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Re: In today's news...

it would be nice to think that but they still get their share of donations from preoccupied pet owners who dont know better and people who think the truth is propaganda.

its bad enough that they fund eco terrorists
Re: In today's news...

Now these buggers are attacking Assasins Creed: Black Flag because they believe it celebrates whaling.
Yes... because after playing the game, every kid is going to start hunting whales right?
Did they also forget that in "Dishonored" you collected whale bones as charms, meaning that the "Dishonored" world was also hunting whales?

Yes, let's forget about true history and make up one with happiness and sunshine and animals eating us because we lowered our guards.

But I've seen worse, none could ever match the ballsack that was an animated Titanic movie with an anti-whaling message and EVERY ONE ON THE SHIP SURVIVED THANKS TO WHALES.
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Re: In today's news...

The catholics have a new pope, a 76 year old Argentinian.

Leave it to the atheist tentacle deity to report on the new pope.
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Re: In today's news...

He' a pretty swell guy, from what I've heard. Refused a bunch of gifts from the church and does a lot of aiding the poor and such.
Re: In today's news...

From everything I've seen, people are saying this will mark a new direction for the church, and I'm inclined to agree. The guy really gives off the "let's all just get along" vibe, and seemed a lot more humble than the last pope.
Re: In today's news...

Speaking personally as an atheist, but also from the perspective of a former catholic, I really don't think the Pope should even be a thing anymore. I don't say strip the world of Catholicism, just that head in the Vatican. I assume it would benefit the atheists on the humanitarian front. And on the Catholic front, I think it would increase people's personal relationships with their God. If the bible is their truth, then they will have less sources of truth to spread their attention to. They'll have their bible, and their local priest for help in interpretation.

The Pope and an entire center for Catholicism was never necessary and it especially isn't now. Vatican City is one of the highest crimes per capita and one of the lowest age of consent areas in the world. It's a golden villa sworn to poverty. I can't imagine the last bit of good it's done for the world on it's own, and I don't know anyone who actually hangs their life on specifically the word of the Pope alone. I know my stance is controversial, but it's not even done through a hate of religion. I just think that having a main church setting the tone when churches around their world already take their own freedoms and liberties anyway is not only useless, but a massive drain on the whole of the world.

So maybe this pope will be a good one? But I'd rather it just not exist as an institution than take a gamble on someone who will most likely still be anti-gay, anti-contraception, and still commands faith from followers around the globe.
Re: In today's news...

Toxic... who else would tell people in the southern us that it is okay for two men to be together?
Re: In today's news...

Well Toxic, I'm an atheist that was raised Catholic too. I'm just overly optimistic today :p
Re: In today's news...

Im australian. the amount of people i know raised catholic i can count on my fingies.
Re: In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

I recognise that art style! Hes a melbourne lad. think we went to the same uni.
Re: In today's news...

If you're interested in news, maybe check out , give it the once over, respond to the latest post. Dude looks like he's having some trouble.
Re: In today's news...

As Pandaria emerges into a changed Azeroth, the surviving mogu stir and begin their plans anew. They crave the domain they once held, and, to regain it, they will sweep usurpers and invaders alike into the dust.
Re: In today's news...

As Pandaria emerges into a changed Azeroth, the surviving mogu stir and begin their plans anew. They crave the domain they once held, and, to regain it, they will sweep usurpers and invaders alike into the dust.

Re: In today's news...

Totally real news.
Re: In today's news...

Coming home and having happen 8 blocks away is always a fun experience...
Re: In today's news...

Because everyone needs something they can at least laugh a little about whilst being disgusted at the same time~! People from outside the U.S.? Feel free just to laugh.