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Ryu (Ryu)

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Re: Ryu (Ryu)

(Appreciate it, assuming you don't get stopped by an item or enemy ^_^)

Ryu returns to the hallway intersection. Seeing that nothing really has changed, he continues down the hallway to the north. After a while he stops and takes in the scenery. There are still piles of trash around and the hallway continues to the north.

Travel N/S
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Using the old, tight pants as a makeshift glove, Ryu sifts through the trash, as well as examining the rest of the hallway.

Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu reaches into the first bag and pulls out a handful of paper. Looking over them, a hand drawn picture catches his eye. Looking at it, he wonders about the crudeness of the drawing; it appears to be in blood. But the heading says "Stairwell 1" and studying the map, he figures that the quickest route on the map would send him N,E,E,N,E to get there.

Travel N/S
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu ponders a moment. This 'map' seemed to match the note he'd found earler... Maybe there WAS something to the northeast after all. With a shrug, he pockets the map, heading north.

(Move North)
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Traveling north, Ryu comes across an intersection. There is a door to the north and a hallway that travels from the East to the West. Taking in the area, He sees a small critter staring at him from across the hallway. It clearly notices him, but makes no movement.

Ryu DEF 3 + 2
Critter HP: 1

Flee N/S/E/W (83% chance)
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

(Shouldn't I be at 4 def from the uneventful moving beforehand?)

Since the creature made no aggressive moves toward him, he wouldn't toward it, walking along the wall toward the eastern exit.

(Flee East)
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

(yeah, typo... keep me straight! lol)

Ryu turns and walks east, hoping the creature won't follow. After walking for a few moments he turns back to see that his hopes were fulfilled, the strange creature never moved and is not far behind him. Taking a breather, he looks around to see that the hallway continues E and there is a heavycell door to his north

Ryu DEF: 4 + 2

Search the area
Travel N/W/E
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu breathes a sigh of relief as the creature left him alone, having only to glance at the cell door before deciding to ignore it, continuing to head east as the map had suggested.

(Move East)
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu moves into an intersection of two hallways. One runs north to south, and the other east to west. Not noting anything but yet more bags of trash, his mind drifts back to that creature.

Travel N/S/E/W
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu takes out the 'map' again, nodding before pocketing it again, deciding to move on to the north.

(Move north)
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu moves north, and comes to a dead end. Looking around, her sees a small door to his right, along with many bags, about half of them bhave been opened.

Travel S/E
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu looks curiously at all the bags, then with a shrug decides to look through them, hoping there might be something useful within one if not more of them.

Re: Ryu (Ryu)

He starts on one end of the hall and moves his way across. Most of the bags only have old pieces of paper. A few have other items of trash, but nothing worth taking.

Travel S/E
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Not finding anything, Ryu sighs, kicking one of the bags before he heads east.

(Move East)
Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Entering the stairwell he sees a sign that reads "B-4: up" on the wall. immediately after entering the stairwell, the door slams shut and he hears an electronic lock close. Looking up the hallway, she sees a large slime blob rolling down the stairs at him.


Ryu DEF: 4 + 2
Slime HP: 5

Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu gasps as the door closes behind him, his eyes going wide in fear as he watches the slime roll down. For a few seconds, he tries in vain to reopen the door, then dashes off to the side, out of the path of it's rolling before striking it with his brass knuckles.

Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu slams his fist into the slime, knocking the surprisingly tough slime, knocking it about 3 feet away from him. The slime recoils in what Ryu assumes to be pain, then after a minute or two, the top half of the slime begins to resemble the upper body of a woman.

Ryu DEF: 4 + 2
Slime HP: 4

Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu stares as the slime begins to transform, then shakes his head, charging again, aiming a kick for the lower portion, the part that didn't look like a woman yet.

Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Ryu runs forward, blocking out the upper portion of the slime. He swings his leg but a newly formed slime arm shoots downward and blocks his attempt. He sees the shock wave flow through the body of the slime. He is taken aback at the amazing detail that the upper body has taken. Other than the green translucent slime being, well, slime, he is amazed that it looks just like a naked woman.


Ryu DEF: 4 + 2
Slime HP: 4

Re: Ryu (Ryu)

Recovering from his momentary... infatuation, RYu shakes his head again, gulping hard, even closing his eyes, again trying to aim for the lower part of the slime girl thing, this time with a punch.

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