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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...


Look at the picture in the article...

This is what happens when us nerds grow up...
Re: In today's news...

For some reason this sounds like an article that you'd find on theonion.com, then spread out as 'real' news...
Re: In today's news...

If I'm reading that right, then they are effectively trying to open a hole to other dimensions by shooting lasers at nothing.

Re: In today's news...

Well, let's see how many of you know your Heisenberg uncertainty principles^^

XSI, nah, they're not really trying to open up new dimensions, although some are saying that might be a side-effect. (And by "some" I can't seem to find anyone other than reporters and chemists...)

The thing is, that there is a principle in physics called Heisenbergs uncertainty principle, which basically states that one cannot know the exact position and energy of something. It sounds retarded, I know, but it has been "proven" many a time to be true. The term "Zero- point energy" often quoted in science fiction is an example of this.

If you for example, take helium, which is a gas. And cool it down to absolute zero, (Or as close as you can get.) The helium will always stay in a liquid form even if it shouldn't have the energy to do so.

Similarly, the lowest energy one can think off for an area of space, is empty space. And one would assume that nothing has 0 energy. But because we know the exact location of this empty point, there has to be energy there, in order for the principle to be fulfilled.

In modern physics this has been explained by the presence of "ghost" particles, particles with positive or negative energies, appearing out of nowhere, and meeting their own twin and disappearing in almost the same instant they come into existence.

What this laser project is talking about, is separating some of these pairs of particles from their annihilation twin, so as to be able to detect them.

Personally, I think the world has just gotten too much of a hardon for the large hadron collider, and it's massive proportions, and now they want a new fix.

Nononono! They're not trying to open up new dimensions by shooting lasers at nothing, that would be ridiculous. They're going to try finding new particles by shooting lasers at the particles they're trying to find, and that they hope exist.
Blowing a hole in the fabric of space, opening up new dimensions, or teleporting in some of them headcrabs... Now that's just a potential bonus!
Re: In today's news...

And now for something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.

I refuse to believe this is true.
I can't let myself believe this is true.
The SHEER MINDFUCKERY would cause me to simultaneously implode and explode.

Just.... I.... but... cannot... that.... it...

Re: In today's news...

Wow. I don't know what this whole ponies craze is about, but why would anyone throw their child out of the house because of it?

You know what? That's bullshit. A parent is supposed to deal with problems, help their child work through their issues, and set a good example. This is a good case of people who should have never been allowed to become parents. Even if whoever it is is 30yrs old and has 200gigs of pony stuff.
Re: In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Remember to eat your vegetables, kiddos.

Re: In today's news...

Well, I've been saying that the US of A has been steadily devolving as a country for quite some time... But these last few months have had the US literally jump down the drain, the occupy movement, the "anti piracy" bills, the police crackdown, and now congress shows us just how drunk with power they have actually become... "We need to make kids healthier... Hmmm... Vegetables are healthy! Make them eat vegetables... But how do we implement something like this... Oh I know! PIZZAS ARE NOW VEGETABLES!"
Re: In today's news...

Well, I've been saying that the US of A has been steadily devolving as a country for quite some time... But these last few months have had the US literally jump down the drain, the occupy movement, the "anti piracy" bills, the police crackdown, and now congress shows us just how drunk with power they have actually become... "We need to make kids healthier... Hmmm... Vegetables are healthy! Make them eat vegetables... But how do we implement something like this... Oh I know! PIZZAS ARE NOW VEGETABLES!"

As far as our elected officials go, yeah, they're going fucking nuts.

However, as far as the citizens go... well, okay, we've got plenty of nutters there, too, but we ARE trying to figure out a way to fix things.

As for the pizza thing... as far as I can tell they don't ACTUALLY believe it, which is a relief, but still, doing that just so school cafeterias don't have to include an ACTUAL vegetable? Don't get me wrong, I'll kill someone if they try to take pizza off of school menus, but couldn't they get an actual veggie, like corn or green beans?
Re: In today's news...

We interrupt your politics
Re: In today's news...

As far as our elected officials go, yeah, they're going fucking nuts.

However, as far as the citizens go... well, okay, we've got plenty of nutters there, too, but we ARE trying to figure out a way to fix things.

As for the pizza thing... as far as I can tell they don't ACTUALLY believe it, which is a relief, but still, doing that just so school cafeterias don't have to include an ACTUAL vegetable? Don't get me wrong, I'll kill someone if they try to take pizza off of school menus, but couldn't they get an actual veggie, like corn or green beans?

Apparently corn is too... unhealthy for kids too. It's full of sugars and starches. They're doing it to make it easier on the schools to provide meals and new books... because stricter and stricter regulations on what can and cannot be served is taking money away from other parts of school funding. Which sucks. They're spending so much on making a "balanced" meal for kids that the books are ten years outta date
Re: In today's news...

Apparently corn is too... unhealthy for kids too. It's full of sugars and starches. They're doing it to make it easier on the schools to provide meals and new books... because stricter and stricter regulations on what can and cannot be served is taking money away from other parts of school funding. Which sucks. They're spending so much on making a "balanced" meal for kids that the books are ten years outta date

Heh, you know, I think that's the problem nowadays - stricter and stricter regulations. Don't get me wrong, they're not inherently bad, and some even do a lot of good. The problem is the idiots that get in charge and abuse their power.
ALSO: The books are always 10 years outta date. :p
Re: In today's news...

High fructose corn syrup is fine in moderation. They say this over and over and over, and they're right like most things it's fine to have a small amount of it each day. Problem: IT'S IN FUCKING EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING.

And now they've changed it's name to "corn sugar" or some bullshit like that. Because the poor corn farmers think it's getting a bad rap. FUCK YOU, YOU'LL NEVER FOOL ME, I WONT EAT IT AND YOU CAN SHOVE YOUR CORN UP YOUR ASS CORN FARMERS.

I'm seriously debating wether this post belongs here or in the hate thread...
Re: In today's news...

I like it.
Re: In today's news...

high fructose corn syrup is in everything because the american govornment subsidises corn farmers to make way more than is necesary, so corn becomes real cheap.
Re: In today's news...

This makes for a sad Copper.

Granted, yes, she was 85 years old, but she was one of my favorite authors of all time. I got into reading her when I was around 13 and was just entranced by her worlds. One of the first ladies of science fiction. Definitely going to be missed.
Re: In today's news...

Made me sad too. She was still writing even though Todd had taken over Pern for her. I'm sure she was still coaching him.