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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Mmmmm," Caitlyn purrs into the kiss, holding and deepening it. For just a few seconds, she actually felt everything from the last few days recede, fading away into the bliss of their kiss. Her arms wraps around Claire, holding her close and, when she feels the makeshift dress begins to slip, she catches it and holds it up.

Breaking the kiss, Caitlyn looks back into Claire's eyes, her blush faded to a persistent rosy glow. "Maybe we should. . ." she trails off, still not able to actually suggest what the thought that was jumping up and down for attention in her mind. Her eyes drift down over Claire's body, idly wondering if her own nipples were as easily seen as the pair that poked through the thin cotton sheet around Claire's torso.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

It was too bad that Claire was too immersed in the prospects of the night to look away, to notice that Christie was watching (covertly, of course) their inadvertent public display. Then again, maybe it was a good thing... Claire generally wound up wanting too much of a good thing, so she probably would have overstepped her bounds.

As it was, she'd regathered her sheet from the other woman, apparently just as aroused as Caitlyn in the brief glimpse that the blonde had had of her chest -- there were more bruises there, though that didn't seem to be impeding Claire. She'd bit her lip at the thought, not daring to reply just yet, hoping that they were both on the same page. Looking past Caitlyn, out into the room, she noticed Christie on a couch nearby and felt a little bad at the thought of disappearing without acknowledging the other woman and saying goodnight.


"Back to my room?" Claire returned her attention to the blonde, looking hopeful, but not quite ready to hedge her bets. She was excited by the prospect of taking off now, but she needed to do something first. "Let me just say goodnight to Christie, okay?" She still hadn't seen those covert little wanting glances, distracted as she was.
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Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Caitlyn nods once, even as her heart skips several beats all at once. She's suddenly very glad she was sitting down or she likely would have toppled over right there. She smiles at Claire, her eyes blinking rapidly as her mind struggles to keep up with the multiple feelings competing for her attention; one thing she knew, though, she would be following Claire back to her room even if she had to crawl all the way there on weak knees.


"Christie," she says, "Right." She nods her head, "Right, right. You should say goodnight at least." She closes her eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath and doing her best to calm down. She wants me to come back to her oom, me, really. Convinced that she isn't dreaming or just fantasizing for once, Caitlyn actually looks relaxed when she opens her eyes. "Where did she go?" She looks around the lounge for the dark haired girl, adjusting her glasses and only feeling a little bit embarassed by her very public display.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Claire leaned in to kiss Caitlyn once more, though she kept a firm grip on her sheet as she did so this time!


"I'll be back," she promised, rather enjoying the weak-kneed look she was getting from the blonde. Thoughts of what lay in the near future had allowed her to temporarily forget what had happened to her this morning, and what was likely to happen again in the days to come... the same thoughts allowed her to wander over to Christie with an airy smile crossing her lips.

"Hey," she touched the mechanic's shoulder, getting her attention, "I just wanted to thank you again."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Christie jumped at the hand on her shoulder and spun her head around to look at who it was. After her vision cleared from the sudden dizziness, she smiled when saw Claire.


"Oh, don't thank me Claire. I'm just glad you're alright."

She stood, a little wobbly, and gave Claire a quick hug. She found herself noticing the woman's warmth, and the feel of her. Something she had never noticed about another woman before. She gave a slight blush, and looked away, her eyes happening to catch Caitlyn standing near the door, looking at Claire. Christie's eyes widened a little, then she smiled and leaned in towards Claire and said a quiet, "have fun," before moving back.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Claire, face already pink, nevertheless felt a rush of mild embarrassment.


"It's not that obvious, is it?" she asked, glancing back to Caitlyn. Here she'd thought that River was taking the limelight... oh well, she wasn't going to get too worked up over it. "Thanks," she repeated, more now because Christie had told her not too. "See you tomorrow, hopefully." Patting the mechanic on the shoulder, she took her leave, returning to Caitlyn as they exited the lounge.

"I might miss that dancing," she admitted to Caitlyn, joking, as they made their way back to the redhead's room. "But I'm sure we could find other entertaining pastimes."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"I don't think I'll be thinking about her very much," Caitlyn confessed, smiling at Claire's joke. She follows after the redhead quickly, her feet barely touching the floor. Acting on instinct, she reaches out and takes Claire's hand as they walk.

Caitlyn realizes that at the very least Claire's dark-haired friend, and probably several other people besides, saw her leaving the lounge with Claire. Strangely, this doesn't seem to bother her at all, although that might be because she's simply too excited and focused on this moment to be thinking of anything else. Still, she manages to express honest concern when she asks, "Is everything all right with Christie?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River tries doing a backflip off the table and lands neatly on her ass with a thud.


"Right, then. Maybe I should take a break. Where did I leave mah... My beer?" She says slowly, leaning back and laying down on the floor. she gets an upside-down view of Caitlyn and Claire hoping to leave. She whistles quite loudly in the typical gaudy fashion, likely drawing every eye to the pair. She laughs, then gives them the thumbs-up. "Have fun you two!"
She says, then finds her beer and continues to get even more drunk, the pair already forgotten.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Lin wakes up from the crash River made.
"I fell asleep and you got drunk without me?" Lin laughed, not realising that River is indeed, drunk out of her mind.
Lin picked up another beer and gulped it down.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Emily was barely paying attention the whole time the director talked to them. She just stared at the floor thinking about how this all could have come out different. She knew in the end though this was the best decision. A shitty decision in her mind but the best one with the best possible outcome. She didn't really think about Shiva much. That girl knew what she was doing when she decided to plant the bomb. Shiva knew there was a chance of something happening and she could end up dead. Emily just saw Shiva as a brave warrior. "It's too bad we might not see her again," She thought thinking about her and Iris.

What woke Emily up from her trance was Iris running away from her side.

She said slowly and softly to the wind as she looked up to see Iris running away.
Emily was very loyal to any friends she managed to make. She decided to swallow up her pain for now and go to Iris' side. Where Iris disappeared is where she checked and she saw the room was open. She went inside seeing Iris was asleep. Emily went to a section of the bed that Iris didn't take up and sat down. As she waited for Iris to wake up she fell asleep in a sitting position and it looked like she was watching Iris.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

It had been a breif sleep for Iris. Mainly the only thing Iris had dreamed about was the mission. It replayed over and over in her head. Iris saw everything, the people she failed to save, the monsters she killed, and Emily. This sleep finally ended when Iris couldn't take any more of this nightmareish dream a woke up. Her eyes went open and she sat up straight, almost at the same time.

When Iris awoke she saw something that surprised her. Emily was... Sleeping on her bed. When did she get here? How long had she been here? Iris attempted to wake her up by tapping her on the shoulder and saying her name. Iris said-

" Hey Emily... Hey, wake up..."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Emily woke up groggily. She saw Iris and remembered what she had done.

"Hey, Iris.... door was unlocked... let myself in... was very worried..."
She said very sleepily.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

" You were...Worried?

Iris said these words after Emily sleepy responded. Iris had felt alone and distant when she had first come up stairs but now... Now she felt a little better, knowing someone was acctually worried about her. Iris was surprised Emily had just fallen alseep on the bed like she did. It didn'tbother Iris bu still, it surprised her.

Iris wanted to get off this bed and take a walk around the inn, try and clear her head. Iris was depressed about what had happened today. She would always remember today but that would keep her from moving on. Iris's father taught her to never live in the past, it would only bring sorrow and despair.

Iris got up from her bed, brushing her white hair back neatly. She then said to Emily-
" Emily I'm going to take a walk around the inn. Would you like to come with me?
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Emily was still really sleepy. She could barely comprehend what Iris just said. Here eyes were half closed. She didn't even realize she told her she was very worried. Something she probably wouldn't have said so directly if she wasn't so sleepy.

"Yeah... I'll come..."
She said still sleepily.
When she got up to get off the bed she fell on the ground face first.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Iris had started walking to the door when she heard something fall to the floor. Turning around she saw Emily who had fallen face first on the ground. Iris walked over to where she had fallen and kneeled down. Iris then said-

"Oh Emily... Here let me help you up...

Iris then attempted to help Emily up. If she manages to get her up proceeds to go to the inn lobby.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Emily let Iris help her up. She was fully awake now after the face plant. She remembered what she said to Iris when she woke up. She could feel blood rushing to her cheeks. She was embarrassed about it and pissed at herself. "Ugh, I know it's true but did I have to be so direct..." Emily thought. She didn't show her anger though remembering the reason she came here. To help her friend Iris.

"Yeah, let's go... I'm still kinda mad myself..."

She followed Iris out the door...

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

After helping her friend up Iris made her way out of her bedroom and to the lobby. Getting to the lobby room Iris sensed something. Something odd was happening. Iris couldn't help but notice party loud sounds coming from a direction from the lobby. Was the director allowing this? Iris doubted she would want her staff and guests partying like this. Maybe the director was just to busy grieving to notice or care what everyone else was doing. Thinking about the director Iris thought of checking on her.

Losing Shiva must of been really hard for her. Shiva must of been her best friend, or something like that. Iris decided later on she would check on the woman at some point later on.

Looking around the lobby Iris saw a path she hadn't noticed before. Curiosity took over as Iris began going down the path, only motioning Emily to follow her before going. As Iris made her way down the path she made her way to some stairs and curiosity happened. Iris ended up walking down them. When Iris reached the bottom of the stairs and saw a door in the room the stairs led her to She walked to the door and began to open it...

* Iris trys to go inside the basement room. *
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

As Iris and Emily entered the basement room, it was completely dark. And there didn't seem to be anything of interest in the room, except...

(Perception check)

Iris couldn't quite make it out, but it appeared that two women were down there, just laying on the floor...
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Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(( You know RJ I just kinda assumed that Emily was following Iris down there. ))

Emily followed Iris down to the basement door. "Why the hell would the dictator have an office down here?" Emily thought. The only reason she even followed Iris to the director's room was because she wanted to make sure she was O.K. She didn't notice the puddle of water when the director ran off and just assumed she was pissed when her best *Man* died. Although she still wasn't sure if Shiva was really dead.

She stands beside Iris as she opened the door.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Iris walked into the dark room. There was nothing of interest inside at first glance. Iris was about to leave when she saw something surprising. Looking she saw two women on the ground, just laying there. What were they doing? Why were they nude? Without thinking much about it or checking where Emily was Iris walked close to them, keeping about a four foot distance and said-

" Hello? Are you two alright?"