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Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

The answer is easy to find with some basic detective work. The intro post there just confirmed it for me.
Re: Introduce yourself

'Dyslexia' or 'Lesdyxia'? You must choose, Zeta.
Re: Introduce yourself

only if "dyx" is pronounced like dykes
Re: Introduce yourself

is that so? and yet you do not proclaim your findings. why is that?

In the relatively unknown words of a gun toting man wearing a red Hawaiian shirt, "I could tell you, but it's more fun to make you wonder."

No sense in spoiling the fun. =)
Re: Introduce yourself


First a publisher gave me a fixed date for my book I'm working at and then I've forgotten the password to my account. Luckily I'm in again. To all newcomers... "Welcome".

Better late than never, huh? :rolleyes:
Re: Introduce yourself

I have come here to stalk you, to watch you, to scare you, to absorb you, ...

*shoo-shoos Alma away from the keyboard*

Okay, let's give this another try, shall we? Nice to meet you all. I've been lurking on the forums several times and thought it wouldn't hurt to join. Bring on the questionnaire!

The Basics

Name: Chris
Age: 24
Gender: Guess
Birth Place: Austria (no, not the "Austria" with the kangaroos...)
Current Country of Residence: Same place, same "no kangaroos"
Occupation: Unemployed right now, but former store manager.


Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown


Zodiac: Gemini

My Fears: Electric shocks, grasshoppers (I'm dead serious), dying alone

Common Utterances:

"Oiiiida!" (similiar word in english would be "Jeeeez!" I guess)
"Ja, weißt eh was." (similiar in english: "Yeah sure, whatever.")

Is the glass half full, or half empty: It's full or empty, nothing in between.


TV Show: House M.D.
Drink: Zombie
Shoe: Sneakers
Color: Green
Music Genre: Pretty much everything, game soundtracks being my favorite

Do I...

Smoke: Yes
Swear: Sometimes
Flip out and kill people: Alma takes care of that
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Nope
Knit scarves for orphans: Nope


Can you see into it? Nope, and I honestly don't want to
Should Marty have gone back to it? Hoverboards! Do I have to say anything else? :D
Where you'll be in 5 years? Dunno, we shall see

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: To send a PM
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome to the boards stuffie!! now I can practice my horrible German with someone lol
Re: Introduce yourself


First a publisher gave me a fixed date for my book I'm working at and then I've forgotten the password to my account. Luckily I'm in again. To all newcomers... "Welcome".

Better late than never, huh? :rolleyes:

you are aware that if you forget your password here you can just ask me to reset it for you right?

but welcome stuffie may your german always be fluent and punctual.
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome to the boards stuffie!! now I can practice my horrible German with someone lol

LOL, way to dismiss Rule like that o_O

Welcome to the forum, StiffyIMEANSTUFFIE.
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome Stuffie. I'm the king of awesome around here. I have best booze and the thickest, throbiest, cum showering tentacles around. Please invest in an umbrella, of which some premium quality are available from our virtual store as soon as it opens.
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome to the forums Stuffie... and apparantly Alma as well.
Re: Introduce yourself

But to whom? That is the question.

A mystery it is, and a mystery it shall be forever.

Welcome Stuffie. I'm the king of awesome around here. I have best booze and the thickest, throbiest, cum showering tentacles around. Please invest in an umbrella, of which some premium quality are available from our virtual store as soon as it opens.

Hand over the booze, but keep those tentacles (in) whereever you had them before. :p

Welcome to the forums Stuffie... and apparantly Alma as well.

Thanks. Alma says she'll pay you a visit to thank you properly.

Also thanks to all the other welcomers!
Re: Introduce yourself

I know Fear. He's my neighbor. Makes awesome meringue.

Howdy. I am by far not the most normal person here, but I'll do in a pinch. See ya around sometime.
And I do mean see ya
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome, Stuffie/Alma. From the sound of things, you'll adapt just fine.

And Toxic, quit being creepy-stalker. You're too cute for that.
Re: Introduce yourself

Woah hold on, when did I become cute? Who thinks that?RJI mean, I knew I wasn't very creepy but I figured you can still stalk people and not be creepy right?... right?

Re: Introduce yourself

I didn't know Rule was German.... Sorry Rule!

There are a lot of things about Rule that you don't know...

Speaking generally and purely in fair assumption I mean. It's not like I know or am implying anything sinister.

And welcome to you both Stuffie & Alma!
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