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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Sera giggles and shakes her head, "No no. I'm Sera, nice to meet you. Nah, Just another survivor. You?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"My name is Caitlyn," she laughs, "And I'm thinking that maybe I should start wearing one of those stick on nametags. I just found my way here last night and I haven't really done much yet aside from get some equipment," she gestures down at her body armor, "And talk to a few people. Mostly Claire," she indicates the redhead wrapped in the makeshift toga, "and the Director."

"We were going to all go and get something to drink in the upstairs lounge. Would you like to join us? The more the merrier, after all."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Sera shrugs. "Actually, I'm about to go hunting. I've been cooped up here for the past few days. You're both welcome to come along."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"You're not thinking of going out alone are you Sera?" Caitlyn hesitates for a moment, glancing back at Claire and Christie, "I'd go with you, just because I think we're safer in larger groups, but. . ." She looks a bit distressed, "I'm not sure if anyone else is ready for that yet."

She bites on her lower lip, "Look, I'd be happy to go with you tomorrow, but for right now I want to stay here with Claire and just try to have a normal night."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Sera shrugs. "Suit yourself. " she turns and heads out on a hunting party.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Lin was sitting down on a chair, opening her 3rd can of beer.
Everyone was talking, but not to her.(Fake RP background lololol)
And as she gulps down half the beer again, she found herself quite bored.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River walk in to the room, having decided to skip checking Amy's room to see if her pants were mended yet. She went over to the fridge and opened it.


"What, just beer?! Ah well, at least it's not all American-made, there's some imports and Canadian stuff..." She says to herself, grabbing a can and walking over to Lin. "Hey there, how are you feeling?" She asks, cracking her can and taking a swig, her face distorting. God, she hated beer, but if thats all there was... She'd get used to it once she had a few.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Lin looked at River and nodded.
"I am doing fine, but I agree, beer isn't all that great," She took another drink, and finished. "This is my 4th can and I am not feeling anything yet."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"You're not drinking that American Swill, are you? That shit is like sex on a canoe."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Lin looked at River and turned the long silver can.
The words 'Asahi' was written on it.
"No, thank you. I drank it before, but I am prone to trying out new things." Lin said, then added. "So... You had sex on a canoe before?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River laughed.


"Camping trip, but thats beside the point, it was a joke. I say 'it's like sex on a canoe', you say 'huh?', and I say 'They're both fucking close to water'. Not quite so funny now, but meh." She says, smiling and taking another swig of beer.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Lin tossed her 4th can away, and took out another can.
"Meh, you would be fucking close to water. Your name IS River after all." Lin replied, laughing a bit.
(oh snap.)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River puts on a half-assed smile and dips her head for a second.


"Yeah, thanks. Like I've never heard that one before..."

She quietly finishes her first can, goes and grabs another, then sits down again.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Lin laughed, as she finished her 5th and reached for a 6th.
"Don't be mad, I was only playing."
Leaning on River's shoulder, Lin finished her 6th beer, and fell asleep.
(Lol I am going to sleep, later.)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River laughed as Lin passed out.


"Shit, lightweight or what? Maybe that Asahi stuff is pretty potent..." She thought out loud, genly leaning Lin against the opposite side of the couch and got up, finishing her second beer on the way back to the fridge. She opened it up and found s couple cans of Asahi, grabbing them both and sitting down again.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Iris watched the director punch the wall and stormed out. Iris saw water on the floor where the director was. Iris figured she must of been crying. Iris didn't blame her, Shiva must of been very important to her, very close. Iris had only known the woman for a short amount of time and already had greatly admired her. Iris motionlessly stood in place for a moment, next to Emily. Iris then, without a word to Emily, walked out of the lobby. Iris began heading for her inn room. She wanted to be alone, away from people. Iris was starting to have a mental breakdown. Because of her one hundred and one people were dead. Not only because she pushed a damn button but because she helped get the bomb in place. She ha helped Shiva get to the warehouse.

Iris walked into her inn room and shut the door behind her. Tears were staring to stream from her eyes, she didn't bother wiping them. Iris walked over to her inn bed and fell on it, still wearing everything from the mission. She still had the device in her right hand that activated the bomb. Iris ended up passing out from sheer depression.

Iris had left her inn door unlocked. Anyone could get in her room, at the moment...
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Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River was having a grand old time. That Asahi stuff did seem to be more powerful, or maybe she qas just unused to it, but she had a nice buzz going. Someone had asked her what she did for a living a while ago, and instead of answering, she went ahead and did a demonstration. From then on she was the designated entertainment. So what if she was too far gone to do it right?

Eventually, she started to remember a face that wasn't there yet, it took her a minute to figure out that Caliber was missing, and that she had forgotten to tell him that it was going on at all. She turned on her earpiece and pinged Cal.


"Hey, there's a bit of a party in the... *where are we again? Oh, right* ...in the upstairs lounge, come on and join us!" She says slowly, very carefully enunciating every word so she didn't sound too drunk, which kind of had the opposite effect.

((Kinda bored myself, and if the new day starts in 24 hours, I'm going to miss a big chunk of it. Go ahead an RP my character, she's a fun drunk and will try almost anything, but instead off starting to slur words, she speaks very carefully.))
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River heard Cal on the other side of the radio.

Caliber: "I'm kinda busy, I've got some, company."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Ooooh. Well you tell her, that she's welcome to come down here, if she gets bored, alright?" River says over the radio, snickering loudly. "Nah, I'm just kidding, you have fun. Just make sure to turn the mic off, alright Argy?" Another snicker, and she's back to partying.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Claire had rather the opposite reaction to new people showing up, quietly fading to silence, preferring to take something more of a wallflower approach to this whole thing. She was shocked (though perhaps unsurprised) that Linne (as she'd introduced herself) was up and on her feet and apparently unaffected by the way she'd come in here a short while ago... save for her mass consumption of a good chunk of the stocked fridge.

Taking her own can -- she didn't have much to go on save what River had explained -- and looking at the gaudy maple leaf and lettering, she leaned against the wall and frowned. These were probably the last beers that they were ever going to get their hands on, or at least the last ones that were going to be mass produced. If they wanted more (not just beer, but anything, really) they'd have to brave the outdoors to scavenge for it.

She wondered how hungry she'd have to get before she decided that she was willing to go hunting to get more food. Deciding that she didn't want to dwell on it, she cracked the can open and took a swig.


"Blegh," was her simple assessment. If this stuff was bad, she didn't want to go on to the 'home-brewed' stuff that River had mentioned.

Claire settled her arms over her chest as she settled in to watch the 'entertainment'. River certainly was stealing the show, blush-inducingly uninhibited in her partying. The ex-librarian had to envy her ability to cope with the current situation, not to mention her ability to fit into one of those black suits. Huh.