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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(Hey you gave me a gun! Don't make me use it!)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(( I'm going to agree with Zero's request because I was thinking of it myself ))

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Sera walked in the front doors into the lobby of the inn, twirling her twin blades and sheathing them at her back, crossing her arms as she takes a seat and sighs. "Damn bug." she looked around, searching the lobby..."I didn't really feel like coming back yet...ugh. I need something better to use to fight with...."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Sera decides to go check out the inn better, dropping her gear off in her room and wandering around, she notices the basement's there, and heads down to see what's inside. (If allowed, I'm bored, XD]
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

As night begins to loom over the sky, both the women who took part in the party, and the ones just returning from a long day, soon felt the need to sleep, as the many women and few men returned to their rooms after a long day...

But, not everyone slept that night...

The Director, her face hidden by her hands, was crying nearly all night, punishing herself for Shiva's fate.

"I should have known... Why didn't I think of it... Why did I only use her like a mere tool..?"

At that thought, more tears continued to pour from her eyes...

"It's over... It's all over... Now Shiva has to suffer because of me... Along with the rest of humanity..."

All of her papers, now useless to her, were soaked with her tears. She never went to sleep, she couldn't find the peace to do so. She didn't even feel the desire to live, she just wished it would all go away...


As morning came, the inhabitents of the hotel slowly went through their morning routine, others were a little hung over from the party. And another pair were in the basement, unknown by all.

An announcement was made, but not by the Director, but by another girl with who strangely was talking in a near whisper. She said everyone should meet in the lobby.

As the girls gathered, some recognized the maid that stood by the Director two days ago when she made the announcement, she was still sporting her massive broadsword.

She made a slow bow to everyone before saying in the same whisper tone of voice she spoke with on the radio,


"Thank you for coming, the Director won't be seeing anyone today, she's feeling ill. So, I'll be the one assigning you a mission." The woman lowered her head, "As some of you are aware, Shiva has been lost in combat, so we have no choice but to rely on you newcomers to save the captured women in the city."

She points to the same board everyone looked at the first day for a mission, "There are still more things that need to be done, and we always are in need of more supplies, please be prepared before you leave the building, we've already had too many accounts of women disappearing and coming in pregnant, so please be cautious."

She then made a quick bow to the crowd of women, "Good day." was the last thing out of her mouth before she left, up the stairs to her room...

(I'll update the shop and missions thread with more missions, after this post, so check back for an edit.)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

After spending a few days in a self imposed isolation, Vina dressed up in her slightly torn but at least now clean tracksuits, she heads down into the main lobby looking around at all the people in the Inn, She saw women arriving in all diffrerent conditions some suffering from loss others who had been attacked just like her and those who just made it, she let a little sigh of relief out as she walked to the bar to order a big glass of water.

She had heard the speech about it being upto them she to save other women, prehaps thats very much what happened to her, she was thankful for being helped and maybe she would adventure with people who saved her or others on the same kind of mission.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River wakes up slowly, groaning at the less-than-spectacular headache she was feeling. Holding her temple, she walked into the bathroom and started filling the tub with straight cold water. While she waited, she stripped out of her one-piece suit of armour.

Finding the bath still only half full, she walked back out to her room and spent a minute staring blankly at the pieces of the guns she was still trying to fix, deciding quickly that her headache pretty much stopped that business cold before it started.

Wandering back into the bathroom, she shuts the water off in the tub right as the announcement comes over the speaker system. River listens to it, then blows it off anyway. She'll be there in a minute.

Carefully balancing herself above the water, hands and feet all around the edge of the tub, she waits a moment to make sure she won't hit anything. Then she drops the last four inches, submerging her entire body in one go, up past her head in freezing water. She holds her breath as long as she can, then slowly gets up and dries off.

Squeezing herself back into the armour suit, she went downstairs with her hair still damp to listen to the maid lady's speech. Shiva's gone? Holy hell, what must it have taken to put her out of commission?

Everyone filters out and around, as River goes to the front door.


"Hey, let me out, I need to clear my head after last night." She asks the guard.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Vina looks to River, she wonders to herself what kind of strength is required to want to leave the safe community their in, seeing the reaction at the news of Shiva, she begins to wonder if this Shiva was really what everyone was making her out to be, she was just one person after all.

hearing river demand to be let out after what happened last night the thoughts of what happened to her the other night echo in the back of her mind she thought to herself, did the same thing happen to her?.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Caitlyn looked shocked when she heard the news that Shiva was gone. She shook her head, angrily, "Damnit. There weren't that many of us to begin with; we can't afford to lose anybody else." She looks around the lobby, making sure that all of the people she met were accounted for before walking to Jesse's shop to examine the mission board.

"Nobody is going out alone today, not if I have to sit in front of the door all day and make sure of it," she mutters to herself.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Sera walks into the main room and takes a seat, adjusting her swords on her back, sighing as she relaxes on the couch in fresh clothes.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Hello again, Sera," Caitlyn waves, "I'm glad to see you're okay. How did the mission go last night?" She walks over and sits near the couch where Sera is relaxing.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Sera shrugs. "Not bad, Killed a giant ass spider and escaped some tentacles. Nothing fancy. I found some food though, brought that back." she nods to Caitlyn "Anything planned today?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"More tentacles, great," she sighs. "So whatever that thing was, I didn't kill it." She rests her hand against her .32, taking some comfort in knowing that she has armor and a fully loaded gun this time. "I was looking over the mission board, but I haven't decided on what to do yet. It looks like they need a lot of things done now that Shiva. . . after last night. I was thinking of teaming up with River, the dancer from last night; she looks pretty capable." And so do you, she adds mentally, feeling a little out of her league for not the first time.

"I just wish that we had a better idea what is going on," she shrugs. "Keeping the inn safe and in working order is a good thing, but it's just a temporary solution."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Sera nodded. "I signed up to go out to hunt for those survivors." she crosses her arms and leans back. "But that's going to wait, I'm sure. She looks over. "So you've found someone you can trust here? That's cool. I'm usually pretty solitary..." she shrugs.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"I usually make friends fairly easily," she smiles, blushing just a bit even though she's pretty sure that Sera was talking about River and not Claire, "There's nothing wrong with being solitary, but I'd worry about you heading out there alone too much. If you've seen whatever that tentacle thing was then you know it is probably too much for one person to tackle alone."

She takes a look back towards Jesse's shop, "I think I saw that someone else was already planning on heading out to look for survivors. I'd be interested, too, but I might see about heading out to scavenge up some supplies first." The taps the first aid kit at her hip, "I have a feeling we're going to need some more of these things so I was thinking about maybe trying to find a pharmacy or drugstore just for bandages and whatever else I could get together."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Claire, down in the lobby with the other gathered survivors, reacted to the announcement with a slight scowl, but didn't say anything. She wouldn't tell anyone that she hadn't really trusted Shiva -- nor this strange maid, whatever everyone else might think -- due to her first night's encounter. She didn't know what had conspired last night while she was blissfully happy, but now she wanted to...

But she still wasn't planning on heading out of doors. Not yet.

Instead, leaving Caitlyn to do what she'd like -- she wasn't sure that last night's experience meant anything (or that she wanted it to), the redhead wandered over to the shop, to have another talk with the brunette who'd been so helpful as to explain how that gun worked.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Lin woke up on her couch.
She didn't feel so good.
"Ugh... my head," She said, rubbing it as she slowly got up.
"I haven't have a hang over since..." She thought for a while as she went to her room, but when she got to her room, her mind is still pretty screwed up.
"Ugh, whatever it hurts my head to think." And she ploped onto her bed, and fell asleep in less than a minute.
She was up almost half the night, trying to remember stuff.
Which she did. She remembered that she likes singing, she handled guns before, thats why she was so familiar with them, she could also act a bit, and she wasn't that bad with her hands as she had crafted things before.
But that wasn't what she was looking for in her memories.
She wanted her life back.
She doesn't even know her name, for christ's sake, and that is never a good thing.
But she knew it can't be helped as she swung her legs off the bed, and walked off to the bathroom.
~Time passed~
She took a bath and cleaned herself up but as she walked down the staires, there was some kind of announcement.
She stood there, not knowing half of what the maid was saying. And when the maid had stopped talking, she turned to walk up the staires, they made eyes contact, and the girl nodded at the maid before continue walking down to the lobby where a bunch of girls stood.