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megamickel's "leaving" thread

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Re: Yiff in hell, furfags.

Aww, I wish AI were here to pull off a tag-team ban-hammer assault with Nunu :(
Re: Yiff in hell, furfags.

No one's gonna drop the ban-hammer. Dropping it would give Mega what he wants. I don't think that Nunu would wanna give a troll something he wants.
Re: Yiff in hell, furfags.

If trolls want to leave let them.
Re: Yiff in hell, furfags.

Anybody who doesn't laugh or agree with Megamickel is, in fact, a FUCKING FURRY AND THEY NEED TO GO TO REHAB.

Weird-ass furfags.
Re: Yiff in hell, furfags.

To trolls out there:
You guys say it like we care.
Re: Yiff in hell, furfags.

Um.. No offense but by continuing to respond in this thread, it pretty much means you all still care.
Re: Yiff in hell, furfags.

And by responding to this thread in a negative way, it means you're a furfag and you should be institutionalized.
Re: Yiff in hell, furfags.

And by responding to this thread in a negative way, it means you're a furfag and you should be institutionalized.

He speaks the truth.
Re: Yiff in hell, furfags.

Bestiality > furfags?

Y'know what? This thread has inspired me to create a fetishes poll.
Re: Yiff in hell, furfags.

Bestiality > furfaggotry, only because at LEAST that's two animals going at it instead of an animal and a human.

Both are fucking disgusting though. You people are weird. inb4omfgursuchabigottrollfagyiffyiffyiff
Re: Yiff in hell, furfags.

Proof that you're a chantard.

In other news, this thread has reached the most epic status on this forum.
Re: Yiff in hell, furfags.

Hehe, you what I think would be funny? If there was a board for furries created on this site just out of spite.

But still, Furries are an odd bunch. Some I can stand, some I want to carve out their heart with a spoon (it would hurt more that way...). I mean, I guess it is like homosexuality in a way. There are two types, the kind that float around and are way too open and in your face about it... these people need to be taken care of by means of shovel to head. Others are gay, but you cant tell at first glance because they don't go out of their way to make themselfs look gay. Same rules apply for furries. If you want to have a fetish, go for it. If you want to wear a fursuit around me and tell me how amazing your fursona (god I hate that word...) is, then prepare to get shiryuken'ed back to the stone age... But then again, they are like every group, the obnoxious few ruining it for the alright many.

Porn wise... I don't mind it. Some are kinda like monster girls.

By the way, as a side note, anybody see Screwattack.com's video when they went to a furry convention?
Re: Yiff in hell, furfags.

Proof that you're a chantard.

In other news, this thread has reached the most epic status on this forum.

How the f-

Oh never mind, I'm here to hate furries, not your pathetic reasonings for me being a chantard.

Hehe, you what I think would be funny? If there was a board for furries created on this site just out of spite.

I would spam the fuck out of that board with normal porn.

By the way, as a side note, anybody see Screwattack.com's video when they went to a furry convention?


Re: Yiff in hell, furfags.

Bestiality > furfaggotry, only because at LEAST that's two animals going at it instead of an animal and a human.

Sorry for double post, but someone want to describe Bestiality to this guy?

Edit: Alright, fine no appoligy since there was no double post, lol!

And yes, here is the link, the example of what furries should not do if they want to avoid getting killed my my hands:
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Re: Yiff in hell, furfags.

The only troll's remorse I ever feel is when I'm factually wrong. No one describe anything to me and let me live in my fantasy world.

EDIT: Awesome video is awesome.
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Re: Yiff in hell, furfags.

Obe bestiality is an animal fucking a person... Furry is two people pretending to be animals...
Re: Yiff in hell, furfags.


I now have a case of troll's remorse. Hope you're satisfied.

Look, it's all weird okay!? Get help, all of you!
Re: Yiff in hell, furfags.

You should to, your on this forum as well.
Re: Yiff in hell, furfags.

Oh, you.. you... I hate rewording things, so you have this victory. But I'll be back!
Re: Yiff in hell, furfags.

You know mega, i hope while you've left us you can grow some balls and get some class. I mean if you really wanted to be a drama llama you would have done something like fake your own death, but no instead you just do a little condescending spiel and ask to get banned. You aren't even man enough to stop caring what we think of you, instead you're just like "I'm not really a bad person i just want to go out in a blaze of glory"...

Delete your own account because as much as you might want me to be, I'm not your mummy.
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