to say, she was quite surprised to hear that she was one of the people wh handt encountered the Raptors, instead having encountered the something elses as it were. She felt a little sheepish hearing that Catlyn had made it ok and managed to evade the tentacles where as Vina hadn't managed to avoid the Raptor.


"The raptor I ran into was much bigger than me, that was for sure. And it weighed a ton, knocked me straight on my back when i ran into it. You said tentacles everywhere, I haven't seen them. What kind of tentacles are we talking about here... Like jelly fish tentacles? Or octopus? How bizarre... How are you meant to fight those things?"

"I certainly agree with you. I'm glad this place is well supplied, people could really need help. Or, we might need it after coming back from these missions. It certainly beats being out there by yourself, that's for sure."
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Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"They erupted from underground," she answers, "Like out of the sewers. I assume they are just part of some much larger creature that is lurking down there." She shivers just a little at the thought, "Hopefully we won't see them while we're out there."

"I guess they were closer to octupus tentacles than jellyfish," she says, concentrating, "They were slimy, but they were more interested in grabbing me than stinging me into unconsciousness. There was a large pink one that. . . " she doesn't know how to put it nicely, "It was a lot like a guy's cock." She turns over her hands and shrugs.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Meredith took her time changing and having given one shortsword to Stacy, they go down to see if they'd meet any of their teammates for their upcoming mission. She walks in to the common hall and says aloud,


"Hello~! I guess I seem to be an unfamiliar face her so I'll start by introducing myself. I am Meredith. Say, are any of you signed up for the More Survivors mission because I myself am?"

She seems to be unaware that other people are having a conversation.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

The had left the gun with the shop lady again.
She didn't know why it interested her so much.
But there was a problem at hand, one which she must face....

She needed to find the bathroom on this level before she pisses herself.

She of course does not know where it is, and if she wastes her time going up to the 3rd floor it might be too late.

She remembered that there was people at the lobby, and decided to ask them.

She got closer to them, acting calm and normal, she was just gonna ask them a simple question... while on the edge of pissing herself.

"Um... excuse me," She said, tapping the shoulder of one of the woman. "Could you tell me where the nearest bathroom is?"

(It could be anyone.)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Stacy recoils from the blade Meredith attempts to hand her.


"No! I don't want that!"

Meredith remembers Stacy hates weapons of all kinds.

(Stacy's contact ability is to freeze every enemy around her with her Metaphysical powers, but the more power the enemy has, the less time she can restrain them.)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Suit yourself."

Meredith takes the shortsword as a backup. She imagines scenarios where she'd have to draw the other blade and wonders if she should practice trying to wield both simultaneously but decides against it. Although Meredith does decide that it'd be nice to have a second shortsword in case she was unable to use the first.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Iris wondered what she should do now. She was now in alone in her bedroom and rested. Iris had considered finding Emily again but decided to leave her alone. Iris was just going to go on a hunting mission alone and keep her only friend safe from her screwups. With her cloths on, her weapons and ammo with her, Iris left her bedroom and quickly made her way to the outside of the inn. Iris stood outside and thought of where to go.
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Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(LOL Rin has like Zero presence.)
(People keep ignoring her.)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

((Sorry for the wait))

River looked over at the woman who insisted on coming with her.


"Okay, are you sure you want to come along? I'm just running circles around this place to clear my hangover. You're free to come along, I guess we could head off somewhere after, but that's all I'm really after here."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Emily woke up. She washed up after what happened last night. It felt like she hadn't had a shower for ages after what those slime balls did to her. When she was done she dressed up and went to the missions board. She saw one about getting a sniper.

"Oh, bad ass a Sniper... maybe if I manage to recruit him he'll teach me how to use a sniper rifle."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Christie woke up to pain. She hated pain. That meant she hated waking up, at least today. As the woman's voice came on over the radio, Christie threw her pillow over her head and pulled it as tight as possible to drown out the noise. After a few minutes of trying to get back to sleep despite the throbbing headache, she finally sat up and decided to look around the Inn for something she could take. Pills, maybe, or just a swift kick in the head that would knock her out for the duration of her hangover. She just so happened to wander into the meeting with the white haired maid just as it started, and listened blankly to what she had to say.


"Whoa, that big woman is gone? She looked like a one woman army."

The thought of Shiva being captured by those monsters, or even killed, was a sobering thought for Christie. She suddenly felt a lot less safe, and looked around nervously at the other girls, her headache forgotten for the moment. Some of them were already signing up for missions, though Christie still didn't like the idea of going out so soon after what happened yesterday. But still, she couldn't sit around and do nothing while everyone else risked their lives out in the city. Just as she was about to walk over to the mission board, she felt a tap on her shoulder, and nearly hit the ceiling with her jump.


"BAH! Jeez! Don't go around tapping people's shoulders!" she yelled, a hand on her chest as she calmed herself, breathing in and out. "Bathroom? I feel like I need one now myself, thanks to you. They're right over there, by the stairs." She stares at the girl. Sheesh, rape monsters running around and this girl thinks it's funny to scare people.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Once she was dressed, Claire sought the roof accessway -- she'd seen women up there on her fateful outing, after all. She wanted up so that she could study what was out there, if anything came near! Where was that stairway hiding, and could she get by it, or were only guards allowed up there?
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

After relieving herself, the girl went back out.
She wanted to find someone to talk to, to see if they knew her.
(So... is anyone out at the lobby part of the Inn?)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Claire made her way upstairs, and to the roof. She found a helicopter, and several women peeking over the sides of the building with cheap rifles. One would occasionally take a shot.