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School Courtyard

Re: School Courtyard

Mîrchell barely noticed the ongoing conversations, cackling happily as she drank on the lifeblood of the hunters when she noticed they were holding back from attacking further. A sharp snapping sound fills the air as the demoness punched one corpse in the chest, completely shattering his ribcage. After a short while, she straightened up, lower face splashed with blood, and a greedy gaze in her eyes as she advanced upon the remainders of the hunters, before blinking, noticing they were retreating. Or rather, were simply not there any more. She whipped around, and snarled furiously when she saw the bodies of those she had slain were not there either. At this point, she heard Jonathan's exclamation, and turned to him, grinning broadly as she licked up some blood from her hand. The sword she had stolen she kept a hold of, and started walking towards the man, wings fluttering slightly before folding away behind her back.

"'Freaking psychos'? What are they? On second thoughts, don't answer. What's wrong with enjoying a fight? The feel of blood is... Exquisite..." she said to the shorter man, grinning all the more as blood dripped from her chin.

Then, she noticed all the other spectators, and waved jauntily with her remaining still-bloodied hand, the one not currently holding her new sword. Then, she turned to Ellisia, and grinned, slamming the sword into the floor. "Good evening Ellisia. Did your little friend say much of this, perhaps?" she said in her oddly echoing voice, as her tail flicked around, and wrapped around her thigh. The demoness' calm voice was betrayed by the anger displayed on her features. She left Siphon to explain what had happened, since she didn't actually about the attack, merely enjoying the battle.
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Re: School Courtyard

"You really don't want me to answer that question." Jonathan's response to Siphon's query was blunt and delivered in a completely deadpan tone of voice. Bird had quite a few thoughts going on through his head about Siphon's vampirism, the fact that he didn't feel comfortable with something like him around and that he had seemed to be enjoying the fight a bit too much for anyone's good. He was smart enough not to tell Siphon that this could be the result of sticking his nose into someone's business, or doing something stupid. Jonathan completely ignored Mirchell, though - she seemed to be plainly ax crazy, but a sword was useless against him.

Slowly, Bird was getting over his shock. The whole situation was simply unreal and the only reason why he didn't question all of this was the fact that he witnessed everything. For some reason, he felt tired and alone. The people here knew about each other, apparenty, but he had no one to talk to about all of this. "What a day..." Jonathan muttered to himself. This called for a rest and hopefully, a calming midnight stroll around the forest or something like that. Still, some part of him wished to know more about these strange people and the situation in general.
Re: School Courtyard

Athanasia looks at Siphon with a smile as she continues, a little wary of her surroundings now as she looks around at the gathering crowd, clearly showing she was starting to get a little uncomfortable. There was too many people now, she would have to lure the monster away somewhere, somewhere that she could get the advantage...

<So you're running away. Monster. Don't think it'll prevent me from hunting you down.> She reaches into her school uniform and slowly pulls out a vial of liquid, holding it in a way that only Siphon could see it <After you abandoned us to our deaths, the few scientists that remained managed to... extract what made the zombies into, well, zombies. I am suppose to try to find an antidote for the effects, but if you force my hand... well...>
Re: School Courtyard

"S-safe? With monsters like them?" Isabella whispers to Grace as she nods in the direction of Mirchell and Siphon, an obvious note of fear in her voice. Isabella does notice the barrier though she doesn't mention it, and despite her fear and longing to put as much distance between herself and those she's dubbed monsters she stands rooted to the ground, wanting to hear what everyone has to say.
Re: School Courtyard

"Actually, I do Johnathan. Go ahead, be honest. Above all, I value honesty. Do not fear me, you have done nothing to draw my ire to you. I admit I ... I don't have the control I'd like to. I hope to eventually master that, but I fear I never will. Damn Charles!"

The speed at which he turned to face Athanasia again was nothing short of startling.

"Are you insinuating you can make a toxin out of it to kill something such as myself? Go ahead then, do it and use it. I'd welcome a true death over ... this. This is not life, it's not death. It's emptyness. It's an abomination. The only reason I even entered this fray was because they needed to be stopped from harming innocents. Alas, I fear they will return, with larger numbers, and they won't care about collateral damage. Which is why I must leave. I shall take the fight to them. If I should perish while doing so ... then so be it, it would be a welcomed death. I should have been dead more than a century ago as is."

A look back to Johnathan before he clarified.

"I once, before the battle with Charles, was of an alien species that could live hundreds of thousands of years. However, a century ago, I was involved in a major battle that did in fact kill me. I returned to the mortal plain with help. Perhaps someday I can open up to others as to what happened fully during that time, assuming I survive that long. Today is not that day though. There has been enough blood shed this night, far more than I would have liked. This place took me in when I had nowhere else to go, gave me a home when mine had been lost. I consider those here to be like a family to me. So believe me when I say, pity the son of a bitch who fucks with my family."

His gaze turned to Isabella, and he regarded her for a moment.

"Yes, we are monsters of the night. Every one of us standing here has the potential to become a complete monster, even yourself. It's what makes us a part of natures cycle. Without the darkness within, there can be no light. Some are more monster than others. I have shame for what has happened here tonight, it sickens me, and it will give me haunting nightmares for the rest of my abomination of a life. The other on the other hand ... she will never regret what has transpired here tonight. That is why she left. Those hunters however ... they wouldn't think twice about killing you had you been in their way. They would have killed each and every one of you if you'd entered the fray or been in their way. Do not think for a moment that they cared for the collateral damage, nor did they leave because they were convinced. They left because they knew they could not win this fight, and that they were not prepared for the showing of power displayed tonight. They shall not make that mistake again. If they return here, they will kill everyone who got in their way given the chance. Mirchell, myself, Elissia, and you Anthanasia. Each of us has now drawn their wrath, and we will be hunted by them. My suggestion to the rest of you is simple. Stay out of this, I can not promise I can keep you safe from them, nor can I promise as my current state shows, that in the heat of a battle, that I can keep you safe from me."

Again he turned to Johnathan.

"So go ahead, hit me with your worst words."
Re: School Courtyard

Athanasia laughed even harder as she grinned at Siphon, <Are you so petty and full of yourself that you truly believe that is what I'll do with this?> She put the vial safely away back into her uniform as she waved an arm, <If I cannot hurt you, then I'll simply kill all those around you! Just like how you tried to kill all of our... no not ours... my people.>

She slowly looks around as she looks up wistfully, almost happy, <I've modified a sample or two just in case it came to this. An airborne, waterborne pathogen, one that could even reduce lichs into blathering hungry undead. I wonder if it'll work on you? It'll certainly work on your friends...> She stops as she looks at Siphon, <Of course, it'll work on me too, but it's a small price to finally see justice being served.>
Re: School Courtyard

"Wait wait wait. How the Hell do you know my name? I'm pretty sure I've introduced myself after you left... Ah, nevermind." Jonathan shook his head. "Normally I'd love to chew you out, really, but right now I'm not in the best condition. Still, I find it hard to trust someone who can easily go on a murderous rampage and has enough power to fry everyone in the damn area. I previously wanted to say that you didn't look like someone who despises his vampiric side so much, considering how eager you were to use this unholy power. To put it shortly, I don't trust you - even though your life sucks more than I can imagine." He pointed at Athanasia with his thumb. "And by the way, what the Hell is she saying? I trust her even less that you, which is an achievement."
Re: School Courtyard

Though he didn't understand what was being said, Corax was certainly feeling the hostility between Siphon and Athanasia.

"ENOUGH, both of you. I'm not letting another fight break out here. And Siphon, it's as much my duty as yours to protect those around us, and I can assure you that neither you nor anyone else will pose any threat while I am present."

"Now, you had something you wanted to discuss?"
Re: School Courtyard

Siphon glared at Athanasia for a long moment before the blackness in his eyes faded.

"You won't bait me girl, and I am done with this conversation."

Turning to Coraxus he nodded.

"Yes, I believe the woods should be a good spot, if you have the time?"

Turning back to Johnathan for a moment, he regarded the man.

"I appreciate the honesty. Bear in mind, using said power, and how you use it are two different things. To be honest with you, I'm not sure I even trust myself. Oh and Johnathan, actually by myself without amplification, I couldn't have fried everyone. I'd never have been able to pull off getting them to back down if there hadn't been that lighting fixture there. It would have been a fight to the death otherwise. Just throwing that out there."

((Whenever your ready, make post in the woods Bartnum.))
Re: School Courtyard

"Eh... Whatever. At least that's one problem out of the window..." Jonathan sighed heavily. "Since it seems that no one needs me, I'm bailing. Got stuff to do, and all that. See ya... I guess." Bird began to walk away. He still had quite a lot to do and even more to think about. He set out towards the dorm, his expression locked in a deep frown. Not that it was unusual for him. Jonathan definitely needed to catch some "night". It seemed weird, but somehow staying in deep darkness helped him feel better... Or maybe just staying in sunlight made him feel worse than he was supposed to. Another mystery Bird didn't solve yet, and one he found particularly irritating for some reason.
Re: School Courtyard

Athanasia looked at Siphon before turning around, <I would have thought you at least cared a little about these people, but I am apparently wrong.> She shrugs as she walks off, <I will be setting off the virus tonight then, where? Well, you know how to find me.> She brightens a little as she waves to the people around in a friendly matter, cheerfully, "Nothing else to see here guys."
Re: School Courtyard

At Isabella's whisper, Grace tilts her head to her a little to say quietly back, "Don't worry, I can modify this barrier to block out just about anything. Just stay near me and even they can't touch you. Trust me." Her words sounding confident in her claims. Grace was still wary enough of the scene to maintain her cautionary defense. The hunters had gone, but Michelle, Siphon, and the disturbing woman spewing some form of hostile moonspeak still had her on edge just enough.

Ellisia remained where she was a little longer, tossing the sword down now but staying to listen. It was listening to Athanasia's private "discussion" with Siphon that she regretted not having heard more Alveran from Siphon before. The tiny mod-soul she was implanted with automatically translated a vast many languages for her, and even enabled her to speak in fluent English without having studied it before her arrival here some time back, but it simply couldn't help with an obscure language such as Alveran that her people had never heard spoken elsewhere. Whilst she couldn't understand Athanisia, the meagre interpretation her mod-soul was giving her wasn't a friendly one. She got the impression of both a highly specific hate, and a widespread disregard for something. Ellisia could only frown and wonder at the real meaning of it all.

As Athanasia turns to leave, so does Ellisia, but at first only as far as her bag which she had cast aside when she entered battle. She crouches beside it looks about, cursing quietly. "Where the hell is he?" Then withdrawing a small black disc shaped object from it, holding between both hands as she closes her eyes and seems to concentrate. Grace looks on from not far away, bemused at her supposedly alien room mate's latest curious act.

~'Harrel, I need you to stop whatever your doing and begin tracking the Alveran woman leaving the school grounds immediately. I will meet you soon at the north end of the Library building'~
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Re: School Courtyard

"M...Monster?" At Siphon's words Isabella hung her head low and her eyes began to well up with tears.

Monster. A word many people had used to describe her when they had learnt about her sketchbook and what it was capable of, and no matter how many times she was called it the word still hurt her more than anything else.

"M-maybe I am a monster...but I cant help what by book does when I'm in danger...I cant get rid of it no matter how hard I try..." Silent tears stream down Isabella's face as her head rests against Graces back, Graces words go unheard as Isabella takes a few steps back before turning around and breaking into a run in the direction of the girls dormitory.
Re: School Courtyard

"Huh? What, your not a..." Grace begins amazed that Isabella took Siphon's words like this, "Hey wait! Where..." She calls as the tearful girl leaves the area at her normal surprising speed. "Oh christ, not again. I don't get this." She mutters to herself, left looking over her shoulder, though then deciding to dispel the barrier anyway as she tries to understand. She suddenly remembers her very strange dream from the morning, in particular recalling how the man in it had called Isabella a monster as well. Grace grimaces in confusion. It was just too strange to be a coincidence. It hadn't felt like a normal dream either. Far too real, and she'd remembered everything so clearly. "Monster?"

Graces scratches the side of her head a bit, as she looks around the courtyard, and decides it's about time to get out of here. She wasn't sure what she was doing now, but there was no reason to hang around outside.
Re: School Courtyard

Athanasia whistles to herself as she returns to the courtyard. Looking around, she quickly moves to the position that Siphon was standing, then turning around to look at the tree where she had shot him from. She knelt by the grass as she gently probed the grass, carefully eying she blade of grass before taking out a small test tube and pulling out a few strands that had some of Siphon's unliving tissue on it. Looking around carefully, she takes out a vial and pops it open, dropping a few drops into the tube before sealing the two pieces of glass equipment and pocketing them both again. She would have to check the results later, for now, she was starting to feel a little peckish.
Re: School Courtyard

A tall and slim figure entered the school's courtyard.John gazed at the courtyard itself with his dark,green eyes as he progressed thowards the school ''Looks like there's no fountain here,it would have made things alot easier if something unwanted happened here".When he reached the building,he stopped and began looking at the building itself ''Why of all things i could remember from my past,this school is the only thing that subsisted?Somone in here has to be connected to what happened somehow...I really shouldn't be assuming things like this,anything is possible at this point".He stood there apparently lost in his thoughts.After 2 or more minutes John snapped out of his daydreaming "Im actually suposed to meet a certain person here,he or she is supposed to show me around the school grounds".

(You'l excuse me if i mispelled something in there,english isn't actually my first language.)
Re: School Courtyard

(Late Thursday night)

Jackson wandered his way out of G building shortly after his last class was done. As he walked he looked about the dark courtyard. His class had run really late which left him without any daylight to ready use for things outside. Didn't matter as mush today, however, as he was far more of night owl and still had no idea how the hell his arm had healed up. He walked till he was a about the center of the courtyard and sat down with his back to a tree and pulled his headphones out of his coat and relax as he put them in his ears. He didn't even brother to pull out his I Pod and just started the music while it was still in his pocket. He started look around noticing something seemed to be with a few people running past him without a glance. He started to tap his foot to the music as his eyes starts to wonder what was going on. However he gave it no mind before closing his eyes again and lost track of time as he listen to his music. For his time seemed to hold still as his music play but in truth hours past With out him even noticing.
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Re: School Courtyard

[Early Friday morning]

Grace and Ellisia arrive at the courtyard, walking quickly and talking as they go. The dawn starting to peek over the horizon at the mouth of the valley. They come to a stop, Ellisia looking thoughtful and focused as she looks towards the path leading to the boys dorms, whilst Grace remains nervous and flustered, glancing around the grounds as if she might just spot Isabella somehow.

A short while latter, though an unbearable wait to Grace, a hurried and tired looking figure comes into the courtyard. Harrel panting for breath slows down a second, before spotting the girls and breaks back into his worn out jog to meet them. Grace looks anxiously between the two, waiting to see what Harrel might be able to tell. Ellisia acknowledges her comrade as he stops beside them, "Thank you for coming promptly. Report?"

"One." He huffs out, raising an arm to point out down the valley. "I think it just reached the sea. It's pretty faint, I can't... quite make sense of it, but it's not human."

"The sea!? We have to go after it then!" Grace interjects before Ellisia can speak, looking ready to run the whole way there right now.

"If it's on the water already it's too late to catch up with it right now." Ellisia says looking ready to move but waiting on Harrel for more detail.

"Hang on, let me focus..." Harrel says slowing his breathing and disappearing into his minds eye. He frowns a little as he wrestles with the difficulty of pinpointing the suspect at such a long distance, "It... shit, just took off at high speed. It must surely be off the island now. I can't keep it... sorry, it's gone." He says opening his eyes and looking back, slightly startled by the look in Graces eyes almost suggesting she was about to attack him for saying such a thing. She nearly blurts out to demand he keep trying, but catches and controls herself. Noticing, Ellisia places a hand on Graces shoulder, "It's ok, we can still catch him."

"So what now then?" Grace pleads back to the two blonde foreigners helping her.

Ellisia looks to her assistant, "Harrel, did you get any clue as to what that was?"

"I was about to ask you." The young man replies crossing his arms, "But well, I really can't be certain, but it felt a lot like..." he says then hesitating, in the way someone does when they don't want to look bad making a wrong guess, but continues anyway realising the pettiness of such worries, "It felt like an Alveran. It was strange and distorted, but those guys are distinct enough to notice. Between that half dead guy and the strange chick, I think I've got down the base signature. Er, though again still, I could be mistaken..." He elaborates, yet adding the last part sheepishly.

"Alveran? I'd not heard of any more. That does seem pretty unlikely. It's not Siphon or Athanasia then?"

"No, I can tell them apart plenty well enough."

"And it was a hulking bastard that took Isabella, not that UFO hunting girl, I can tell you that much for certain." Grace adds. Not long after saying so though, her eyes light up as she remembers something. "The tattoo! I said I didn't but I do recognise it! Siphon has the same one! That one he keeps hiden most of the time, you know it?"

"I didn't think you'd seen that. No matter, Harrel?" The name said in an enquiring tone again.

"No, I am certain, it's definitely not him. He's still on school grounds."

"Very well. Then I say Siphon is our next stop. Can you lead on?" Ellisia says to Harrel.

"Of course, please follow me then ladies." He responds as he concentrates for a second to locate Siphon, and then moves to set off, "Though would you care to fill me in on the way, about why I was shocked awake by an urgent mental relay and called out here?"

Grace blinks at Harrels words, assuming it was something to do with how Ellisia summoned him over here, but had other things on her mind and falls in step behind them.
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Re: School Courtyard

((Gonna go ahead and get back on in here.))
[Early Friday morning]

Gabriel, who had been out on the grounds for a dawn jog in his cargo pants and sweater, notices the group congregating in the courtyard, then ducking behind a tree. He raises his left hand to check his watch, and noted he has enough time to investigate and try to at least learn something about his students before his classes start. He lowers his arm and peeks his head out to watch them, ready to follow them as they leave.
Re: School Courtyard

[Early Friday morning]

Jackson opened his eyes to see the sun starting to show it's self. He looked to his watch and say it was in fact the morning so with that fact he figured he must have fallen asleep out here. Odd he get better sleep outside next to a tree then on his bed. He push himself off the ground and starts to move to head back to his room before classes starts but stops at the sight of the group of three heading to the boy's dorm.

He knew at least two of the three he had seen back in the fight with that knight. The thought of him only brought Jack to look down at the arm without thinking. After lifting his head back to the group he decided it might be better to get to know more people then to be a loner like he had been.

He started to walk faster to catch up with the group. Now his mind started to wonder why the girls might be going to the boy's dorm so he calls out.

"Something wrong?" He called out hoping he was interrupting anything.