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More survivors?

Re: More survivors?

Azure calmed down slowly until she was just hugging into the other woman, smiling to herself.


"I just don't know what can be done about that woman..."
Re: More survivors?

Emilia glanced once more to Rosemary, as if asking for support, which the girl still had none to give.

Emilia was trying to comfort her, and Rosemary was looking at Azure as if she were a nut case, easily catching onto the strong hint from the girl's words.

Rosemary spoke up, "Well, at least that woman isn't here." she noted.

Emilia quickly took the excuse, "Y-yes! She isn't here to bother you anymore."
Re: More survivors?

Azure let Emilia go and shook her head as she moved back to sit on the stool.


"She may not be here, but she's still going to do something... sooner or later. I just told you.. she was the one who blew up the breeding den. And if she decides she doesn't like the jail here, she'll try something here too."
Re: More survivors?


As Regina watched the movie with River, she looked over to her, wondering, "Hey, did you ever watch, 'The Thing'? All this space stuff kinda reminds me of that movie." she noted.
((I KNEW IT!!!11!1one!))


"I think so, Alien in the snow, took people's shape, right? It was a good one, pretty creepy."
Re: More survivors?

Emilia brushes Azure's hair, "Don't worry about that, we're safe here. There's no way anyone would be able to get near without us knowing, it's alright."

Pulling away for a second, Emilia added, "Dear, you look tired! And it's getting dark outside. Would you like to stay here during the night?" Emilia offered.


Regina nodded, "Yeah, I thought it was a good one..." trailing off she stretched a little, "Hey, I'm gettin' kind of sleepy, and we've already watched nearly this whole season, you want to call it a night?" Regina asked River.
Re: More survivors?

Azure grumbled to herself quietly.


"I probably should stay the night. But everything that's happened has me on edge."

She looked at Rosemary with a twinge of irritation. She really felt nothing for the girl despite being forced off on her, while Regina obviously wanted River, and Daisy hated Azure's guts by now for no real reason.


"I just need something to do to let off some tension... then I guess I'll take the night here. Maybe I am exaggerating things. It's just hard to tell when you're right in the middle of it all like that. I... hope I am."

Azure bowed gracefully and motioned to excuse herself.
Re: More survivors?

River nodded, stretching herself a bit before looking down at her armour. It had become almost a second skin to her but she definitely didn't want to sleep in it.

"Yeah alright... Hey, uh, you wouldn't happen to have a spare set of pajamas hanging around, would you? I really don't want to sleep in this..."
Re: More survivors?

Emilia motioned towards Azure, "Well, you may stay in my room, with me, or Rosemary's room, if you like. I think we could all use company at a time like this." she suggested with a smile.


Regina blinked, "Uh... All we really have are these rags..." she pointed to a few extra pairs laying on a stand in the corner.
Re: More survivors?

Azure shook her head slowly.


"Thanks... but tonight... I just want to be alone..."
Re: More survivors?

River's eyes widened in surprise.

"You mean you guys have emptied countless houses and stores around town of every scrap of clothing, but there isn't any here? where'd it all go?"
Re: More survivors?

Regina shrugged, "We shred the clothes, and use the rags to hide our scent, we can make enough rags to cover three or four women, when those clothes would only cover one."


Emilia nodded, "Alright. Rosemary?" she gestured to her, "Would you mind showing this lady to a room?"

Rosemary nodded, "Sure."

Emilia smiled at Azure, "It was nice meeting you Azure, have a good night's sleep!"
Re: More survivors?


"That... Makes a lot of sense, actually. Do you mind?" River admits as she walks over and takes a set off the hooks and examines it. "They hunt by scent do they? I guess that should have been kind of obvious, but I never really thought about it..."
Re: More survivors?

Regina blushes, "No... I don't mind, b-but did you want me to give you some privacy first?"
Re: More survivors?

River tilts her head for a minute, taking a second to clue in.

"Oh, yeah, sure."
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Re: More survivors?

Regina gets off the bed, and goes out of the door, closing it behind her and waiting for River to get done changing.
Re: More survivors?

River changes fairly quickly, opening the door back up and peeking out at Regina after hanging her armour on the clothes hooks.

"Alright, I'm changed as well." She says simply, going back and looking at the bed, trying to figure which side Regina usually slept on.
Re: More survivors?

Regina walks back in, and blushes as she looks upon River's body, "Wow, heh..." she admires, "You've got a great body, River."
Re: More survivors?

River turns from her inspection of the bed and noticed Regina eying her up. She blushes a bit as well, but tries to stay as nonchalant as possible.

"Uh, thanks. Comes from staying fit I guess. Which side of the bed do you usually sleep on? I, Don't want to be a pain or anything..."
Re: More survivors?

Regina waves her hand, "Oh, it doesn't matter. But, I do have to warn you, people have told me I'm a bit of a... Cuddler, when I sleep." she admitted with a sheepish grin.
Re: More survivors?

River chuckles a little.

"Pah, excuses." She says, waving her hand as she climbed onto the bed and under the sheets, taking the side near the wall. "If you want to cuddle that's alright by me, just please, nothing funny. Deal?"