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G Building

Re: G Building

"Yes of course, that would be fine. I'm here to help if there's something I can do." Ellisia replies.

Grace sighs, but casts Siphon a tired looking grin, "Yeah, that might be good. I've got dibs on all the freaky occult things going on around here now." She jokes.

Both currently unaware of the tussle going on outside.
Re: G Building

Siphon half smiled at her joke, when suddenly a sharp warning jolt hit him.

"Crap ... they found her. Divine magic in the air, god that really does sting. Shit, gotta run, I'd say don't follow me, but you probably will anyway, so ... good luck keeping up."

Moving to the door, he opened it and after a few steps accelerated to inhuman speed, vanishing quickly before anyone else could actually see him do so.
Re: G Building

((Little time-warpy here to make sure a few characters are suitably distracted while other things are going on. This is before all the fights and the conversations, at least until we can get these two on track.))

"Hoping to run into Ian, hmmm?" Sho teases as she and Aya enter the cafeteria. "Maybe we'll just have to arrange that."

The two of them slide into line and gather up their dinner plates, Sho humming something that Aya might not recognize, but it seems to contain a good bit of short notes, one right after another.

Once the meal is paid for, Sho leads them around, looking for a place to sit. She breaks into a grin and makes a beeline for one of the tables with a "Hey, we're in luck. There's an open one," to Aya.

Of course, when they get there, the table isn't exactly unoccupied. Sho steps aside, letting Aya come up on the table first, actually, only to find that the "empty" table has an Australian sitting in one of the chairs. The dark-haired girl smirks, especially at Ian's startled look when he raises his eyes.

"Shoni. Aya." He actually stands up to help them into their chairs, though it seems a more nervous gesture than anything. "How are ya this evenin'?"

Sho just smirks over to Aya and turns an innocent eye toward her dinner.
Re: G Building

Aya didn't say much back as they entered the place, her stomach protesting that it was hungry a bit too much for her to concentrate. However, when Ian spoke, and was spotted, a definite smile crossed her lips.

"Hi. Doing alright tonight, just really hungry. What about you?"

They both might be able to tell that she was just slightly red in the face, but hiding it pretty well.
Re: G Building

Simon's shadow was roaring in his mind. He stood atop G-Building having been watching from the open rooftop. The tension was lethal. He dared barely move right now, for fear of what his shadow would do to anyone that came even remotely near him right now. He needed to very carefully get away from here and out of the school untill it hopefully calmed down.

(exit simon)
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Re: G Building

Sho's content to be perfectly non-existant at this point, her attention more on the others than eavesdropping on the other two.

"Bettah, now." Ian replies with a little bit of a smile. He might be encouraging the blush, but then again, he's usually too much of a gentleman to tease her outright.
Re: G Building

"Good, good. So ... Sho tells me you wanted to see me?"

She smiled just a bit here, casually taking a bite of her food as her eyes settled on him.
Re: G Building

Ian winces a little, shooting a glare at the dark-haired girl, who, since she's not paying attention to the couple, doesn't see it.

"Was hopin' she might have just told ya, but, heah." He takes out a folded piece of paper, the note that Siphon had left with him. "Sho told me she pretty much found out about all that says and Ah was hopin' she'd have told'ja already, but if she hasn't or if she forgot," he pitches his voice a little louder, resulting in the brunette making a face at him. "Anyway, this is fer you ta read. Outside of that, y'know, always good ta have yer company."
Re: G Building

Aya gently took the note from him, reading through it twice to be sure she hadn't missed anything.

"Well ... I honestly can't say that I'm surprised. I was afraid with the rumors I had heard that this would happen. Ian, there's nothing you could have done to stop him even if you had wanted to. If he is what I think he is now, honestly ... There's very few of us who can single handedly stop something like that."

She trailed off for a long minute or two, picking at her food, then looked up to him.

"So you like my company hmm? Well, I like yours too you know."
Re: G Building

"Well, it's Siphon. Hopefully there won't be a need to 'stop something like that,'" comes from Sho. Seems she's not as oblivious to their conversation as she's making out to be.

Ian shrugs a little. "Ah don't think it was a question of stoppin' him. Just, y'know, he kinda dumped that on me, ta tell you two. Ah can see his reasons, but still..." The silence drifted a bit, both of them sort of poking around at their plates, at least until Aya started speaking again.

"Ah kinda had an idea, but always good ta hear it, right from the source, as they say." He grins a little. "You two up ta anythin' after dinnah?" The question seems a little more directed at Aya, but he's not rude.
Re: G Building

Aya paused for a moment, then shook her head.

"I can't think of anything no. You have something in mind?"

This was said with the barest hint of a smile on her face.
Re: G Building

After the bell rang for the end of the last period for the day Emily made her way straight to the G Building in the hopes of getting something to eat. Fortunately for her and her appetite the queue wasn't too long so she only had to wait several minutes before being served.

Once she had gotten her lunch, a plain burger and a cone of fries, she made her way back out of the building. The odd person unlucky enough to make eye contact with Emily quickly scurried into the G Building as she ate her food.
Re: G Building

Heading toward G Building to fetch some dinner, Ellisia walked along the path with Harrel in tow casually talking on the way. Spotting Emily coming out and turning in the opposite direction, Ellisia stops and considers for a moment. Dinner could wait, she wanted to find out what this girl had wanted to meet her about and apologise for missing it. "Hang on a bit." She says to Harrel, breaking off to run up to a short distance behind Emily and speaking up with a gesture to try and get her attention. "Hey, excuse me. You wanted to see me yesterday. I'm sorry for not coming, something came up." She starts, then waiting to see how the girl would reply. She couldn't think of what this could possibly be about.
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Re: G Building

Jonathan entered the cafeteria. The lessons weren't particularly exhausting today, but for some reason he was feeling tired. Maybe it was because of the sun - he tended to lose energy faster when exposed to light. The young student grabbed lunch for himself, then moved to one of the corners of the room and began to eat after finding a good place at one of the tables.
Re: G Building

Emily's ears perked up at the sound of the approaching voice, then recognising it as Ellisia's she turns slowly to look at the woman, her eyes narrowing slightly.

"Yeah I bet something did..." Emily mutters quietly to herself before Ellisia gets too close. "You, you're one of the ones who beat my brother, correct? Emily folds her arms over her chest, in what could only be described as her trying to be intimidating. "And am I also right in assuming you're one of the stronger female fighters?"
Re: G Building

"Brother...?" Ellisia mouths quietly to herself as she thinks, "You mean Artemis?" She enquires, taking Emily's expression as a yes. "Ahh. It's tragic that he ended up this way. Though yes, I was a key participant in that fight." She answers, not elaborating yet, as she was unsure of how much this young girl knew of what had happened.
Re: G Building

"Drop the sympathy," Emily says angrily, her arms unfolding and dropping to her side, her hands balled into fists and crushing the burger wrapper. "Be both know the battle would've ended one of two ways, and I know Art wouldn't have wanted it any other way if it meant his friends getting hurt." A moments pause then, "Even with the results."

"What I don't get though," Emily continues, still glaring at Ellisia. "Is how anyone but me could beat Art. Though there is another reason why I needed to see you. My mother gave me a letter to give to you. Though there's one condition," Emily now grins, and holding up her hand clutching the burger wrapper the air begins to slowly wave, as if the temperature in that area was quickly heating up. The grease proof paper gradually blackened, curled, then finally flaked off into pieces and dropped to the floor. "If you want that letter, then you have to fight me for it. I want to see how you beat Art after all."
Re: G Building

(Note to Siphon, El & Em are talking outside on the path running alongside G Building.)

Ellisia blinks, a little taken aback by Emily's demeanour, but quickly returns to listening plainly to what she had to say. Her eyes visibly take note of the smouldering burger wrapper, before closing as she dips her head and crosses her arms. Looking back to the Wingate girl she sighs and speaks. "Very well. If that's what you wish, I'll fight. Do you have a location? I'm ready now." She answers. She was a little uneasy about the idea, since she neither wanted to harm the girl if she truly wanted to see Ellisia's abilities, nor did she want to needlessly risk injury during a time when external threats still loomed. Though the girl's brother was in a coma, if this was perhaps her way of coping, Ellisia felt she could at least grant the girl this. She was concerned about fighting someone so young, and someone who had requested a serious combat too. Though if her line about being able to beat Art was any more than a boast, Ellisia would have to take this seriously.
Re: G Building

"The forest will do," Emily turns to head towards the forest, knowing exactly where they'll be able to fight without any distractions.
Re: G Building

Ellisia simply nods before turning to Harrel who was standing somewhat bemused a short way back. "Sorry, go ahead and have dinner without me, I gotta go." She says before heading off to follow Emily. Harrel waves and continues into the building looking a little disappointed. "She stands me up to go beat up a kid? What kind of knight is that? Oh well."

... Reaching the doors he stops and looks toward the cafeteria, then back out side. "Dammit, she had the money..."