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The medic needs a medic

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Jillian, Kali, and Azure, having agreed to volunteer, were told the details by the guard woman.

Guard woman: "I wasn't even paying attention to the door... She just up and walked outta here when I was talkin' with my friend. I have no idea why she left."

The woman walked over to the map that sat right next to the Director's announcement desk.

Guard woman: "This here is the hospital, it's the only place we could possibly imagine she'd go. But be careful, it's crawlin' with a bunch of slimey bastards. Shiva said they don't attack directly, they sneak up on ya. But, if they're high in numbers, they'll try to box ya in. They look like blue puddles with organs inside, and in case you haven't guessed, you gotta aim for it's brain to kill it."

The woman gestured with her hand.

Guard woman: "Our chopper's busy, so yer gonna have to walk there. Watch out! He, he, he..."

With some advice and a location to go to, everyone walked outside.

(The mission has begun, it's recommended you talk with your team, and discuss how your team will operate.)
Re: The medic needs a medic


"lets get moving we can come up with a plan while on our way to this hospital. best lead we got to start with."

She would begin to walk towards the hospital at least hoping her comrades could walk and talk at the same time. keeping her dagger in hand at all times right now


"I apologize in advance though if i dont seem to friendly. not used to working with other people."
Re: The medic needs a medic

Azure took a moment to snap a picture of the map on her camera and memorize it. Even if it wasn't going to be too hard of a trip now, it'd be useful for later.


"Thanks for the tips. Let's go ladies..."

The guards seemed nice enough for the situation, but this mission was full of questions. Why would one of the place's doctors leave so suddenly? And for what?

She looked over her two partners and motioned them along, leading the group outside of the building and outside of earshot, but still close enough that if anything was stupid enough to attack them yet, the building's guards were close enough to help. She stopped there and waited for the other two to catch up before starting to talk to them.


"Look, I know I must not seem the most capable, walking around in this sheet. But I found a cult in the forest, rescued a woman, and nearly captured one of these wild creatures running around... and I'm telling you something doesn't feel right about that place. There's something... wrong... with that.. that woman. Did anyone see where they took me or what they did with me last night? Did anyone see what they did with the other women who've been taken in impregnated?"

She sighed to herself and shook her head, holding up her backpack and showing the others what gear she had. A 9mm pistol, 3 spare clips (40 rounds total), a first aid kit, her camera, and a taser.


"I'm laying all my cards out on the table. When we find this woman, we shouldn't just drag her back. I want to know why she left and what she's up to. And I do NOT want to help that woman in charge there if I can help it. If any of you have something to add, go ahead. Otherwise I think we should get there as quickly as possible without drawing unneeded attention to us. The hospital shouldn't be too far, so we can get there at a quick walk safely. I think."

(If no one else presents a strategy, Azure takes the center position and takes a special watch on the group's flanks.)
Re: The medic needs a medic

Just as long as you two can take care of the fighting. I... I can't handle fighting. I can patch up anyone who gets hurt, but...

Jillian says, motioning to the first aid kit on her back when she mentions patching people up.
Re: The medic needs a medic


"Talk and walk we dont have time to waste okay?"

she wouldnt stop to listen to some conspiracy theory right now she wanted to find the doctor and indeed find out why she left first but they needed to do it while time was on their side


"fighting shouldnt be the first option we need to be quiet once we get there and just hope the doctor we are after is safe so we dont need to fight. oh and miss field medic grab anything you think will be useful while your in there lets kill two birds with one stone. medical supplies and rescue. BY the way my name is Kali"

If the two werent following then she would have ended up talking to herself the whole trip but she didnt look back and didnt stop walking just making her course for the Hospital at a brisk walk
Re: The medic needs a medic


She says, quickly following after Kali so that she doesn't get left behind.
Re: The medic needs a medic

Kali: Attempting to lead

Jillian: Following Kali

Azure: Doin' stuff.
Re: The medic needs a medic

Azure whinced at the way she had to rush to keep up with them, getting a feel for her group from the offset.


"Great, a coward and a girl with the creed of leap before you look." she muttered quietly.

In that brief minute she started to understand some of the motives of the director, begrudgingly accepting that this lot might've needed someone like that to lead.

She just hoped now that it was something so simple, but she just couldn't shake this feeling in the back of her mind.

(Azure walks with the group towards the hospital.)

(Edit: As my last post said, I'm trying to hold a center position, so I'm following the group. For now.)
Re: The medic needs a medic


"by the way i find i have very good hearing..so i'll take point when we are in there and if anything gets the drop on us it's gonna go after me first. i'll just have to rely on hearing it coming first. a hospital is gonna be a big place any suggestions where to start when we get there?"
Re: The medic needs a medic

(The sun has still only just risen, the day won't end for a while)

(You are on your journey to the hospital, every post counts as time passing, so beware for unexpected attacks.)
Re: The medic needs a medic

The morgue might be a secure place, if the medic want's to stay safe. It's generally refrigerated and insulated so the bodies don't decay as fast. It would be cold, but she could probably keep the monsters on the outside, away from her.

Jillian suggests, before coming up with another idea.

We may want to try the in hospital pharmacy where they normally keep their medicine. She might have gone on a search for supplies.
Re: The medic needs a medic


"That's... a surprisingly good idea."

Azure had to admit when listening to the girl she had just branded a coward.


"I'm Azure... nice to meet you... If it's not too bad of an idea, I suggest we go by the emergency room first. It'll be the fastest way to get in, and either the best secured from scavengers killing anything there, or the best stocked if it's been overrun. Either way it's probably the easiest place to start from and our best bet as a fallback point. That way even if the hospital is overrun we can retreat to the streets again."

(Still following, keeping an eye out for anything.)
Re: The medic needs a medic


"alright but cant say i know my way around inside the hospital so if one of your two ave been in there more often you can at least point the way we should go once inside emergency room sounds best place to start to me. then pharmacy after that"

(keep walking eyes scaning about ahead of them as they moved on)
Re: The medic needs a medic

I haven't been in this hospital that much, most of my classes that focused on experience had us watch doctors in small practice centers where the patients where in as bad conditions, but there should be signs and the like once we get in there.
Re: The medic needs a medic

(Perception check)

Jillian and Kali turned in shock to find two dogs sprinting straight at them!

Azure didn't seem to hear them...

*Jillian and Kali, post your actions, Azure was surprised by the enemy*
Re: The medic needs a medic


Jillian says, stumbling back until the other two women are between her and the dogs.
Re: The medic needs a medic

*knowing they had one who didnt fight at all in their midst she stepped in front of jillian and waited for the dog to leap hoping to jam her knife right up into its ribcage when it leapt at her if it came at her*

(try and protect Jillian by intercepting one of the attacking dogs if it came at either kali or Jillian)
Re: The medic needs a medic


"Monsters.. what?"

Azure turned to check where Jillian was looking, then spun round to face the incoming dogs, though she'd join the combat, the few seconds it took for her to catch sight of their attackers might've given them the edge, as she snatched for her gun tucked away in her backpack.

(Offguard, but tipped off by Jillian, grabbing for gun.)
Re: The medic needs a medic

(Jillian hides)

(Kali prepares for an attack)

(Enemy attacks)

One of the dogs leaped right at Kali

(Kali attacks)

Kali's aim was very good

Right as the dog got close, she leaned out of the way and slashed it across the body, doing minimal damage as she was only strong enough to make the knife graze it's skin.

(Enemy attacks)

The other dog leaped for the lightly clothed Azure, landing against her back, knocking the sheet off.

(Azure has been grappled)

(All members of the group may take actions.)
Re: The medic needs a medic

(sadly after this post i have to go for awhile but if RJ wants to finish the combat for my character she will be focused on killing the one dog she squared off against first. then go to help Azure if still needed. After that if you all wish to keep going without me its fine just use best judgement RJ.)

*not happy she didnt cut deep she turned quickly since the dog went past her and leapt forward both hands gripping the knife's hilt to try and drive it down into the dog's spine*