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Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch closes his eyes as he pulls back after taking as much as he can without causing serious damage. He closes the wound, eyes still closed, and turns before opening them - only to stare Alan into his dead eyes again. The apparition grins at him before going as quickly as it came. Quietly, Fletch grits his teeth and heads back to the bug. "Start this thing up," he calls out. "Let's get outta here." The less time spent in this deathly silent woods, the better.
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Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Claire looked over at the drug dealer and cocked her head almost quizzically and smiled.

"We didn't steal anything, but there's something there in the woods, maybe you should ask them? I could show you," Claire said, no sense of fear in her voice, only happiness.

((so looking some things up, no anger (opps) frustration or fear. Feeling of comfort, relaxation, eupohoria, yadda yadda))
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

((Meh, you weren't doing bad with it, the ice cream was pretty funny.))

The jogger thumps to the ground in a faint completely oblivious to what just happened to him. As Fletch reaches the car he dives in the already open passenger door, and waits for Eve to get them away from the unnerving silence.

"Oh jeez, you almost higher than I am bitch. Ain't no one else around here or in the forest, so give me my money back."

The skinny kid said with as much gusto as he could muster, while unsteadily stepping toward Claire. Just as he's about to reach her, he stops and starts backing away with a look of surprised fear on his face. Behind her Claire hears Renee gasp in fear as well.
As Izzy glances past the edge of the shelter, she notices what looks like a large man standing a distance away from the shelter looking towards them. He seems to be dressed in of all things a large cape, completely blurring his form except for his size.

Raven cuddles closer to her apparently unaware of the man in the distance as he responds.

"It looks like it's starting to let up a little, and even if we get a little wet we can dry off once we get back to our place."

"For some reason I think I may end up regretting this but it;s to good an offer to pass up. You have a deal Rain, or whatever you're name is. Just follow me and we should get there soon enough."

Ronny says as he and Rain take off down the street, towards his apartment.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

She's momentarily distracted by his cuddling, tucking herself into his hold, though her gaze hardly wavers from where the man appears to be standing. "Hey," she says quietly, "I think we've got company." The cape could be a rain poncho. At least she hopes it's a poncho and not some nutball running around in a cape, of all things.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Claire smiles at the kid, and flaps her hands gently away from herself in his direction.

"Shoo, there ain't nothin ta see here," she said gently, before turning to see what had Renee worried behind her.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve punches it, all too eager to get away from the silence and the unconscious jogger. "So where are we headed now, Fletch? What time is it?" She peers at the dayglo green numbers of her clock radio.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch turns and looks back towards the park. "I don't really care," he murmurs, still spooked by the silence. "This night's been long enough, don't you think? Just..." he shakes his head. "Just drop me off somewhere downtown, I think I need to walk it off for a bit."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

((Sunrise is at 8:30 for Calgary according to what I've found so we'll go with that.))

As Eve drives them out of the forested area, the neon green lights on her dashboard read 6 AM. Finally she can relax a little now that they've left the eerie silence of the park behind them. Though she notices a very unpleasant odor in the car, that reminds her of something she can't quite place.

As Fletch sits riding along with Eve, he feels something poking him as if he were sitting on a good size rock. He also notices the same odor as Eve in the car though recognizes it as something you would smell near a sewer.

As Claire turns around she is gripped by an unnatural fear of what she sees. Her own shadow seems to have taken on a life of it's own, taking on the shape of a demon from her wildest dreams.

As she stands there rooted to the spot with fear the shadow moves forward and she feels an intense cold. The dealer who is petrified in his tracks can do nothing as the shadow encompasses him. His single scream cut off as though he were being smothered by Claire's own shadow.

The man in the cape just continues staring at the pair as Raven turns to look where she indicated. Izzy feels his arms try to pull her protectively closer to him as he whispers.

"M-maybe we should head back to the car. I don't like the looks of whoever that is, and w-why are they wearing a cape."

Strangely, Izzy suddenly feels disgusted by Raven's touch as if he had somehow betrayed her. Almost as if someone had plucked one of her very own nightmares from her head and made it true.

Ronny and Rain continue on down the street, before long they arrive at a pretty rundown apartment building. Neither of them seem to feel much like talking as she follows him up the steps to the building. Ronny stops as if remembering something and turns to to say.

"Maybe we should actually go in the back way, there's usually a dog in the lobby and he doesn't really like me for some reason anymore."
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Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Claire was caught between fear and Euphoria. She felt her hands shaking, but she managed to take a step back.

"Oh... that's fuckin fucked," she said, before turning her head slowly to Renee.

"So uh... how we deal with this?" she asked calmly, though there was a slightly tremble in her voice.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch sniffs, and a snarl shows on his face. "What the... did we leave some part of Jameson in here? What..." He reaches underneath his (admittedly big) ass to find the source of that stench.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Two and a half hours left before toasty time..." Eve murmurs and then her nose wrinkles and she'd have gagged if she was still human. "That's what that stench is?"
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch reaches under his ass for the offending object, his fingers closing on it and pulling it out. In his hands he now holds of all things a yo-yo, but it's not quite your typical store-bought sort. This one is made from a painstakingly carved piece of bone with little hearts etched into it. The stench of the sewers clings to it as if it had been down there for a while.

Eve watches as Fletch pulls the yo-yo out from underneath him. Though it is indeed well-crafted it's thankfully not a masterwork, and eve is able to keep from getting distracted by it.

As Claire turned her head away from the horrific sight of her own shadow smothering the dealer to look at Renee. She sees that her mentor's courage hasn't held up quite as well, as she turns and begins running from the area. With a fearful look over her shoulder she shouts.

"What are you waiting for, come on!"

Before Claire can follow she hears the body of the dealer fall to the ground behind her, and feels the same intense cold she felt when her shadow passed near her earlier come closer.

Rain's eyes light up as Ronny mentions about the dog and with a half-crazed giggle she laughs.

"Oooh a dog you say, let's go see it. Is it a big one or a little one? Pretty please can we go see it?"

Ronny just stares at Rain as he thinks to himself, good lord she's a complete nut job. Suddenly remembering that he should answer the crazy girl he mutters out.

"Uh, sure, you can go see it if you want. I'm not going to stop you."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch stares at the yo-yo in bemusement for a moment before looking over to Eve. Giving her a clueless shrug, he lowers the window and goes to toss the damn thing out.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"God, yes." she shuddered away from the offending object. "Please get that awful thing out of my car. Thank you."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Well... I'm guessing this is bad, suppose I should run," Claire muttered before turning and taking off after the other kindred, and despite herself let out a small little giggle.

"Kinda like tag isn't it?" she said with a broad smile.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

As Raven tries to pull her closer, Izzy actually pushes away from him and gets up to her feet. "Maybe we shouldn't be cowards and figure out what he's doing here," she snips. She stares at him for a second and then puts her attention back on the guy in the cape, eyes narrowing and looking as though she's going to start stalking toward him.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch tosses the yo-yo from the window of the car, and watches it crash into the rainy streets as they head for downtown. Eve stops not far from town hall in the downtown.

Claire and Renee run for what seems like forever before Renee finally stops near downtown and looks down at her watch. She smiles a little uneasily at Claire as she comes up beside her.

"I don't think I've ever been that scared in my life, I don't suppose you know what in the hell that was?"

Raven reacts with a look of complete shock as Izzy shoves him away and snips at him, standing up he tries to grab her and pull her back away from the cloaked figure.

"W-what do you mean! What's wrong with you come on, we need to get away from here."

Izzy feels little change as her emotions to everything still seem overwhelmed by whatever was happening to her.

Going in to the apartment Ronny and Rain pass into the dingy, poorly-lit lounge where a large mangy-looking mutt lay near the desk. As soon as Ronny stepped into the room the dog started growling and backing away from him. Strangely though Rain was able to move toward the dog without a problem and even pet it, with a big goofy smile on her face.

"You just have to know how to deal with animals is all. Isn't that right, boy."

Turning back to Ronny she nods her head as if to say lead the way.
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Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Well, her attention is off of the cloaked figure and on to him, especially as he tries to grab hold of her again. She'll try to slide out of his hold, hand coming up to brush his away, actually remaining up in an almost warding off gesture, her body twisting away in the same motion. "Don't...touch me," comes out rather coolly and she's actually watching him rather warily, her feet drawing her back a step or two as well.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Claire looked back, as if expecting to see it.
"Nope, not a clue. Looked bad I suppose," she said, muttering the last part under her breath.

((It's a figure of speech!))
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve and Fletch are parked downtown, where Fletch had asked to be dropped off. The heavy rain that has been coming down has begun letting up and is now no more than a sprinkle.

Renee nods and looks around before shrugging her shoulders.

"Well whatever it was, it's gone. I'll try and ask around maybe someone will know what it was. You have a haven already set-up or are you spending the day with me? There's only a little more than an hour left before sunrise, and we don't want to be out for that."

Raven looks around wildly as a few drops of blood seem to come out of his eyes like he's crying. Finally he turns away from Izzy and takes a step out from under the shelter. Raising his hands to his mouth he begins to caw, much like a raven, into the sky. After which he drops his hands and turns back to Izzy.

"D-don't worry Izzy, I'll help you as soon as I run off whoever that is."

Izzy begins to feel herself calming down, though she's a bit confused about what just happened to her.

Going down through the darkened apartment building Ronny leads Rain to the dump he calls home. Unlocking the door of the cheap basement apartment he leads her in while flipping on a light. The dim light flickers on to reveal a crumby barely furnished room. On the floor in one corner lies a mattress with a small dresser beside it. Scattered around on the floor are a handful of empty or broken bottles. In the far wall an open door reveals a bathroom where the sole window of the room sits.

"Well it isn't much, but it's better than a sewer. Make yourself at home, Rain. I would offer you something, but I don't think either of us could drink it anymore."
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