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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Opening her own can, Caitlyn finds a seat in the lounge and tries some of the beer. Her face scrunches up for a second and she smiles to Claire.


"I agree with your review," she says. "At least it's cold." She watches the other girls, noticing that Lin is wasting no time at all in downing can after can. She nurses her beer, sipping it occasionally, knowing that she's a bit of a lightweight. "Everybody seems to be having fun, though, right?" she asks, looking back at Claire with a smile. She notices that the redheaded librarian is pretty openly checking out River and she blushes just a little and looks away.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Attention drawn back to the blonde, Claire shifts her grip on the beer she's holding -- she'd noticed the fact that Caitlyn had been watching her watching River, and the accompanying blush.


"Oh-- yeah, definitely," she dropped her gaze to her feet, wriggling her bare toes against the commercial-grade carpet as her hands were too full to fidget. "I was just... I wonder if there are more suits like that, they look comfortable," she finished lamely. She hadn't meant to check River out! No, that wasn't right, she hadn't meant to get caught at it! She hadn't thought that anyone else here would even notice, to be honest!

Maybe with all of their minds on sex (or rather, their likely fates if this all kept up) it was hard to escape noticing things like that. Claire made a note to be a little more subtle as she took another sip -- Caitlyn was right that at least it was cold. That was a plus.

"So what did you used to do?" she asked the blonde, hoping to veer the conversation to a more friendly topic.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Caitlyn takes another drink of her beer, looking down and watching Claire's toes squirming on the carpet. Damnit, she hadn't meant to react that way or to let on that she noticed; she hoped that Claire didn't feel too uncomfortable but didn't know exactly how to to apologize without potentially making things worse. She lifts her gazes off the floor, running up Claire's sheet-wrapped leg before looking the other girl in the eye with a careful smile.


"Oh. . . well I was basically still a student," she explained. "I am. . . I was working on a Master in International Law. Um. . ." she pauses, her face falling slightly when she acknowledged that 'was'. She takes another long drink of the beer, closing her eyes as she drains the can nearly to empty. She sighs, "I worked in Congressman Norris' office. . . the one over on 7th, not the one in Washington, obviously. Just answering phones and doing assistant type stuff, really, nothing important."

She laughs, darkly, "My life to this point didn't involve a lot of body armor. . ."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"You and me both," Claire replied. She took another sip from the can, though she was quite willing to nurse this one all evening if she was able to. It just meant more for the others, as the women seemed to be going through the cans there are a fairly good clip. (Hopefully it was the director's private stash, Claire hoped vindictively, not realizing that the woman had lost something far more cold and precious than a few beers while these women were partying away.)

"I can't stop thinking about that damned white haired girl, that this is all the result of something bigger. I've always thought that if something like this was going to happen, either there'd be men on horses or microbes that didn't know when to stay dead... and the former was more of a longshot than anything."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"I won't believe this is the end of the world," Caitlyn shakes her head. "I don't know what it is, but. . ." She pauses, "Those things are dangerous, yeah. They want to. . . " she crosses her legs and shudders, "Do whatever they want, but they're just animals. They can be shot, they can be killed. That strange girl from before, the Director knows something about her, even if she's not telling us yet. Maybe she's responsible for all of this."

"Whatever is happening here, there must be an explanation. We can fix this. We can get things back." She shivers, taking another drink and finishing the can. She looks back at Claire, her normal confidence wavering as she weakly asks, "Can't we?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Not without a few more suits of body armor and, you know, actually knowing what the hell we're doing. What we're up against." Claire snorted, then decided to finish her beer in a snap decision.

"The director might know something, but she was pretty vehement about telling me she didn't have a Goddamned clue. It was like she didn't want me even trying to get to the bottom of it." Shaking her head, denting her can as she squeezed her hands into fists, she apologized again. "I shouldn't be worrying about it right now."

She gestured to River, who had taken to the table to further her show. "They're definitely not too worried about it."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Oh. . ." Caitlyn turns to look, taking another beer and opening it as she starts to drink, "No, I guess she's not." Her cheeks turn a little pink but she doesn't look away, continuing to watch River. "She's really good at that," she says to Claire, "I don't know if I could move that way without hurting myself."

She takes another drink and giggles, reaching over to tug at Claire's sheet on her knee, "You'd probably need to lose your outfit if you wanted to try."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Claire, snorting and smiling for maybe the first time this evening, replied,


"Oh God, not unless you fill me with more if this, thanks," she shook her head as she held up the empty can. She was a light-weight, but after one can of beer, she was buzzing more than outright drunk.

She hiked up her faux-toga a little to reveal the bruises she'd gained this morning. "I'm not so sure I could dance. I'm feeling stiff... besides, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one here who likes looking at other naked women." If Caitlyn had already seen her, she might as well admit it. Not like there was any harm in that, right?
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Caitlyn winces, seeing Claire's bruises as she finally stops watching River's performance.


"No, nothing wrong with that at all," she answers quietly. She doesn't take her eyes off of Claire's bruised leg and, very slowly reaches down to touch Claire's leg gently, her fingers touching the dark spots. Her hand moves slowly up along Claire's calf until the hem of the toga brushes against Catlyn's wrist. She blinks, taking her hand away quickly and looking back up at Claire's face with a slightly embarased smile and hoping that she's not turning bright pink, "Sorry. Did that hurt?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

As much as it might be awkward, Claire didn't flinch at Caitlyn's probing. It was nice to feel gentle, careful hands on her, even if they were just inspecting ones.


"Mm, a little." She lingered a moment before she allowed the sheet to drop, hiding her legs again. "Not too much, though." She smiled wanly as she set the empty can aside, then her expression turned serious as she caught Caitlyn's hand in her own. Leaning forward, she spoke in earnest: "Don't let it happen to you, okay? Don't go out there unless you're with someone who can handle a gun. Or someones... just keep yourself safe."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"That's my plan," Caitlyn agrees, "Regardless of what the Director wants, I'm not going to risk it out there alone. I really think that we should all be working together, maximizing our individual talents." She glances back over at River, "It seems like some of us can handle ourselves better in a fight." She shrugs, "I managed to escape from the things that attacked me last night and I might have even wounded them, but I'm pretty sure luck had something to do with that. I guess that I don't lose my head in a bad situation and that's helpful. I know a thing or two about first aid and patching people up; that's part of the territory when you work around kids."

"They're always getting themselves banged up, worse than those bruises even," she laughs for a moment but then thinks about what she just said and looks serious again. "Sorry."

She takes another drink, "The Director said that there were other people captured out there. I guess I just don't want to think about someone else going through what I did." She tries to smile. "But now I'm getting all serious again, what's wrong with me."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Feeling a little bold, but not quite bold enough to do anything about it, the redhead smiled and released Caitlyn's hand in order to brush her hair out of her face as she smiled at the bespectacled woman.


"Nothing's wrong with that, though I think you had a good idea about taking our minds off of things tonight. We're safe enough right now, right?" God, she hoped that didn't sound like some kind of come on... not that she'd mind, but she didn't expect Caitlyn to be interested. It was probably wrong to be thinking about it, when she still had trouble sitting properly from that fucking attack, and everything was still up in the air. Still, Caitlyn'd been nothing but kind from the moment that Claire met her. The redhead wouldn't've minded a little closer comfort just now.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"That was the plan," Caitlyn nodded, taking another drink. "Well, that and to try finding you some real clothes." She teasingly reaches over and tugs at the bedsheet that Claire is still holding in a wrap around her body. She smiles, feeling relaxed for maybe the first time in two days.

"I think we're pretty safe, as long as we keep close," she says, letting out a slow breath and finishing off the second beer with a final pull. She looks back at River for a moment before asking Claire, "So how should we keep our minds off of things?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Claire squeaked in surprise as an unexpected sheet-tug left her nearly exposed for a second. (Not that it mattered a lot, here, though she didn't want to make Caitlyn uncomfortable.)


"I can think of a couple of things," she told the blonde, mind really wandering now as she did her best to keep her eyes level on the other woman's, instead of roaming down and then up again. 'Don't jump the first woman that offers you a hand, Claire, Jesus. You've done this before. You know it's going to get you into trouble.'

Still, she felt the words coming off her tongue before she could stop them up. Maybe she was a little more buzzed than she thought! "We could keep a little closer," she suggested, her hand brushing Caitlyn's thigh before it settled there. She'd leaned forward again, forgetting for the moment that she looked ridiculous, wrapped in a bedsheet. She was actually aiming to plant a kiss on the blonde -- just a light one, though she didn't really expect Caitlyn to take it. For the first time in a long time, she felt her heart pounding away and not because she was terrified.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Meredith pops in all of sudden with the intention to introduce herself to the other survivors but upon seeing the two girls starting to get intimate she defies her own decision. She coughs lightly before redirecting herself to the store for clothing which she had a lack of.


"Wow, I just realized.. At least they seemed to have there attention fixed elsewhere."

She felt slightly embarrassed that she had seen that and wondered if she too would turn to that as her only option seeing as how she hadn't met any men who were still alive.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Caitlyn giggled hearing Claire's squeak, breaking out into a cheerful smile at her joking suggestion. A smile that fades into a serious expression when the redhead's hand comes to rest on her thigh. She looks down at Claire's hand with a slightly curious expression. Consciously, she knew that Claire was interested in other girls but her subconscious had thrown up the usual blocks in the way: Not in you, Nobody knows about your feelings, She wouldn't understand. Was she just misinterpreting a friendly gesture again? Was it the beer they had been drinking? No, Claire hadn't even finished one can. Her mind went into a moment of vapor lock, a moment that seemed much longer than the few seconds she spent staring down dumbly at Claire's hand.

She raises her head, looking back up in time to see Claire leaning closer. She doesn't pull back from the kiss, even though her heart is racing. She closes her eyes, feeling her lips pressing against the other woman's in the kiss, her breath catching in her chest as she does.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Wholly focusing on Caitlyn at the moment, Claire didn't even notice as a newcomer stepped into the employees lounge, attention side-swept from River's gaudily cheerful performance and the other women here who were enjoying themselves, noticed the pair of her and Caitlyn quietly secluded against the wall, and backed out again.

Claire wasn't really even paying attention to the noisier of the women who'd been entrenched here for a while anyhow. She was too enamored with the feeling of the other woman's lips on her dry ones, the soft brush of contact as well as the heat of Caitlyn's leg under her hand occupying her full attention.

Pulling back, face red, she never the less smiled quietly.


"Sorry," she apologized, "I needed that." She glanced away and back to the rest of the room, though she wasn't really taking anything in, for once. Her gaze returned to Caitlyn, wondering at the blonde's reaction.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Caitlyn doesn't say anything at first, just taking several deep breaths and licking her lips.


"D-don't be sorry," she smiles, nervously, feeling more than a little flushed. "I wasn't. . . I didn't expect that, but it was really nice. . ." Her voice dies away to a near whisper on that last phrase. She reaches out her hand to Claire's arm, running up to her shoulder as she, still somewhat hesitantly, pulls the redheaded woman closer while she leans in again. Her eyes are fixed on Claire's as she moves closer, going for a deeper kiss this time.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Mm!" Claire was more than a little surprised by that! She'd expected the blushing, but more than that had expected (at best) polite rejection. She briefly hoped that the good reception she'd received (was receiving, mmh!) wasn't because the blonde was just drunk enough not to care. Then she dismissed the worry... it didn't really matter one way or another. She'd be careful to let thing go, if this kept up; she hadn't known Caitlyn long enough to want to try to invest too much.

Returning the kiss, teeth pulling at the other woman's lower lip, Claire felt her battered cunt send a pulse of real desire through her, along with a bit of wet -- not by aphrodisiacs or the body's unconscious need to keep pain to a minimum. That jolt was a little too much; she groaned as her body stiffened. She forgot herself for a moment as her hands came up to better touch the blonde, and her wrap, carefully tucked into place, began to come loose at the first heave of her bosom. She didn't care just now -- nobody'd come to interrupt their good time!
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Christie, being a light weight drinker but not the kind to let bad tasting beer stop her from enjoying it, got smashed fairly quickly that night. Having a great time joking around, she even tried imitating River's moves a few times, much to everyone's enjoyment at her failures. Eventually though, she noticed that Claire wasn't joining in. She squinted and looked around the room, wobbling a bit when she moved her head too fast.


Where's Claire? Oh, over there with the blonde girl. Wait, what are they doing?

Christie gasped, and immediately sobered up when she realized what they were doing. She'd heard of women... with women... but she'd never seen it. Her face flushed while she watched them, and she realized she should probably stop staring. Quickly sitting down on the nearby couch, which caused her head to spin, Christie tried to get her mind off Claire and Caitlyn, but found she had trouble paying attention to the others right now. She was glad Claire was enjoying herself, but she found herself wanting more and more to sneak peeks at the two women. Maybe more than just peek, perhaps. She blushed again, and put her head down, crossing her legs and placing her hands in her lap before going back to cheering River on, a little less enthusiastic than before.