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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Good luck with the move, CW. Keep us posted!

Don't usually share here, but this popped up and I felt I should.

Re: In today's news...

And more...Uh

Re: In today's news...

Here it is, The evening before. Ready to roll, ready to bail......

And I almost want to stay... There's a tugging here at my heart I didn't expect. When I first found this little shit hole of mine, and repaired it, made it really mine, I named it Shangri la. My own personal paradise, something to truly call my own.

I spent days with my best friend as my roommate in Shangri la, Met my Wife, got married, had and raised my daughter... In Shangri la, in my little Haven repaired and maintained with my own hands...

9 Years. 9 Years and that decade after the flower of my youth has been the most hectic of my life so far. Any excitement aside, none of it measured to the 9 years in this place, my little corner of the world, with all it's flaws, and little problems that made it unique, that made it mine...

It will be torn down within hours of my leaving, and that tears at my heart as something newer, something... different takes it's place, and it's history becomes nothing more then a memory.

As I carve it's name into the wall as a final farewell... I cry, soft tears, quiet tears for what is almost the death of a silent friend. Material, certainly, but a memorial to my marriage, to my daughter, to the breaking of that marriage, and to all the years and memories that took place within this small, unique little home.

Wish me luck, raise a drink... For me, All my friends here, if you call me friend, raise a glass to Shangri la. A toast to the closing of another chapter of my life. A toast to the memories that now will only stand monument within my heart and mind. A Toast, to years passed and the birth and death of a family, and to bonds that transcend blood, all within these humble walls.

To Shangri La.
Re: In today's news...

Indeed, a glass I raise in toast, in memory of Shangri La and its passing. Though it shall be torn down, the walls of it within your memories can never be torn down. Many family and friends have I buried in the last few years... too many. But my memories of them can never be buried, just as yours of your beloved Shangri La. So think not of this as the sad passing of a dear friend though I say. But more a fresh brand new start of a new adventure.

But a toast I raise indeed, to both my very good friend, and his Shangri La. I can only hope that I am lucky enough to one day have my own Shangri La like you had yours. One which I can call my own, and that I can dedicate to my friend's own Shangri La.

*raises a glass of his most expensive scotch and takes a drink*
Re: In today's news...

I'd raise a glass of milk, but you'll have to settle for a bowl as I eat these godawful tasting chocoball cereals or whatever.

Don't get hit by a bus out there.
Re: In today's news...

Cheers, CW. Here's to the memories of the most recent chapter in your life, and to penning a brand-new adventure. Stay safe on the road.
Re: In today's news...

Uwe Boll is pissed :D

Re: In today's news...

I would say praise to whatever divine being finally got that fucker to stop, but I have a feeling he never will. He'll keep making shit just to piss us off.
Re: In today's news...

According to one random commenter on his video, the only reason he ever got funding for his movies in general was due to abusing some kind of "tax shelter" investment loophole in German law. They recently fixed that shit, hence why he's been begging on crowd funding sources lately.

I hope he does go play golf til he dies, and finally leave cinema and games alone for good.
Re: In today's news...

For more info on that I suggest this:

Re: In today's news...

Christopher Lee is dead.

Re: In today's news...

Another legend of the screen departs us. This has been a horrible few years for film- losing Ivan Reitman, Robin Williams, Leonard Nemoy, and now Christopher Lee... ;~;
Re: In today's news...

Yeah, I just saw that on my feed this morning. If that doesn't put a "Well, fuck." on the whole day.
Re: In today's news...

*pulls out vodka bottle and pours a shot*
To Christopher Lee, may he rest in peace.
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Re: In today's news...

I really didin't know much about him outside of saruman, dooku and dracula (yes i wached that old movie) but i respected him, heck i friend of mine told me he even knew tolkien...don't know if that is true, but until his last moments he never stoped...heck he was even in a rock band...what a great artist and a great man.

As aurani said lets share a drink to bid farewell to a true lord
Re: In today's news...

Iceland has been getting close to a full recovery after the whole crisis thing, while the rest of the world is still struggling

Iceland has rebounded after the 2008/9 crisis and will soon surpass pre-crisis output levels with strong performance in tourism and fisheries. Debt ratios are on a downward path and balance sheets have broadly been restored.

Just shows that the world had to put the bankers causing it in jail, and not give them more money as a bailout
Re: In today's news...

Hulk Hogan is suing Gawker over a 2006 sextape and if successful could cause Gawker to go bankrupt.

Re: In today's news...

I really didin't know much about him outside of saruman, dooku and dracula (yes i wached that old movie) but i respected him, heck i friend of mine told me he even knew tolkien...don't know if that is true, but until his last moments he never stoped...heck he was even in a rock band...what a great artist and a great man.

As aurani said lets share a drink to bid farewell to a true lord

Ah man, you have no idea - the dude killed nazis during WW2 (some operations he was in are STILL classified). He also saw the last person publically executed by guillotine ever. And he met with Rasputin the monk(!)

He's in the Guiness book of world records for being in the most movies with sword fights... and the most credited roles ever (or at least he used to be.).

He allegedly met Tolkien once in a pub and got the permission to play Gandalf if there ever was a movie adaptation. And he used to read LotR once every year. On the set the other actors tried to stump him on random facts, like, what's the name of Frodo's dad and such, but Christopher Lee always knew the answer.

And then there's the heavy metal album he relased when he was in his late eighties. It made him the oldest charting artist on Billboard I think (or maybe it was some other list, still, hella impressive.)

If they ever make a biopic about his life... God dayum they have a lot of material to choose from.

He'll be sorely missed. :(
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Re: In today's news...

More detail: He made a metal ballad about the life the Charlemagne, while also being a distant descendant of said historical figure.
Re: In today's news...

Another day, another shooting

Claimed to be racial or religious motivations (But seriously, it's probably racial this time)

Apparently taken into custody, and apparently the guy was atheist
And apparently it's already being used as a panic thing by gun control advocates

This was happening at the same time as the white house is holding stuff on TPP, also known as "Another one of those 'trade agreements' that give corporations full power over everything"
They passed it apparently


The patches/flags were edited onto the photo. Probably. So it's litterally being called a false flag

As for more lighthearted news while the world goes to shit,
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