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Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

what you need to do is save each frame seperately as a gif and then compile them together with a gif animator
Re: Introduce yourself

I have been using the animator tool on photoshop CS2. But I can't make it shrink at a constant rate.
Re: Introduce yourself

i think i've still got my gif compiler, if you send me the frames i'll put it together
Re: Introduce yourself

wait, since when are there things like gif compilers? I was looking for one a while back and was told there was no such thing.
Re: Introduce yourself

technicaly its called an animator but i just mess round with words sometimes.
Re: Introduce yourself

I understand what you meant, I was more leaning towards "could you point me in the right direction to obtaining one please?"
Re: Introduce yourself

The Basics

Name: Just call me Lelric
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Birth Place: Ohio, USA
Current Country of Residence: USA
Occupation: College Student


Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Green


Zodiac: Taurus
My Fears: Heights
Common Utterances: "lol", "guess what"
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Half full
Bad Habits: Cracking Knuckles

3 Things You Dislike:
1) Trolls
2) Trolls
3) Trolls


TV Show: That 70s Show
Drink: Arizona Green Tea
Shoe: Dr. Scholl's shoes...they're comfy
Hat: I prefer a hood
Color: Green
Music Genre: Metal, Techno
Internet Meme: Ramirez! Do Everything!

Do I...

Smoke: No
Swear: Sometimes
Flip out and kill people: ;)
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Yes
Knit scarves for orphans: Nope


Can you see into it? Seconds into it, sometimes.
Should Marty have gone back to it? Huh?
Where you'll be in 5 years? Hopefully still on Earth because 2012 is crap.

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Been lurking for a while, decided to join and ask questions about stuff, contribute what I find.
Other random trivia: I like waffles. :D
Re: Introduce yourself

Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome to the forums Lelric.
Re: Introduce yourself

Ahem. Guessssss whos back!!!! For those who don't recognise my name i was once a man called Shade on the OLD forums. Just found out from siphon that there was a new site up and i wanted to say hi to all my old friends!
Re: Introduce yourself

WB Shade. Good to see you again!
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome back Shade, though I ashamedly don't remember you. Of course, I only lurked on the first forum, and there wasn't really much of the first forum a lurker could see.

...Somehow, this just seems incredibly fitting.
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome back Shade in the shell of N.O.V.A.
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome Lelric, and welcome back Nova! It's crazy that an old member can still turn up after all this time.
Re: Introduce yourself

Hehe thats what happens when life takes a bite outta you. Thanks all for the warm welcome.
Re: Introduce yourself

Well you already know it since I got you back here, but Welcome Back my half demon brother!
Re: Introduce yourself

Hi, I don't know you, but I'm sure it's a pleasure.
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