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Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

Well, I'm not new, and I've already returned once, but I feel I should do this on my current return.

The Basics

Name: maikochan, or maiko for short.
Age: 24
Gender: Undecided, but currently Male
Birth Place: Canada
Current Country of Residence: Canada
Occupation: Gloriously Unemployed


Hair Color: Brown usually, Blond if I get enough sun
Eye Color: Blue


Zodiac: Gemini
My Fears: Never falling in love
Common Utterances: "Crap" often followed or preceeded by another word indicating a lack of sincerity in the statement of preceeding or following curse word, respectivly.
Is the glass half full, or half empty: It depends on the perspective.
Bad Habits: Pen chewing, procrastinating, dropping off the face of the world with no warning.

3 Things You Dislike:
1) Humanity in general (But if you're reading this, you're an exception)
2) Lists
3) My old job. FREEDOM!


TV Show: Of the number of shows I watch that can be counted on one hand, probably Mythbusters.
Drink: Blueberry Juice
Shoe: Steeltoed
Hat: I hate all hats equally
Color: Formerly black, now I don't really think about it.
Music Genre: Game music followed by classical.
Internet Meme: Tie between Banana Phone and Falcon Punch

Do I...

Smoke: Nope
Swear: Lightheartedly? Yes. Seriously? Rarely.
Flip out and kill people: No
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: No
Knit scarves for orphans: No


Can you see into it? Sometimes, mostly when I'm bullshitting
Should Marty have gone back to it? Heck no! If I could travel through time the future would be the last place I'd go to.
Where you'll be in 5 years? If all goes according to plan, Japan.

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: I forget.
Reason for returning:

I felt a little guilty after not signing in for about a month. I had effectivly abandoned a couple of Role Plays that I was a part of without notice, but was afraid of returning and having to apologize. It's not that I don't want to apologize, just that I'm afraid of hurting other people by dissapearing and don't want to have to face that guilt out in the open, so instead I keep it bottled up and I feel worse. So to get this out there now, I'm sorry to everyone for vanishing like that. I don't remember why I dropped off, but I do know that I wasn't feeling good. I sometimes suffer from bouts of depression and paranoia and these can make my life really miserable, and I don't want to hurt anyone else because of them, but I do, and so the cycle continues...

I will say now though, I'm back, and I have no intention of ever leaving again.

Other random trivia: What, spilling out my soul there wasn't enough? Fine, my name is taken from a character in X-Change 2 that I identified with and it stuck.

Geeze, I've only been gone for just over a year? It feels like at least three. Hopeyouguess62, I'm sorry, for the life of me I can't remember who you are.
Re: Introduce yourself


awww why'd you have to single hope out?
Re: Introduce yourself

hey i remember you!
Re: Introduce yourself

Well, I can't remember you for the life of me... but I can remember your avatar picture, so does that count?
Re: Introduce yourself

awww why'd you have to single hope out?

Because that's the only person on my friend list who I cannot remember. I do remember you though, and Nunu. I can't quite place Pheonix though, though I feel I must have known you... I was mainly active in the RP section, GenX, Chibi's RP, and Jumpers when Silth was working on it, which I think he's not? I think it'll take me some time to find my way around again. The post of mine I remember the most is my anti-WoW rant.
Re: Introduce yourself

Don't worry about leaving RPs Maiko.

I single handedly killed an RP all by myself by leaving!
Re: Introduce yourself

The Basics

Name: Raii Raii
Age: Shall be untold
Birth Place:Russia
Current Country of Residence:Canada


Hair Color: Dark strawberry blonde
Eye Color: Blue-ish Green-ish Gray


Zodiac: Gemini ♊, Chinese Zodiac: Rat 子
My Fears:Supernatural
Common Utterances:
Is the glass half full, or half empty:Half empty
Bad Habits:Biting nails

3 Things You Dislike:
1)Annoying people
2)Stupid people
3)Naive people


TV Show:1000 Ways to die
Drink:Absolute Vodka
Hat:Hate 'em
Music Genre:Rock

Do I...

Flip out and kill people:Would love to
Play Guitar/Air Guitar:No
Knit scarves for orphans:Hell no


Can you see into it? No
Should Marty have gone back to it? Who?
Where you'll be in 5 years? New Zealand

Other Stuff

Reason for joining:Boredom at 5 am
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome back Maiko.

And welcome to the forums Raii. Do hope you make yerself comfortable. Always good to greet a fellow Canuck.
Re: Introduce yourself

I fail to recognize any bullshiting in your introduction. Do it now or forever be taken as the serious boring guy.....hi im zoto
Re: Introduce yourself

The Basics

Name: Zenath
Age: Just shy of 20
Gender: Male.
Birth Place: Englandland
Current Country of Residence: Still Englandland
Occupation: Student


Hair Color: Blonde-ish
Eye Color: Green-ish. I think. Silly as it sounds, I honestly can't remember >>


Zodiac: Taurus
My Fears: Very few, but psychological horror movies freak me out.
Common Utterances: "Dearie me."
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Half empty. Optimists only get disappointed, cynicism is the way forward!
Bad Habits: My computer desktop looks like a fallout zone. People have screamed out loud upon seeing it, I have that many icons.

3 Things You Dislike:
1) Idiots.
2) Raw broad beans.
3) The colour pink.


TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (reimagined)
Drink: Water.
Shoe: My engineer's boots.
Hat: Hats have a time and a place.
Color: Emerald green, jet black and blood red all have their place in my heart.
Music Genre:
Internet Meme:

Do I...

Smoke: No.
Swear: Occasionally.
Flip out and kill people: All the time. So many people need killing! D:
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: More of an air drummer.
Knit scarves for orphans: I'm a busy man!


Can you see into it? Yes. I can predict with absolute certainty that balls, thrown up, will hit the ground.
Should Marty have gone back to it? ...I confess, I haven't seen that movie.
Where you'll be in 5 years? Fighting the gorilla war against the Gibbon Overlords.

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Long-time lurker.
Other random trivia: I'm hungry.
Re: Introduce yourself

in the words of the gun merchant from resident evil 4, "Welcome"
Re: Introduce yourself

Indeed welcome Zenath. And out of curiosity how'd you like the finale of Battlestar Galactica?
Re: Introduce yourself

Hey, my name's [NAME WITHHELD].

I pretty much registered so I could see thumbnails and lurk. But then I realized I'm actually a huge fan of this guy's work, so I'll probably stick around.
Re: Introduce yourself

Name: TheDragonsWrath, FireoftheMonkey, Tinz, really they all work feel free to use them. Fire is the most recent screen name I've adopted.
Age: too old...25, when did 25 become too old...sigh
Gender: Male
Current place of residence:pHX, AZ (if you don't know what these abbreviation mean you fail at living...and the internet)
Occupation: writer, and student, the student thing is probably never gonna stop.

Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown

Zodiac: I remember watching a show about this back in the day...and there was this song from a weird guy who made joke songs about it...I have no idea what it is nor do I care. If I honestly believed the stars could tell me my future I would be far more interested in going into space.
Fears: Water/drowning (hydrophobic)
Common Utterance: "Magical"
half full - half empty: tips glass over, the glass is irrelevant, we all live the lives we get and try to make the best of it. Whining about it sucking wont make it better, and always seeing sunshine and butterflies only makes you naive.
Bad Habits: Drinking, smoking tobacco, porn, that's pretty much it. All things that keep me without girlfriend.

1. people on the internet trying to make themselves better than you.
2. Ignorant people of any kind.
3. Furies, not the normal worth while furies the ones that go on forums and try to defend their "subculture"

TV show: NCIS, Burn Notice, these are the two Americana shows that still hold my interest.
Drink: Vodka, if you need to mix it up White Russian.
Shoe: Hiking boots, despite me not hiking very often.
Hat: Why wear a hat when a hood is cooler.
Color: Red, because when my mom got us glasses as a kid I was red, my bro was blue...god I always wanted the blue cup.
Music Genre: Rock, some Rap, and some Heavy Metal
Internet Meme: I laugh I lose, if I get to pick one.

Smoke: only socially and then it's generally cigars, get a lot of flack because everyone thinks I'm a pot head. Then when I give the other pot heads shit they get all pissy.
Swear: Trying to avoid it, sense hearing fuck every third word is really starting to grade my nerves.
Flip out - kill people: People need killing, but life is too precious for us to aimlessly end the lives of others. I'm pro life, I just only care about the life that is already here the life coming in can take a fucking number.
air guitar - if guitar hero counts I do that a lot.
knit scarves for orphans - no sadly I'm a poor college student, but if I'm ever a successful writer I will be giving a lot of extra money to the poor.

I hope to be writing stories in the future. Got some rp stuff up here trying to get inspired for some good characters to add to the stories I have running. So far tho I have yet to have the courage to actually submit my stuff to a publisher, so I have no idea if I am even good enough.

Reason for joining
Mainly boredom I play video games and all the games coming out are either sequels to games that were pretty good and I honestly don't want to play again. Or are just bad. so I figured why the hell not I'll join in maybe do some rp stuff, hopefully get inspired by something for a good story. Either way I'm here to have fun and aimlessly troll the forums as I learned to do on 4 Chan. No worries no hard core trolling here.
Re: Introduce yourself

Indeed welcome Zenath. And out of curiosity how'd you like the finale of Battlestar Galactica?

Very cool little twist. It was definitely kind of sad, but I liked it.

And seeing the Galactica buckle like that after the final jump... :(
Re: Introduce yourself

Well Bobbert69, sorry to tell you that LineMarvel is more than likely not returning from where ever he may have disappeared to. I recommend not lurking, but becoming a part of the forum.

Welcome FireoftheMonkey from Phoenix Arizona. I throw those abbreviations out there for those who may fail at life under your terms, because they life in Germany, or Norway, or Austrailia... I could go on, but my point is just because someone around the world doesn't know the abbreviation for an American city in an American state, does not mean they fail at life. Here: ON, what province in Canada is that? If ye don't know you fail at life, because according to you, everyone must know every province/state in every nation in the world. Better yet:

True or False, Kandahar province in Afghanistan lies in the north.

I'm not usually this much of a bitch, but that bit of your introduction was perhaps one of the most arrogant things I've seen for awhile. And I see a lot. Tone down your elitism some, and make yerself at home.

@ Zeneth: I just really wish they explained Starbuck a little better. They left her entirely open, and she just didn't make any sense.
Re: Introduce yourself

Current place of residence:pHX, AZ (if you don't know what these abbreviation mean you fail at living...and the internet)

1. people on the internet trying to make themselves better than you.

Have some irony, it's good for your blood.
Re: Introduce yourself


ON... ontario?
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