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Free Will


Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
Reputation score

Re: Free Will

... I don't really get it. I guess I'm not really paying attention, but in the end everything just loops back to the same ending. That we still end up serving a master. Why?
Re: Free Will

... I don't really get it. I guess I'm not really paying attention, but in the end everything just loops back to the same ending. That we still end up serving a master. Why?

That's the point. No one truly has free will. Whilst you may be fooled into the grand delusion that you have free will, that does not change the outcome. That is the point of the link. To show you the truth.
Re: Free Will

That's the point. No one truly has free will. Whilst you may be fooled into the grand delusion that you have free will, that does not change the outcome. That is the point of the link. To show you the truth.

Actually. Saw it on /tg/, 4chan, decided to post it here and see how people reacted, for the lulz and all that, ya'kno?

... Cookeh plez? :3
Re: Free Will

i suppose in one way its interesting.

in another way its frustrating and i hate it.
Re: Free Will

It's just meant to be an interesting little TG game, nothing more.
Re: Free Will

Yeah. From a humorous side, I like it. From a gaming intent side, I don't.

Mixed feelings, this game made me feel weird, and by extension, you have made me feel weird. I'd give you rep if there was a choice that's neither positive or negative. maybe just +weird rep
Re: Free Will

Yeah. From a humorous side, I like it. From a gaming intent side, I don't.

Mixed feelings, this game made me feel weird, and by extension, you have made me feel weird. I'd give you rep if there was a choice that's neither positive or negative. maybe just +weird rep

Dood. Thanks for the Rep-Thought. =D Screw the system, I don't need no shiny little mark or number telling me I got +Rep to get the FEELING of being +Rep'd. Fawk yeah. *Barrel rolls*
Re: Free Will

Re: Free Will


Couldn't have voiced it better myself...........

Oh lord. I'm starting to think like Obe!
Re: Free Will


I exercised my free will and didn't click the link.

Does that mean I win?

Re: Free Will

Meh, any situation has the same outcome. The idea that you could rewind and perhaps do something different doesn't work. At any one time in your life your brain is throwing billions of electrical signals back and forth. If you could freeze a point in time and then play it out repeatedly, those signals will always follow the same path. It's impossible for them to randomly choose a different destination. Thus, free will is an illusion.

Really though, that's stating the obvious and doesn't really mean anything. Right now I'm going to take advantage of my "illusion of free will" and choose to go get a cookie. So there...
Re: Free Will

Anything like the illusion of assumption?
Re: Free Will

If free will is an illusion, does that mean God is an illusion as well?
Re: Free Will

Honestly, it's not (in my opinion) a good exercise because some of the choices don't seem to matter, it gives the same screen regardless of which dialog you choose. Regardless as to whether our free will truly exists, our decisions do have an impact on our lives, and in that game they don't seem to have any impact. It's a bad model.
Re: Free Will

I just noticed that. You click on "tiem to leave!" and then it switches to you making the bed. The dialogue doesn't even flow correctly with each other. But either way, the game still doesn't really make sense to me.

This really assumes you have a certain set personality. Can you honestly say to me that after having been transformed into a girl, you would suddenly be faithful to your master whom you didn't even meet yet? The whole scenario is a pretty bad one because it believes that a couple nice words from a piece of paper will end up altering your entire thinking. Yeah... Not everybody thinks in the same damn path. So establishing the same path that leads to the same conclusion doesn't fit with the idea that, say, an anarchist would choose.

More on the actual message of free will being an illusion, I could totally go off on a tangent about how if free will is an illusion, then blahblahblah nothing would exist and life is meaningless and blahblahblah. I don't believe a word of that. Maybe it's because my definition of free will differs from the creator's, but I don't believe free will is the freedom we have to do whatever we want. That might've been the case if we never established a society, but then we wouldn't have order in exchange for free will. Free will, in my opinion, isn't freedom to do anything you want, but what you allow to happen. Everything in life can be controlled, but it's just a matter of whether someone has the free will to control it. In this game, we apparently allowed all of this to happen so in the end we still retained our free will. Plus if free will was the freedom to do what we want, then we still retained our free will in the end because we were doing what we wanted to, according to the game.

I guess what irks me about the game isn't the whole message that free will is a lie, or how the game turns us into a slave, or even that some of the dialogue purposely leads back to the same conclusion. I'm annoyed at the fact that the creator believes we'd all do the same thing. I don't care what the hell you say. I would leave and never come back. A person who can turn men into women is probably another man who wants the rape the hell out of them.

On a couple notes, does that make the guy gay? Also, I'm babbling again. I need to stop that.

On a second side note:
Couldn't have voiced it better myself...........
Burrito that's unintentionally the funniest thing I've ever heard you say.
Re: Free Will

That's an interesting view of free will, Dark. I'm not sure I understand it though. If anything can be controlled through (your version of) free will, then wouldn't whoever made this game be highlighting your beliefs, given that this is a completely unrealistic situation, and yet the woman (you, presumably) ends up being controlled by this mystery person anyway? Suggesting that the mystery master simply has enough free will to control the man-turned-woman?

I think I'm misunderstanding what you're trying to say.

Otherwise, I agree with you on some things. It is very annoying how disjointed some of the dialogue is. The creator clearly could have put more thought into it. Also, I would gtfo as soon as I could too.

Well, actually, I lied. It would be a toss-up between getting out, or furiously masturbating with my new body (assuming I'm a man-turned-woman... if it were woman-turned-man I'd have the same dilemma).
Re: Free Will

exists, and it's the most awesome thing ever!